Why starve your heart muscle? Statins not only reduce Cholesterol but they also reduce CoQ10, the very thing that helps your heart keep going.
My history shown here, is only a preamble to the stories and knowledge presented in the videos referred to at the end. However, there is nothing like actual experience to make a point.
Very early on, over 20 years ago, I had resisted taking Statin medication; my total Cholesterol, at the time, was 257 (normal was 225 then), and my doctor was very persistent, to the point that finally I had to fire him. Per his opinion, I was not respecting his professional advice. His own nurse told me, at the time, find yourself another doctor, which I did. My new doctor while also pushing Statins, was more subtle about it, and respected my refusal, without feeling insulted by it.
For a while, my total Cholesterol numbers fluctuated between 199 and 232; my calculated LDL numbers ranged from 128 to 163. What enforced my stand against Statins, was the fact that my HDL ratio numbers were normal, and that was good. At the same time, I decided that with the help of my wife, I could improve my overall health by making some permanent changes to my diet. Today, I no longer eat Beef, avoid manufactured oils of any kind, increased consumption of virgin cold-pressed Olive oil, and introduced natural oils like Coconut and Avocado oils. Coconut oil was very much maligned by the oil industries in order to sell their unhealthy products, loaded with omega 6 fatty acids, when in reality we should be consuming more Omega 3 essential fatty acids. Also, for the last few years we have reduced the amount of gluten we consume, and now eat only organic vegetables, fish and fowl.
Last August my total Cholesterol number was 173, my calculated LDL was 109, and my Triglycerides number was 58 (less than 150 is normal), and that all without taking any Statins. From my own research I learned that had I taken Statins all these years, I would be, at best, probably in bad shape, and in the worse case would push Daisy flowers from 6 feet under. I share my story with you to make you better understand what good doctors are trying to tell us about the dangers of these drugs.
If you (or a loved one) take Statins, and truly want to live a healthier and longer life you owe it to yourself to watch or share the videos, by following the links, in order, shown below. These videos may appear, at first, similar but they are not, so please watch them both to the end, for maximum knowledge.
The following was taken from the first link shown below.
"Film Synopsis:
We are told that cholesterol is a major cause of heart disease. At
least 40 million people are currently taking cholesterol-lowering
medications, known as statins, and millions more people are avoiding
foods that contain saturated fat and cholesterol.
The basic idea is that dietary saturated fat raises cholesterol
levels, and these two substances somehow clog-up our arteries, causing a
heart attack. This idea is often referred to as the diet-heart
However, a numbers of doctors and researchers have been challenging
this hypothesis for decades, and the latest heart disease statistics
reveal some alarming facts. Such as:
● People with high cholesterol tend to live longer
● People with heart disease tend to have low levels of cholesterol
● Cholesterol-lowering of a population does not reduce the rate of heart disease
In addition, despite their widespread use, and description as “wonder
drugs” statin medications do not extend life for the majority of people
who take them.
Cholesterol-lowering has become a huge global industry, generating at
least $29 billion each year. Have the facts about heart disease,
cholesterol and cholesterol medications been distorted by pharmaceutical
companies and food manufacturers keen to increase their profits?
If the focus on cholesterol has been a mistake, then the greatest
cost is associated with the lost opportunity to tackle heart disease."
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