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Monday, December 19, 2016

Communication With President-Elect Trump

Dear Pesident-Elect,
I am writing to you this open letter, which will be published, in my Blog,

Today I received my annual letter from the Social Security, informing me that my "...benefits will increase by 0.3% in 2017 because of the rise in the cost of living."  What kind of a choke is that?  On which planet did the cost of living increase by only 0.3%?  To make this letter even more ridiculous, the 0.3% increase was totally consumed by an increase in my Medicare premium, which is deducted from my Social Security payment.  As a net result, I go exactly zero (0) increase from my current 2016 payment, for 2017.  In other words, my monthly payment for 2017 will be the same as it is for 2016.  Our Social Security program would not be in such a bad shape had the Federal Government not robbed the fund over a period of many years, leaving only ‘IOU’s’ behind, with no intention to ever repay the debt to us, the people who paid those FICA taxes, with every reduced pay check.

I would like to see the rich live on such a ridiculous low monthly income; they probably spend more for one family dinner, in a fancy restaurant, then we have to live on for the whole month.  It is my sincere hope that you will correct this gross injustice; America will never be great again, until folks like me, get their fair share of return for all the social security taxes, we were forced to pay, all our working lives.

There is talk right now that somebody is already planning to screw the people some more relative to the future social security payments.  If the Government wants to see people rioting in the streets without end, then just continue this trend of treating the working class this way.  It is the working class that enables the rich to get richer; it is they who build their homes, hotels, casinos, factories, golf courses, etc, etc.

I am sure I do not have to tell you that the rich increased their incomes/wealth by a factor of 1000, while the working class is going in the wrong direction.  Working people are now earning, in real income/purchasing power, less then they were earning in the sixties. Please refer to for a better visual of what I am talking about.

Let us see after you occupy the Oval Office, if you are really with us; show us some positive changes for the working and retired people, for a change.  Obama is an easy act to follow, because he did nothing in this area of may concern.  Yes, I wrote to him about this particular issue, and many others for that matter and I am sure so have others; I was simply ignored.

When America was great, retired folks earned decent interest on their savings, to augment their Social Security, and pension incomes, and yes they were part of the economic force that made America great.  While I appreciate you giving corporations a major tax break to induce them to invest in America, let us not forget, the major economic force is not the large corporation, but the many small businesses, who employ the majority of American workers.  Having said that, I do acknowledge the importance of large scale manufacturing, as being a necessary part of the job creation equation.  In the end, it takes consumers, with money, to create demand for manufactured goods.  When people barely can afford to eat cheap and fattening food, perhaps only one pair of jeans, then the economic engine is severely sputtering, at best.  It takes every American to make this work.  When we deprive the population of just wages, then with what money are they buying the essentials of life, and spend money on manufactured items, to ensure large factories are save places to work for, helping to raise the next generation of worker bees, so to speak.  Let us not kill the Goose that laid the golden egg.
Thank you,
Frank Maier

1 comment:

  1. I highly recommend that readers take the time and follow this link, for a real eye-opener.
