Why starve your heart muscle? Statins not only reduce Cholesterol but they also reduce CoQ10, the very thing that helps your heart keep going.
My history shown here, is only a preamble to the stories and knowledge presented in the videos referred to at the end. However, there is nothing like actual experience to make a point.
Very early on, over 20 years ago, I had resisted taking Statin medication; my total Cholesterol, at the time, was 257 (normal was 225 then), and my doctor was very persistent, to the point that finally I had to fire him. Per his opinion, I was not respecting his professional advice. His own nurse told me, at the time, find yourself another doctor, which I did. My new doctor while also pushing Statins, was more subtle about it, and respected my refusal, without feeling insulted by it.
For a while, my total Cholesterol numbers fluctuated between 199 and 232; my calculated LDL numbers ranged from 128 to 163. What enforced my stand against Statins, was the fact that my HDL ratio numbers were normal, and that was good. At the same time, I decided that with the help of my wife, I could improve my overall health by making some permanent changes to my diet. Today, I no longer eat Beef, avoid manufactured oils of any kind, increased consumption of virgin cold-pressed Olive oil, and introduced natural oils like Coconut and Avocado oils. Coconut oil was very much maligned by the oil industries in order to sell their unhealthy products, loaded with omega 6 fatty acids, when in reality we should be consuming more Omega 3 essential fatty acids. Also, for the last few years we have reduced the amount of gluten we consume, and now eat only organic vegetables, fish and fowl.
Last August my total Cholesterol number was 173, my calculated LDL was 109, and my Triglycerides number was 58 (less than 150 is normal), and that all without taking any Statins. From my own research I learned that had I taken Statins all these years, I would be, at best, probably in bad shape, and in the worse case would push Daisy flowers from 6 feet under. I share my story with you to make you better understand what good doctors are trying to tell us about the dangers of these drugs.
If you (or a loved one) take Statins, and truly want to live a healthier and longer life you owe it to yourself to watch or share the videos, by following the links, in order, shown below. These videos may appear, at first, similar but they are not, so please watch them both to the end, for maximum knowledge.
The following was taken from the first link shown below.
"Film Synopsis:
We are told that cholesterol is a major cause of heart disease. At
least 40 million people are currently taking cholesterol-lowering
medications, known as statins, and millions more people are avoiding
foods that contain saturated fat and cholesterol.
The basic idea is that dietary saturated fat raises cholesterol
levels, and these two substances somehow clog-up our arteries, causing a
heart attack. This idea is often referred to as the diet-heart
However, a numbers of doctors and researchers have been challenging
this hypothesis for decades, and the latest heart disease statistics
reveal some alarming facts. Such as:
● People with high cholesterol tend to live longer
● People with heart disease tend to have low levels of cholesterol
● Cholesterol-lowering of a population does not reduce the rate of heart disease
In addition, despite their widespread use, and description as “wonder
drugs” statin medications do not extend life for the majority of people
who take them.
Cholesterol-lowering has become a huge global industry, generating at
least $29 billion each year. Have the facts about heart disease,
cholesterol and cholesterol medications been distorted by pharmaceutical
companies and food manufacturers keen to increase their profits?
If the focus on cholesterol has been a mistake, then the greatest
cost is associated with the lost opportunity to tackle heart disease."
Social and environmental issues, affecting the USA and the world around us, which also impacts us, are our concerns. In 2011 we prevented a 'Waste Processing Facility/Incinerator' from being built upwind and 700 yards or less from Ainakea (Hawaii) homes in favor of the residents involved. This Blog is protected by the 'First Amendment Of The US Constitution', and Section 230 of Title 47 of the 'United States Code'... (47 USC § 230).
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Sunday, December 23, 2018
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Nothing Sells Better Than B. S.
Again and again we find out that some celebrated reporters were producing fake news, to what end is often a mystery. In the case at hand, Claas Relotius was working for the well-known German Spiegel (Mirror), and received awards over several years for his fiction news writing, including the German Reporter Award in 2013, 20015, 2016 and 2018, CNN's Journalist of the year in 2014 and the European Press Prize in 2017, as shown in "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claas_Relotius"
BBC's news article shown in "https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46624297" gives more details.
What boggles my mind is that it took so long to expose this fake news architect; it clearly shows that the reading public is easily bamboozled, and only too willing to accept lies as facts, as long as the media of the world presents it as that. These days, we, the reading public, are conflicted not only by fake news but also by 'Spin Doctors' writing their stories with bias for or against an entity, to please the publisher's political orientation. One might ask, why bother with the news anyway? I venture to say, by all means, read and watch as much news you can stomach but be very skeptical.
BBC's news article shown in "https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46624297" gives more details.
What boggles my mind is that it took so long to expose this fake news architect; it clearly shows that the reading public is easily bamboozled, and only too willing to accept lies as facts, as long as the media of the world presents it as that. These days, we, the reading public, are conflicted not only by fake news but also by 'Spin Doctors' writing their stories with bias for or against an entity, to please the publisher's political orientation. One might ask, why bother with the news anyway? I venture to say, by all means, read and watch as much news you can stomach but be very skeptical.
Friday, December 7, 2018
Who Protects Us From Foreign Agents And Their US Recruits?
Very seldom, these days, do we come across good investigative reporting, for the most part the media of the world have become the mouthpiece of those that have an agenda, which needs to be propagandized, at all costs. It is therefore very refreshing to find this kind of reporting that is not afraid to ruffle the feathers of a very powerful lobby. You owe it to yourself to watch these videos shown below, it will be time well spent.
The links shown below (provided to me by Dr. John), when followed, will open your eyes regarding the effort put forward by agents of a foreign government, to discredit and intimidate US citizens for speaking out against gross injustices inflicted by their country.
The standard method for squelching just outcries for justice is to discredit the messenger and thereby discredit his or her message. From my own experience I know, this technique is not new, the Nazis used it quite successfully for many years, and surely other rogue nations have used it as well.
What makes these reports/videos, referenced below, so credible is the fact that the culprits are on camera and thus their aims are verbalized by them, eliminating any doubt as to their true intentions.
I can only imagine what more drastic acts may be carried out when dealing with really major issues; can mayhem be ruled out?
The Lobby Part 1
The Lobby Part2
The Lobby Part3
The Lobby Part4
Personally, I have a hard time to accept the veracity of two books emanating from a country, where God, apparently, had ordered this nation, in one of them, to destroy innocent lives of men, women, children and beasts, in order take lands which were not theirs. From my point of view, self-serving spin appears to be the specialty of the people to this day.
