The following was posted on Trump's website 12/27/2016
Dear Mr. President-Elect,
You recently made the following statement, which is quoted below.
Statement from President-Elect Donald J. Trump
(Palm Beach, FL) — “The resolution being considered at the United Nations Security Council regarding Israel should be vetoed."
“As the United States has long maintained, peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians will only come through direct negotiations between the parties, and not through the imposition of terms by the United Nations."
“This puts Israel in a very poor negotiating position and is extremely unfair to all Israelis.”
With all due respect, the Palestinians have been, all along, in a very poor, and unequal bargaining position. Hitler killed my father, but I do not abuse other people because of it, and neither should the Israelis. In my opinion, Israel is maintaining the largest concentration camp in history, called the territories of the occupied Palestinian people.
As a taxpayer I am not too happy that our US Government sponsors, with our tax money, this oppressive regime; let us remember two wrongs do not make a right. All the while the Israelis cry about what Nazi-Germany did to them, they are not acting much better; people are dying as a direct result of their cruel blockade, and imposed restrictions, of many kind.
For me to support Israel, they must show first a sign of humanity, and stop stealing more land from the Palestinian people, and return the stolen property to their rightful owners. They whole world sees Israel for what it really is, but our US Government has been turning a blind eye for a very long time. Just because occupied people resist in a token way; we should condemn their resistance against the oppressor? I am certain, if anyone would occupy your home by force, you would certainly fight back, in any way, you can, and so would I.
I do not care too much for our current Government, but to allow this resolution to pass was the right thing to do, and was long overdue. We Americans pride ourselves in our ability to own property, and defend what belongs to us, against anyone bent on taking what is ours. Likewise, we must respect other people’s property rights the same way we expect ours to be respected and protected.
Frank J. Maier
Social and environmental issues, affecting the USA and the world around us, which also impacts us, are our concerns. In 2011 we prevented a 'Waste Processing Facility/Incinerator' from being built upwind and 700 yards or less from Ainakea (Hawaii) homes in favor of the residents involved. This Blog is protected by the 'First Amendment Of The US Constitution', and Section 230 of Title 47 of the 'United States Code'... (47 USC § 230).
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Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
Communication With President-Elect Trump
Dear Pesident-Elect,
I am writing to you this open letter, which will be published, in my Blog,
Today I received my annual letter from the Social Security, informing me that my "...benefits will increase by 0.3% in 2017 because of the rise in the cost of living." What kind of a choke is that? On which planet did the cost of living increase by only 0.3%? To make this letter even more ridiculous, the 0.3% increase was totally consumed by an increase in my Medicare premium, which is deducted from my Social Security payment. As a net result, I go exactly zero (0) increase from my current 2016 payment, for 2017. In other words, my monthly payment for 2017 will be the same as it is for 2016. Our Social Security program would not be in such a bad shape had the Federal Government not robbed the fund over a period of many years, leaving only ‘IOU’s’ behind, with no intention to ever repay the debt to us, the people who paid those FICA taxes, with every reduced pay check.
I would like to see the rich live on such a ridiculous low monthly income; they probably spend more for one family dinner, in a fancy restaurant, then we have to live on for the whole month. It is my sincere hope that you will correct this gross injustice; America will never be great again, until folks like me, get their fair share of return for all the social security taxes, we were forced to pay, all our working lives.
There is talk right now that somebody is already planning to screw the people some more relative to the future social security payments. If the Government wants to see people rioting in the streets without end, then just continue this trend of treating the working class this way. It is the working class that enables the rich to get richer; it is they who build their homes, hotels, casinos, factories, golf courses, etc, etc.
I am sure I do not have to tell you that the rich increased their incomes/wealth by a factor of 1000, while the working class is going in the wrong direction. Working people are now earning, in real income/purchasing power, less then they were earning in the sixties. Please refer to for a better visual of what I am talking about.
Let us see after you occupy the Oval Office, if you are really with us; show us some positive changes for the working and retired people, for a change. Obama is an easy act to follow, because he did nothing in this area of may concern. Yes, I wrote to him about this particular issue, and many others for that matter and I am sure so have others; I was simply ignored.
