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"Hamas: Kushner and Greenblatt spokespeople for Israeli occupation"
Indeed, how can a broker be effective when the bias towards one of the parties is so blatantly obvious. Both of the US delegates are Jewish, one of which is related to the President. What in God's world was the President thinking, when appointing these two unlikely brokers. It surely smacks like he wanted to stack the cards in favor of the Israeli Hawk (Netanyahu). The whole world can see that these two individuals are in bed with Netanyahu; TV images of them cordially together abound.
If US administrations, historically, did not want to see the ongoing abuse of the Palestinian People to end, then why these silly charades? From a social point of view, the ongoing theatrics only add insult to injury to the abused. We are witnessing a serious hoax perpetrated by people who represent us. When people rise up in a small way by using primitive low tech actions, it cannot give rise to high tech, and deadly counter actions, by the abuser.
Just today, after an Israeli soldier was killed, Israel followed with a massive bombing campaign. This is not a proportional response by any stretch of the imagination. During WW II when Germany occupied foreign lands, we used to applaud Freedom Fighters killing the occupiers, today we call Palestinian Freedom Fighters terrorist. Allied forces occupied Germany after WW II, but they did it in accordance with international law, unlike the Israeli Government today.
I would like to refer you to a message I sent to then President elect Trump.
I said it before to former President Obama, in writing, Israel is running the largest concentration camp the world has ever known, called Gaza, and that with our historic blessing. One just has to read the Torah, also reflected in the old testament, to understand why God has forever punished this nation; perhaps God will do so again in the future. One Israeli friend of mine, still living in Israel, once told me, "God is using the Palestinian people to punish the Jewish nation". Yes, many Israelis protest against the actions of their Government against the Palestinians; TV images attest to this fact.
Personally, I lived once under the occupation of another nation, and fortunately it was not under Israel. The Israeli Government ignores the international law, which requires that the Occupier is responsible for the people it occupies. This certainly does not allow a blockade, preventing that necessary supplies reach the occupied, preventing the legal land use for cultivating, building illegal settlements on land owned by the occupied, cutting utilities at will, and limit the free movement of the occupied, etc.
It is confirmed that Israel illegally occupies Palestinian land and its people for the longest time in modern history.