The links shown below (provided to me by Dr. John), when followed, will open your eyes regarding the effort put forward by agents of a foreign government, to discredit and intimidate US citizens for speaking out against gross injustices inflicted by their country.
The standard method for squelching just outcries for justice is to discredit the messenger and thereby discredit his or her message. From my own experience I know, this technique is not new, the Nazis used it quite successfully for many years, and surely other rogue nations have used it as well.
What makes these reports/videos, referenced below, so credible is the fact that the culprits are on camera and thus their aims are verbalized by them, eliminating any doubt as to their true intentions.
I can only imagine what more drastic acts may be carried out when dealing with really major issues; can mayhem be ruled out?
The Lobby Part 1
The Lobby Part2
The Lobby Part3
The Lobby Part4
Personally, I have a hard time to accept the veracity of two books emanating from a country, where God, apparently, had ordered this nation, in one of them, to destroy innocent lives of men, women, children and beasts, in order take lands which were not theirs. From my point of view, self-serving spin appears to be the specialty of the people to this day.
Monday, September 3, 2018
September 11 (9/11) Truth - Perhaps
Another anniversary is coming up, and I hope that this time the truth will try to get out of the locked metal box, so to speak.
Candidate Trump on 15 February 2016, now our President, was speaking to an enthusiastic crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina; he promised, at that time, that he would find out, and inform the American people “who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” There is no guaranty that the President will keep his promise, is not prevented from doing so, or is reading from a script prepared for him by people fearing their exposure.
I for one will not want to miss that speech, should it take place. I am among the many engineering types, who do not belief, but know that the heat generated by jet-fuel cannot melt steel, as the official story is still trying to convince the nation of this mission impossible.
Our nation has for far too long insisted on being in a self-induced coma, from it must sooner or later come out of, if we want to save our already shaky democracy and our civil liberty. We cannot allow mass murder, for the sake of financial gain, to go unpunished, this is an existential matter. Just as children have the right to learn in safe schools, so have the workers, the right to work in safe places, without being blown up, just because these structures were condemned and had to come down anyway. See, quote below and link to website!
"The two most shocking memoranda reveal that the WTC was condemned by 1989 and all parties including the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the Mayor of New York City knew the buildings would have to be brought down at a cost of $2B"
At the towers, it is said 2,606 people were killed, each of them saved somebody $767,459. Apparently, the new owner, Larry Silverstein, took out an insurance policy just a short time before the towers came down, of course this was just a coincident.
If you are looking for a motif read the article, by Kevin Barrett, to which the link below points.
More interesting reading can be found when following this link.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Hero Or Songbird?
Most ex-military personnel that I have watched on TV, or spoken with are against the idea of conducting foreign wars for the underlying benefit of material things, like oil, pipe-lines and other commodities. By definition, these are certainly not existential wars, as far as the U.S. is concerned. Therefore, I found it strange that a man, who was a prisoner of war (POW), who was supposedly tortured would always advocate for wars in various places around the world.
Today, I came across a video, thanks to Dr. John, about John McCain that can put things into perspective. Please follow the links below. Apparently, these recording of John McCain making a prisoner propaganda statement for North Vietnamese radio in 1969 became public due to being misfiled, and were released by accident.
After I saw the video and listened to the voice recording of John McCain, kissing up to his captors in a big way; the text of which was surely dictated by his jailers. One would have to consider two alternatives for why McCain gave this performance, 1) he was a Communist sympathizer or 2) there was a man scared to death, willing to do anything to stay alive, even perhaps sell out US positions, etc. The second option is the most likely reason for his compliance. It is not a far stretch to imagine that a man in this situation and frame of mind was willing to give anything within his power to prevent torture and/or his death. In any event, this is not the behavior of a hero, this is a behavior of a scared individual, who acted not unlike, perhaps, many of us would in the same situation.
I would venture to say that 99.73% (6 standard deviations under the famous Gaussian-Bell Curve) of us would listen to the message of the survival instinct and act accordingly. Now, there are 0.27% of us who would not do as McCain did, they would simply not do it for any price, now these are the statistical mavericks, the outliers as Statisticians call them, and these would be the heroes we love to hear and read about. One thing is for sure McCain was not among these, he was scared to dead, if not the first option mentioned above would apply, which I reject as not being a viable conclusion.
After much public pressure, was in 1991 a bill approved, known as the 'McCain Bill', which made a face-saving effort only; this bill did not provide for the unconditional release of heretofore classified material. In fact, as is shown below it took a lackluster search for POW and MIA families, and with a fabricated percentage of only 26.8%, as shown below, they decided that families did not give consent for the release of this vital information.
http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/pow/pdf/McCain_bill.pdf (Dec. 1991)
This bill contains a lot of verbiage, but it does not address the key issue, namely full disclosure to the public.
https://fas.org/irp/congress/1993_rpt/pow-exec.html - Report of the Senate Select Committee.
"Our people, and especially our POW/MIA families, have a right to know all that it is possible to know about the fate of their fellow countrymen and loved ones. This Committee, with strong public support, has pressed both our government and foreign governments to add to that knowledge--through the declassification of documents, response to hard questions, access to archives and eyewitness accounts. A process has been established that will permit timely, in-country investigations of evidence that live Americans remain in captivity. The search for remains and other evidence that could bring certainty to families is ongoing. More people are now employed and working full time on the POW/MIA issue than at any time since the end of the war, almost 20 years ago. America is finally being allowed to do what it should have been able to do long ago."
Doing further research, I learned that the Senator and others had blocked the release of information those families of POWs so desperately screamed for, without success. Yes, John McCain and others apparently blocked the declassification of information on POWs and MIAs for many many years, information that is still blocked today, information the release of which the House and other Senators supported. But apparently the relevant Select Committee voted against the release. The apparent reason given was to protect the privacy of the POWs; protect their privacy from their families?
The following links lead to must read article about McCain.
The article of the link below speaks to the character of McCain; according to sources, he was known for his violent outburst, and his demeaning manner towards others, at times to families of POW or MIA, the very people he should have had great empathy, which apparently he had not. He seemed more concerned with maintaining his public image of a great patriot, which in his heart he must have known, he was not. Psychology teaches us that such exaggerated behavior is the typical overcompensation of a weakness perceived by an individual, namely being a coward on the inside. Other examples of this overcompensation exist, I remember the story of a well known politician, who was very outspoken against homosexuality, only to be discovered of being a homosexual himself.
Alfred Adler, who coined the phrase 'compensation' said it best.
'If people feel inferior and weak in one area, they try to compensate for it somewhere else.'
In the case at hand, here McCain, apparently, knowing of his own lack of 'Patriotism', while a POW, constantly defends with vigor and aggressiveness against any perceived doubt by others.
The text quoted below speaks volumes, and confirms Adler's theory.
"One such witness was Dolores Apodaca Alfond, chairwoman of the National Alliance of Families, an all-volunteer MIA organization. Her pilot brother, Capt. Victor J. Apodaca, out of the Air Force Academy, was shot down over Dong Hoi, North Vietnam, in the early evening of June 8, 1967."
"Alfond’s testimony, at a hearing of the POW/MIA committee Nov. 11, 1992, was revealing"
"But McCain, having been advised of Alfond’s testimony, suddenly rushed into the room to confront her. His face angry and his voice very loud, he accused her of making "“allegations … that are patently and totally false and deceptive.”" Making a fist, he shook his index finger at her and said she had insulted an emissary to Vietnam sent by President Bush. He said she had insulted other MIA families with her remarks. And then he said, through clenched teeth: “And I am sick and tired of you insulting mine and other people’s [patriotism] who happen to have different views than yours.”
In the final analysis, McCain's father, John S. McCain Jr. was an Admiral and, apparently, history could not stomach the idea that here was an Apple that fell too far from the trunk, therefore history rewrote itself.
When we elevate the wrong people to the position of Hero, we do a disservice to society, and in particular give the wrong impression to our impressionable young generation, which often wants to emulate heroes. Heroes cannot be linked to human cruelty, deceit, cowardice behavior or acts, etc.
Today, I came across a video, thanks to Dr. John, about John McCain that can put things into perspective. Please follow the links below. Apparently, these recording of John McCain making a prisoner propaganda statement for North Vietnamese radio in 1969 became public due to being misfiled, and were released by accident.
After I saw the video and listened to the voice recording of John McCain, kissing up to his captors in a big way; the text of which was surely dictated by his jailers. One would have to consider two alternatives for why McCain gave this performance, 1) he was a Communist sympathizer or 2) there was a man scared to death, willing to do anything to stay alive, even perhaps sell out US positions, etc. The second option is the most likely reason for his compliance. It is not a far stretch to imagine that a man in this situation and frame of mind was willing to give anything within his power to prevent torture and/or his death. In any event, this is not the behavior of a hero, this is a behavior of a scared individual, who acted not unlike, perhaps, many of us would in the same situation.
I would venture to say that 99.73% (6 standard deviations under the famous Gaussian-Bell Curve) of us would listen to the message of the survival instinct and act accordingly. Now, there are 0.27% of us who would not do as McCain did, they would simply not do it for any price, now these are the statistical mavericks, the outliers as Statisticians call them, and these would be the heroes we love to hear and read about. One thing is for sure McCain was not among these, he was scared to dead, if not the first option mentioned above would apply, which I reject as not being a viable conclusion.
After much public pressure, was in 1991 a bill approved, known as the 'McCain Bill', which made a face-saving effort only; this bill did not provide for the unconditional release of heretofore classified material. In fact, as is shown below it took a lackluster search for POW and MIA families, and with a fabricated percentage of only 26.8%, as shown below, they decided that families did not give consent for the release of this vital information.
http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/pow/pdf/McCain_bill.pdf (Dec. 1991)
This bill contains a lot of verbiage, but it does not address the key issue, namely full disclosure to the public.
McCain Bill does not specifically direct declassification. Its
pro-release intent does, however, imply such action to make the
information available to the public. Compliance with the PNOK's
non-consent does limit the Government's ability to release publicly all
information containing T-L-C data
that is declassified."
record shows that 2266 consent request were mailed to families of POWs
and MIAs, 366 replied with no consent, 243 did not reply, and were
therefore considered as no consent; that was easy. Accordingly, the
questionable combined percentage was only 26.8 % of the total requests
mailed, and this small percentage was used as excuse for not coming
clean and provide the information sought by family members and the
public at large. What a charade?https://fas.org/irp/congress/1993_rpt/pow-exec.html - Report of the Senate Select Committee.
"Our people, and especially our POW/MIA families, have a right to know all that it is possible to know about the fate of their fellow countrymen and loved ones. This Committee, with strong public support, has pressed both our government and foreign governments to add to that knowledge--through the declassification of documents, response to hard questions, access to archives and eyewitness accounts. A process has been established that will permit timely, in-country investigations of evidence that live Americans remain in captivity. The search for remains and other evidence that could bring certainty to families is ongoing. More people are now employed and working full time on the POW/MIA issue than at any time since the end of the war, almost 20 years ago. America is finally being allowed to do what it should have been able to do long ago."
Doing further research, I learned that the Senator and others had blocked the release of information those families of POWs so desperately screamed for, without success. Yes, John McCain and others apparently blocked the declassification of information on POWs and MIAs for many many years, information that is still blocked today, information the release of which the House and other Senators supported. But apparently the relevant Select Committee voted against the release. The apparent reason given was to protect the privacy of the POWs; protect their privacy from their families?
The following links lead to must read article about McCain.
The article of the link below speaks to the character of McCain; according to sources, he was known for his violent outburst, and his demeaning manner towards others, at times to families of POW or MIA, the very people he should have had great empathy, which apparently he had not. He seemed more concerned with maintaining his public image of a great patriot, which in his heart he must have known, he was not. Psychology teaches us that such exaggerated behavior is the typical overcompensation of a weakness perceived by an individual, namely being a coward on the inside. Other examples of this overcompensation exist, I remember the story of a well known politician, who was very outspoken against homosexuality, only to be discovered of being a homosexual himself.
Alfred Adler, who coined the phrase 'compensation' said it best.
'If people feel inferior and weak in one area, they try to compensate for it somewhere else.'
In the case at hand, here McCain, apparently, knowing of his own lack of 'Patriotism', while a POW, constantly defends with vigor and aggressiveness against any perceived doubt by others.
The text quoted below speaks volumes, and confirms Adler's theory.
"One such witness was Dolores Apodaca Alfond, chairwoman of the National Alliance of Families, an all-volunteer MIA organization. Her pilot brother, Capt. Victor J. Apodaca, out of the Air Force Academy, was shot down over Dong Hoi, North Vietnam, in the early evening of June 8, 1967."
"Alfond’s testimony, at a hearing of the POW/MIA committee Nov. 11, 1992, was revealing"
"But McCain, having been advised of Alfond’s testimony, suddenly rushed into the room to confront her. His face angry and his voice very loud, he accused her of making "“allegations … that are patently and totally false and deceptive.”" Making a fist, he shook his index finger at her and said she had insulted an emissary to Vietnam sent by President Bush. He said she had insulted other MIA families with her remarks. And then he said, through clenched teeth: “And I am sick and tired of you insulting mine and other people’s [patriotism] who happen to have different views than yours.”
In the final analysis, McCain's father, John S. McCain Jr. was an Admiral and, apparently, history could not stomach the idea that here was an Apple that fell too far from the trunk, therefore history rewrote itself.
When we elevate the wrong people to the position of Hero, we do a disservice to society, and in particular give the wrong impression to our impressionable young generation, which often wants to emulate heroes. Heroes cannot be linked to human cruelty, deceit, cowardice behavior or acts, etc.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Media At War - Acts Confrontational and Disrespectful
More and more we see evidence that the media, in general, is taking Trump's calculated anti-media comments far too seriously, even personal, to the point that all personnel working with or for the President are fair game and can be treated with disrespect. They often fail to treat each such a person according to their stature as an individual. They are not necessarily joined at the hip with Trump and deserve to be treated with courtesy in a non aggressive manner. Who are these inconsiderate reporters? Who are these individuals who shout their aggressive questions from afar for a human being after all. Their mannerism can be likened to a shouting dog owner, who is very unhappy with his pet, for whatever reason.
I selected Kellyanne Conway, to make my point, being the spokesperson for the president, and it seems to me, she is punished by the media for doing her job; the same applies to our press-secretary. Reporters ask her a question, and then when they don't like where the reply is going, they rudely interrupt and become abusive. They no longer wait for the person to finish answering but interject themselves in a brute manner. Like an attorney, she is paid to protect the president and the office of the president of the United States. What is so difficult in understanding this clear mandate any of the people have working in the administration. There are polite ways to conduct an interview, why not use them? Please see one video example below.
Here are a few video examples to make my point.
An example of a more civil video interview.
When somebody asks a question to which the questioner already knows the answer, what is the purpose? You are right, it is often to publicly embarrass the person questioned. What does this say about the questioner? The questioner (a reporter, in this case, whose job it is to elicit information) is not trying to gain newsworthy information, but is trying to make a negative point.
I found an article which deals with an interview of Walter Cronkite in the '60s, an Icon in the world of reporting. Ref. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/newswar/interviews/cronkite.html
The following is quoted from the article referenced above.
Back in the '60s Walter Cronkite wrote, "The Nixon administration related to the press was based on a simple formula. If you could bring down the press's credibility, it might improve his credibility."
The interviewer then asked, " What was that like ... when you heard the attack from the Nixon administration?" Cronkite answered as follows.
"Oh, I don't know. I don't think that it sent any of us crying out of the room exactly. We expected it. Very shortly after he began to attack the press, we understood that that was a certain attitude that the man had towards the press, The fact that he would occasionally make us the target, make me the target was not bothersome. That's the way he is going to react to almost anything we do. We're not going to satisfy him, and that wasn't our job to satisfy him.
That's one of the things that must be kept in mind, that we have no obligation to our subjects, particularly political subjects, who are going to use whatever they can get hold of to further their own cause of getting re-elected. No matter what their job, whether you as a president being re-elected or a congressman or a city councilman, they all work on the same principle. The principle is that if they feel they're in any way being offended by the press and embarrassed by the press, they're going to retort, come back at you. That's their defense mode. So we live that way. Yeah, that's the business."
The article goes on making reference to a confrontation between Nixon and Dan Rather, during which Nixon asked Rather, "Are you running for office?" Cronkite jumped right in.
"Yeah, sure. And Rather answers back: "No. Are you?" Yeah. That is a little bit sharper than most television journalists would play a politician, an officeholder. I think that that was a little disrespectful. He's the president of the United States. ... That hit me the wrong way at that moment. ... I felt that Rather was lowering himself in doing that, in trying to bandy around with the president of the United States. It seemed a little out of step."
Unfortunately, today the president of the United States is fair game to be publicly embarrassed and insulted by just about anyone, be it a biased or rude reporter, commentator, or a celebrity of some kind. What these individuals, doing so, do not realize that if we at home do not respect the office of the president of the United States, how can other nations do any different? In fairness, our current president invites this kind of behavior by using the Twitter platform and political rallies to make unpresidential comments about others. However, two wrongs do not make a right. When somebody rolls in the mud, it does not mean one has to join in; whoever does so only lowers himself/herself.
It is very sad that civility in the public arena appears to be dead, at least in our country; it's return is very doubtful.
I selected Kellyanne Conway, to make my point, being the spokesperson for the president, and it seems to me, she is punished by the media for doing her job; the same applies to our press-secretary. Reporters ask her a question, and then when they don't like where the reply is going, they rudely interrupt and become abusive. They no longer wait for the person to finish answering but interject themselves in a brute manner. Like an attorney, she is paid to protect the president and the office of the president of the United States. What is so difficult in understanding this clear mandate any of the people have working in the administration. There are polite ways to conduct an interview, why not use them? Please see one video example below.
Here are a few video examples to make my point.
An example of a more civil video interview.
When somebody asks a question to which the questioner already knows the answer, what is the purpose? You are right, it is often to publicly embarrass the person questioned. What does this say about the questioner? The questioner (a reporter, in this case, whose job it is to elicit information) is not trying to gain newsworthy information, but is trying to make a negative point.
I found an article which deals with an interview of Walter Cronkite in the '60s, an Icon in the world of reporting. Ref. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/newswar/interviews/cronkite.html
The following is quoted from the article referenced above.
Back in the '60s Walter Cronkite wrote, "The Nixon administration related to the press was based on a simple formula. If you could bring down the press's credibility, it might improve his credibility."
The interviewer then asked, " What was that like ... when you heard the attack from the Nixon administration?" Cronkite answered as follows.
"Oh, I don't know. I don't think that it sent any of us crying out of the room exactly. We expected it. Very shortly after he began to attack the press, we understood that that was a certain attitude that the man had towards the press, The fact that he would occasionally make us the target, make me the target was not bothersome. That's the way he is going to react to almost anything we do. We're not going to satisfy him, and that wasn't our job to satisfy him.
That's one of the things that must be kept in mind, that we have no obligation to our subjects, particularly political subjects, who are going to use whatever they can get hold of to further their own cause of getting re-elected. No matter what their job, whether you as a president being re-elected or a congressman or a city councilman, they all work on the same principle. The principle is that if they feel they're in any way being offended by the press and embarrassed by the press, they're going to retort, come back at you. That's their defense mode. So we live that way. Yeah, that's the business."
The article goes on making reference to a confrontation between Nixon and Dan Rather, during which Nixon asked Rather, "Are you running for office?" Cronkite jumped right in.
"Yeah, sure. And Rather answers back: "No. Are you?" Yeah. That is a little bit sharper than most television journalists would play a politician, an officeholder. I think that that was a little disrespectful. He's the president of the United States. ... That hit me the wrong way at that moment. ... I felt that Rather was lowering himself in doing that, in trying to bandy around with the president of the United States. It seemed a little out of step."
Unfortunately, today the president of the United States is fair game to be publicly embarrassed and insulted by just about anyone, be it a biased or rude reporter, commentator, or a celebrity of some kind. What these individuals, doing so, do not realize that if we at home do not respect the office of the president of the United States, how can other nations do any different? In fairness, our current president invites this kind of behavior by using the Twitter platform and political rallies to make unpresidential comments about others. However, two wrongs do not make a right. When somebody rolls in the mud, it does not mean one has to join in; whoever does so only lowers himself/herself.
It is very sad that civility in the public arena appears to be dead, at least in our country; it's return is very doubtful.
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Our World Depends On Detente
This morning I came across an interesting article, by Craig, posted on the web, which makes a lot of sense from many angles. Ref. https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2018/07/detente-bad-cold-war-good/
Just like perpetual war on terrorists is good for business, so is the cold war atmosphere some insist on maintaining; the military industrial complex (President Eisenhower warned us against) existence depends on it. In a normal world, once a war is over, and matters are settled, the production of military equipment stops, and domestic consumer production goes into high gear again. This is not the case today; consumers evaluate the real need before spending their money. War production is happening without reasonable consideration, as to the real need for items produced. The taxpayer is convinced through perceived fear for their survival, to give up their money, and civil liberties, all in one swoop.
I find myself in agreement with Craig, when he writes,
"Political memories are short, but just 15 years after Iraq was destroyed and the chain reaction sent most of the Arab world back to the dark ages, it is now “treason” to question the word of the Western intelligence agencies, which deliberately and knowingly produced a fabric of lies on Iraqi WMD to justify that destruction.
It would be more rational for it to be treason for leaders to blindly accept the word of the intelligence services."
He goes on to say,
"This is especially true on “Russia hacking the election” when, after three years of crazed accusations and millions of man hours by lawyers and CIA and FBI investigators, they are yet to produce any substantive evidence of accusations which are plainly nuts in the first place. This ridiculous circus has found a few facebook ads and indicted one Russian for every 100,000 man hours worked, for unspecified or minor actions which had no possible bearing on the election result."
Why are we, the taxpayers, not shouting from every rooftop, 'Stop wasting our tax dollars'? We have no money, apparently, to help the poor of our country but we don't think twice to spend many, many millions of dollars on this charade. I don't know about you, I switch to another program when this nonsense is discussed, or reported on.
I don't care who occupies the 'Oval Office' but any person who is bent on preventing an existential war, and save our tax dollars as a byproduct gets my attention. Can we, the public, not see that all of this costly circus is nothing but political wrangling, orchestrated by the losing party, who wishes to achieve the majority in both houses, so that they can raid the cookie jar again?
In my opinion, war and peace is a social concern we should all take very serious; false reasons for war based on false, fabricated facts must be rejected by all of us; our lives depend on it.
Just like perpetual war on terrorists is good for business, so is the cold war atmosphere some insist on maintaining; the military industrial complex (President Eisenhower warned us against) existence depends on it. In a normal world, once a war is over, and matters are settled, the production of military equipment stops, and domestic consumer production goes into high gear again. This is not the case today; consumers evaluate the real need before spending their money. War production is happening without reasonable consideration, as to the real need for items produced. The taxpayer is convinced through perceived fear for their survival, to give up their money, and civil liberties, all in one swoop.
I find myself in agreement with Craig, when he writes,
"Political memories are short, but just 15 years after Iraq was destroyed and the chain reaction sent most of the Arab world back to the dark ages, it is now “treason” to question the word of the Western intelligence agencies, which deliberately and knowingly produced a fabric of lies on Iraqi WMD to justify that destruction.
It would be more rational for it to be treason for leaders to blindly accept the word of the intelligence services."
He goes on to say,
"This is especially true on “Russia hacking the election” when, after three years of crazed accusations and millions of man hours by lawyers and CIA and FBI investigators, they are yet to produce any substantive evidence of accusations which are plainly nuts in the first place. This ridiculous circus has found a few facebook ads and indicted one Russian for every 100,000 man hours worked, for unspecified or minor actions which had no possible bearing on the election result."
Why are we, the taxpayers, not shouting from every rooftop, 'Stop wasting our tax dollars'? We have no money, apparently, to help the poor of our country but we don't think twice to spend many, many millions of dollars on this charade. I don't know about you, I switch to another program when this nonsense is discussed, or reported on.
I don't care who occupies the 'Oval Office' but any person who is bent on preventing an existential war, and save our tax dollars as a byproduct gets my attention. Can we, the public, not see that all of this costly circus is nothing but political wrangling, orchestrated by the losing party, who wishes to achieve the majority in both houses, so that they can raid the cookie jar again?
In my opinion, war and peace is a social concern we should all take very serious; false reasons for war based on false, fabricated facts must be rejected by all of us; our lives depend on it.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Negotiations Designed To Fail
In a recent article by Ali Younes, published by Al Jazeera, he writes about the current situation in the area.
Ref. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/07/hamas-kushner-greenblatt-spokespeople-israeli-occupation-180720193946073.html
Image shown is part of the referenced article.
Indeed, how can a broker be effective when the bias towards one of the parties is so blatantly obvious. Both of the US delegates are Jewish, one of which is related to the President. What in God's world was the President thinking, when appointing these two unlikely brokers. It surely smacks like he wanted to stack the cards in favor of the Israeli Hawk (Netanyahu). The whole world can see that these two individuals are in bed with Netanyahu; TV images of them cordially together abound.
Ref. https://www.google.com/search?q=kushner+and+greenblatt+with+netanyahu&client=firefox-b-1&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiNhujf-LDcAhXqqlQKHYbcAZ0QsAR6BAgBEHw&biw=1024&bih=475
If US administrations, historically, did not want to see the ongoing abuse of the Palestinian People to end, then why these silly charades? From a social point of view, the ongoing theatrics only add insult to injury to the abused. We are witnessing a serious hoax perpetrated by people who represent us. When people rise up in a small way by using primitive low tech actions, it cannot give rise to high tech, and deadly counter actions, by the abuser.
Just today, after an Israeli soldier was killed, Israel followed with a massive bombing campaign. This is not a proportional response by any stretch of the imagination. During WW II when Germany occupied foreign lands, we used to applaud Freedom Fighters killing the occupiers, today we call Palestinian Freedom Fighters terrorist. Allied forces occupied Germany after WW II, but they did it in accordance with international law, unlike the Israeli Government today.
I would like to refer you to a message I sent to then President elect Trump.
I said it before to former President Obama, in writing, Israel is running the largest concentration camp the world has ever known, called Gaza, and that with our historic blessing. One just has to read the Torah, also reflected in the old testament, to understand why God has forever punished this nation; perhaps God will do so again in the future. One Israeli friend of mine, still living in Israel, once told me, "God is using the Palestinian people to punish the Jewish nation". Yes, many Israelis protest against the actions of their Government against the Palestinians; TV images attest to this fact.
Personally, I lived once under the occupation of another nation, and fortunately it was not under Israel. The Israeli Government ignores the international law, which requires that the Occupier is responsible for the people it occupies. This certainly does not allow a blockade, preventing that necessary supplies reach the occupied, preventing the legal land use for cultivating, building illegal settlements on land owned by the occupied, cutting utilities at will, and limit the free movement of the occupied, etc.
Ref. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/07/hamas-kushner-greenblatt-spokespeople-israeli-occupation-180720193946073.html
Image shown is part of the referenced article.

"Hamas: Kushner and Greenblatt spokespeople for Israeli occupation"
Indeed, how can a broker be effective when the bias towards one of the parties is so blatantly obvious. Both of the US delegates are Jewish, one of which is related to the President. What in God's world was the President thinking, when appointing these two unlikely brokers. It surely smacks like he wanted to stack the cards in favor of the Israeli Hawk (Netanyahu). The whole world can see that these two individuals are in bed with Netanyahu; TV images of them cordially together abound.
Ref. https://www.google.com/search?q=kushner+and+greenblatt+with+netanyahu&client=firefox-b-1&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiNhujf-LDcAhXqqlQKHYbcAZ0QsAR6BAgBEHw&biw=1024&bih=475
If US administrations, historically, did not want to see the ongoing abuse of the Palestinian People to end, then why these silly charades? From a social point of view, the ongoing theatrics only add insult to injury to the abused. We are witnessing a serious hoax perpetrated by people who represent us. When people rise up in a small way by using primitive low tech actions, it cannot give rise to high tech, and deadly counter actions, by the abuser.
Just today, after an Israeli soldier was killed, Israel followed with a massive bombing campaign. This is not a proportional response by any stretch of the imagination. During WW II when Germany occupied foreign lands, we used to applaud Freedom Fighters killing the occupiers, today we call Palestinian Freedom Fighters terrorist. Allied forces occupied Germany after WW II, but they did it in accordance with international law, unlike the Israeli Government today.
I would like to refer you to a message I sent to then President elect Trump.
I said it before to former President Obama, in writing, Israel is running the largest concentration camp the world has ever known, called Gaza, and that with our historic blessing. One just has to read the Torah, also reflected in the old testament, to understand why God has forever punished this nation; perhaps God will do so again in the future. One Israeli friend of mine, still living in Israel, once told me, "God is using the Palestinian people to punish the Jewish nation". Yes, many Israelis protest against the actions of their Government against the Palestinians; TV images attest to this fact.
Personally, I lived once under the occupation of another nation, and fortunately it was not under Israel. The Israeli Government ignores the international law, which requires that the Occupier is responsible for the people it occupies. This certainly does not allow a blockade, preventing that necessary supplies reach the occupied, preventing the legal land use for cultivating, building illegal settlements on land owned by the occupied, cutting utilities at will, and limit the free movement of the occupied, etc.
Monday, July 9, 2018
We Are Not Like That?
On the separation of children from their parents, we hear again and again from politicians, we are not like that. I say hypocrites they are! A defense contractor, MVM, has been hired by our Government in 2014 (prior to the Trump era) to transport immigrant children since 2014, according to the investigative reporters working for "Reveal". https://www.revealnews.org/, By Aura Bogado, Ziva Branstetter and Vanessa Swales / July 6, 201, and I quote,
"A major U.S. defense contractor quietly detained dozens of immigrant children inside a vacant Phoenix office building with dark windows, no kitchen and only a few toilets during three weeks of the Trump administration’s family separation effort, Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting has learned."
"The building is not licensed by Arizona to hold children, and the contractor, MVM Inc., has claimed publicly that it does not operate “shelters or any other type of housing” for children."
""... White House chief of staff John Kelly promised: “The children will be taken care of – put into foster care or whatever.”"
"Whether or not these children were taken from their parents, that “whatever” for them was the vacant building tucked away in a midtown Phoenix neighborhood. It is not listed among shelters operating through the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement or on the state child care licensing website."
It is now clear what the 'whatever' stood for, an empty office building with inadequate facilities to house children for weeks, apparently.
"The building was leased in March by MVM, a Virginia-based defense contractor that has received contracts worth up to $248 million to transport immigrant children since 2014, records show. The company, which once provided guards for CIA facilities in Iraq, was founded by three former Secret Service agents. One of its vice presidents is a former CIA special agent and former acting director of the U.S. Marshals Service."
"There are new cameras on the building, extra locks on the doors and a paper shredder bin directly outside the building’s side door. Neighbor Lianna Dunlap’s videos show workers pulling up in white vans and leading dazed children into the building. When she asked questions, she said the workers responded with silence or terse answers."
Ref. Video at https://youtu.be/tBNdH8SNmS0
We the citizens of this great country of ours are certainly not like that, with few exceptions, but the people we elect to govern us are certainly like that. Politicians cannot hide behind, "we did not know", even in a court of law the adage is "you knew or should have known". Ignorance is no defense!
When we see politicians pointing fingers at each other, we now know that both the Democrats and the Republicans are made of the same cloth. Yes, the most certainly are like that.
"A major U.S. defense contractor quietly detained dozens of immigrant children inside a vacant Phoenix office building with dark windows, no kitchen and only a few toilets during three weeks of the Trump administration’s family separation effort, Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting has learned."
"The building is not licensed by Arizona to hold children, and the contractor, MVM Inc., has claimed publicly that it does not operate “shelters or any other type of housing” for children."
""... White House chief of staff John Kelly promised: “The children will be taken care of – put into foster care or whatever.”"
"Whether or not these children were taken from their parents, that “whatever” for them was the vacant building tucked away in a midtown Phoenix neighborhood. It is not listed among shelters operating through the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement or on the state child care licensing website."
It is now clear what the 'whatever' stood for, an empty office building with inadequate facilities to house children for weeks, apparently.
"The building was leased in March by MVM, a Virginia-based defense contractor that has received contracts worth up to $248 million to transport immigrant children since 2014, records show. The company, which once provided guards for CIA facilities in Iraq, was founded by three former Secret Service agents. One of its vice presidents is a former CIA special agent and former acting director of the U.S. Marshals Service."
"There are new cameras on the building, extra locks on the doors and a paper shredder bin directly outside the building’s side door. Neighbor Lianna Dunlap’s videos show workers pulling up in white vans and leading dazed children into the building. When she asked questions, she said the workers responded with silence or terse answers."
Ref. Video at https://youtu.be/tBNdH8SNmS0
We the citizens of this great country of ours are certainly not like that, with few exceptions, but the people we elect to govern us are certainly like that. Politicians cannot hide behind, "we did not know", even in a court of law the adage is "you knew or should have known". Ignorance is no defense!
When we see politicians pointing fingers at each other, we now know that both the Democrats and the Republicans are made of the same cloth. Yes, the most certainly are like that.
Thursday, July 5, 2018
The World Is Still Watching Silently
The following pictures and relevant subtexts were copied from an article published by Aljazeera.
"Israeli forces assault Palestinians, prepare to demolish village"
"At least 35 Palestinians wounded as Israeli forces prepare to demolish the entire Khan al-Ahmar village near Jerusalem."
As in the days of Hitler's mistreatment of the innocent peoples of nations, Netanyahu's military is doing the same thing, all before the eyes of the world. The world stood by then as it stands by now, allowing one nation to dominate and mistreat the people of another nation, a people with a very long history.
Israelis who decried the acts of the Nazis are now seen doing what Hitler's military did, mistreat, rob, and kill innocent people, to make room for more illegal Israeli settlements, no doubt.
"Israeli Rights group B'Tselem says that the forcible transfer of an
entire Palestinian community in the occupied territories would be
'virtually unprecedented' since 1967. Mohamad Torokman/Reuters"
![There are more than 40 Palestinian families living in Khan al-Ahmar. [Mohamad Torokman/Reuters]](https://www.aljazeera.com/mritems/Images/2018/7/4/e229b86e01a549b7929a31b0d2d97351_8.jpg)
"There are more than 40 Palestinian families living in Khan al-Ahmar. Mohamad Torokman/Reuters"
"The village, inhabited by the Jahalin tribe, has become encircled by
politically influential Jewish settlements - Maale Adumim to the east
and Kfar Adumim to the west. Mohamad Torokman/Reuters"
"Those present at the scene congregated around the bulldozer in an
attempt to prevent it from beginning the demolition of the village. Mohamad Torokman/Reuters"
"Under international humanitarian law, the deportation of an occupied,
civilian population from one area to another in the country, constitutes
a war crime. Mohamad Torokman/Reuters"
![Israel occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem after the 1967 Arab-Israeli War. Since then, Israel has built more than 100 Jewish-only housing settlements - considered illegal under international law - across Area C. [Mohamad Torokman/Reuters]](https://www.aljazeera.com/mritems/Images/2018/7/4/3cb5df9ae5ba47f8beeebd7f6ce3801c_8.jpg)
"Israel occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem after the 1967
Arab-Israeli War. Since then, Israel has built more than 100 Jewish-only
housing settlements - considered illegal under international law -
across Area C. Mohamad Torokman/Reuters"
"Between 600,000 and 750,000 Israelis live in the occupied West Bank and
East Jerusalem, equivalent to roughly 11 percent of the total Jewish
Israeli population. Mohamad Torokman/Reuters"
"The Khan al-Ahmar community suffers from recurring Israeli settler
violence, as well as attacks on their homes. Israeli authorities have
systematically refused to connect the village to water and electricity
supplies, and have restricted their farming land. Mohamad Torokman/Reuters"
![]() |
Germans destroying village during WW II and displacing its people |
Ref. https://www.google.com/search?q=Germans+destroying+village+during+WW+II&client=firefox-b-1&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwin6920sYjcAhUprVQKHQn5CL8Q7Al6BAgBEEg&biw=1536&bih=727#imgrc=NnN0SCnnaSED_M:
It was very wrong then, and it is still very wrong now, the only thing that changed is that the once oppressed is now the oppressor.
Friday, June 29, 2018
Legal But Immoral Medicare Ripoff?
According to a CNN report, By Wayne Drash, Sergio Hernandez and Aaron Kessler, CNN, published June 29, 2018, entitled,
"Medicare spent $2 billion for one drug as the manufacturer paid doctors millions"
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/29/health/acthar-mallinckrodt-medicare-claims-doctor-payments/index.html
Quotes shown below are from the above referenced article.
While the vast majority of doctors consider the needs of their patients first, and, in general, try to use generic drugs when writing their prescriptions, there are a significant number, who, apparently, consider their financial needs first. I can attest to that because myself I have experienced where proprietary drugs were ordered, when compatible generic drugs were available, which were ultimately successfully used, upon my insistence.
"(CNN)More than 80% of doctors
who filed Medicare claims in 2016 for H.P. Acthar Gel -- a drug best
known for treating a rare infant seizure disorder -- received money or
other perks from the drugmakers, according to a CNN analysis of publicly
identified prescribers."
CNN shows the following quotes:
"The evidence that this drug is any better than synthetic steroids is either weak or does not exist. Daniel Hartung, Oregon State College of Pharmacy"
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Past and Present Wrongs Do Not Make a Right
The recent separation of families produced many self-righteous protests; over and over we hear the critiques shout, this is not what we are as a nation. If we really want to know what we are as a nation, when it comes to separating families, then we owe it to ourselves to read the article by By Harmeet Kaur, CNN, published June 24, 2018.
Even history of not too long ago shows that children were taken from their families under other Presidents as well, in that regard President Trump is not unique. Many of the little wars we partake, openly or covertly, around the world result also in family separations. These latest family separations are as gruel as the rules of law facilitating them. But, please let us not say, this is not what we are as a nation.
Even history of not too long ago shows that children were taken from their families under other Presidents as well, in that regard President Trump is not unique. Many of the little wars we partake, openly or covertly, around the world result also in family separations. These latest family separations are as gruel as the rules of law facilitating them. But, please let us not say, this is not what we are as a nation.
Friday, June 22, 2018
Fake News/Image At Its Best
The following was published, in part, by the BBC today.
"A little girl who became the public face of US migrant family separations was not taken away from her mother at the US border, says her father."
For the full story follow this link: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44578339
"A photograph of the Honduran toddler sobbing in a pink jacket was taken at the scene of a border detention."
"Time magazine has used the image for its latest cover, depicting President Donald Trump looming over the girl with the caption: "Welcome to America"".
"The image was taken by a photographer for the news agency Getty Images, John Moore, on 12 June at McAllen, Texas.
The Pulitzer prize-winner told the BBC that the mother had been breastfeeding her child after crossing the Rio Grande in a raft in the moments before they were detained."
"Mr Moore said they were taken away together by border patrol."

"Mr Valera said his daughter and her mother, Sandra Sanchez, have been detained together in the border town of McAllen as Ms Sanchez seeks asylum.
Honduran Deputy Foreign Minister Nelly Jerez verified Mr Valera's version of events to Reuters.
The Border Patrol agent who stopped Ms Sanchez and her daughter, Carlos Ruiz, said the mother was asked to set the child down so she could be searched.
"The kid immediately started crying as she set her down. I personally went up to the mother and asked her, 'Are you doing OK? Is the kid OK?'
"And she said, 'Yes. She's tired and thirsty. It's 11 o'clock at night.'"
The little girl is two-year-old Yanela Denise, according to the Daily Mail newspaper.
Mr Valera said Ms Sanchez and their daughter had left the Honduran city of Puerto Cortes without telling him or the couple's three other children."

Fabricating wrong impressions is the new media standard; I would expect this from Tabloids, but not from, so called, respected media outlets. They should have selected an image that had an ounce of truth.
Apparently, lawmakers put gruel laws into the books in order to satisfy a current need, hoping it would not be enforced; when such laws are enforced these very same scoundrels cry out in protest, again satisfying another present need.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Small And Insecure Bullied Children Take Their Own Life - Older Bullied Children Take the Life Of Others
The BBC reported 6/20/2018 with photos included, on the unfortunate story about Mallory, a New Jersey girl. For the sad details follow this link: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44552864. As I stated in previous posts, as long as bullying is going on, suicides and mass-shooting will be here to stay. Parents must seriously become involved in the prevention of these tragedies, to-date it appears they are not. If anything, by providing these cell-phones and tablets to their children, they are actually facilitating the abuse of other children, by their own flesh and blood, unless they step in and put a stop to this.
Parents must regularly inspect these electronic devices of their children for tale tale signs of bullying, or messages showing them to be the Bully. When your child is on the receiving end, report it to the school by all means, but don't stop there, file a police report, it can save the life of your child. Equally, counsel your child, and boost their self-esteem in a big way, every chance you have!
Talk to your friends with children about this major problem, become involved, don't be a spectator, become an activist.
BBC reported, "Speaking at a news conference on Tuesday, the Grossmans' attorney, Bruce Nagel, said complaints to the school had been "terribly ignored" and called smart phones "a lethal weapon in the hands of the wrong child."
I fully agree with the above quotation, these electronic devices can be as deadly as firearms, and worse; guns don't psychologically torture their victim to death.
Parents must regularly inspect these electronic devices of their children for tale tale signs of bullying, or messages showing them to be the Bully. When your child is on the receiving end, report it to the school by all means, but don't stop there, file a police report, it can save the life of your child. Equally, counsel your child, and boost their self-esteem in a big way, every chance you have!
Talk to your friends with children about this major problem, become involved, don't be a spectator, become an activist.
I tried to make contact, by emails, with the leaders of the Parkland School Survivors, but was entirely ignored. Apparently, while they are ready to lay blame on anybody-else, they themselves view themselves entirely blameless, and therein lies the problem. In their defense, as long as their parents ignore the real problem, and thus fail to counsel their children, they will remain what they are, self-righteous spoiled brats, harassing others, just for the fun of it, even if it means driving them to suicide. BBC reported, "Speaking at a news conference on Tuesday, the Grossmans' attorney, Bruce Nagel, said complaints to the school had been "terribly ignored" and called smart phones "a lethal weapon in the hands of the wrong child."
I fully agree with the above quotation, these electronic devices can be as deadly as firearms, and worse; guns don't psychologically torture their victim to death.
Monday, June 18, 2018
How Much Worse Can It Get?
Dr. John D. sent me the following report, as part of his regular news digests, etc.
I must warn you the article, by Chris Hamilton, referenced in the link below is very disturbing, at least it should be. Thankfully it includes a number of charts (pictures), which, as the saying goes, are more worth than a thousand words. For myself, I was never in doubt that our economy is in serious trouble, I just did not know by how much.
Just follow this link for the full story and more charts.
I must warn you the article, by Chris Hamilton, referenced in the link below is very disturbing, at least it should be. Thankfully it includes a number of charts (pictures), which, as the saying goes, are more worth than a thousand words. For myself, I was never in doubt that our economy is in serious trouble, I just did not know by how much.
Just follow this link for the full story and more charts.
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- FrankJM
- My wife and I planted our roots in Ainakea, on the Big Island, in 1989. We chose Ainakea because it is located in, what we think, the prettiest area of the Island. The air is clean, the neighborhood is quiet, and the neighbors are very friendly. In 2016 we moved back to the mainland, with good memories of the Island. October 2020 was the 10th Anniversary of this Blog, which began in Hawaii.