When America was great, retired folks earned decent interest on their savings, to augment their Social Security, and pension incomes, and yes they were part of the economic force that made America great. While I appreciate you giving corporations a major tax break to induce them to invest in America, let us not forget, the major economic force is not the large corporation, but the many small businesses, who employ the majority of American workers. Having said that, I do acknowledge the importance of large scale manufacturing, as being a necessary part of the job creation equation. In the end, it takes consumers, with money, to create demand for manufactured goods. When people barely can afford to eat cheap and fattening food, perhaps only one pair of jeans, then the economic engine is severely sputtering, at best. It takes every American to make this work. When we deprive the population of just wages, then with what money are they buying the essentials of life, and spend money on manufactured items, to ensure large factories are save places to work for, helping to raise the next generation of worker bees, so to speak. Let us not kill the Goose that laid the golden egg.
Thank you,
Frank Maier
I am writing to you this open letter, which will be published, in my Blog,
Today I received my annual letter from the Social Security, informing me that my "...benefits will increase by 0.3% in 2017 because of the rise in the cost of living." What kind of a choke is that? On which planet did the cost of living increase by only 0.3%? To make this letter even more ridiculous, the 0.3% increase was totally consumed by an increase in my Medicare premium, which is deducted from my Social Security payment. As a net result, I go exactly zero (0) increase from my current 2016 payment, for 2017. In other words, my monthly payment for 2017 will be the same as it is for 2016. Our Social Security program would not be in such a bad shape had the Federal Government not robbed the fund over a period of many years, leaving only ‘IOU’s’ behind, with no intention to ever repay the debt to us, the people who paid those FICA taxes, with every reduced pay check.
I would like to see the rich live on such a ridiculous low monthly income; they probably spend more for one family dinner, in a fancy restaurant, then we have to live on for the whole month. It is my sincere hope that you will correct this gross injustice; America will never be great again, until folks like me, get their fair share of return for all the social security taxes, we were forced to pay, all our working lives.
There is talk right now that somebody is already planning to screw the people some more relative to the future social security payments. If the Government wants to see people rioting in the streets without end, then just continue this trend of treating the working class this way. It is the working class that enables the rich to get richer; it is they who build their homes, hotels, casinos, factories, golf courses, etc, etc.
I am sure I do not have to tell you that the rich increased their incomes/wealth by a factor of 1000, while the working class is going in the wrong direction. Working people are now earning, in real income/purchasing power, less then they were earning in the sixties. Please refer to for a better visual of what I am talking about.
Let us see after you occupy the Oval Office, if you are really with us; show us some positive changes for the working and retired people, for a change. Obama is an easy act to follow, because he did nothing in this area of may concern. Yes, I wrote to him about this particular issue, and many others for that matter and I am sure so have others; I was simply ignored.
When America was great, retired folks earned decent interest on their savings, to augment their Social Security, and pension incomes, and yes they were part of the economic force that made America great. While I appreciate you giving corporations a major tax break to induce them to invest in America, let us not forget, the major economic force is not the large corporation, but the many small businesses, who employ the majority of American workers. Having said that, I do acknowledge the importance of large scale manufacturing, as being a necessary part of the job creation equation. In the end, it takes consumers, with money, to create demand for manufactured goods. When people barely can afford to eat cheap and fattening food, perhaps only one pair of jeans, then the economic engine is severely sputtering, at best. It takes every American to make this work. When we deprive the population of just wages, then with what money are they buying the essentials of life, and spend money on manufactured items, to ensure large factories are save places to work for, helping to raise the next generation of worker bees, so to speak. Let us not kill the Goose that laid the golden egg.
Thank you,
Frank Maier
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Communication with Pesident Obama - January 2014
Below find a typical message (one of many between 2011 and 2014) posted on the White House site in 2014, trying to get justice for people who try to augment their retirement income with interest from their savings accounts. Towards the end read the response from President Obama; he either did not read my message, or did not understand it; he never addressed my concern, hence nothing was promised, and nothing was done. This was the standard outcome of every issue I brought to his attention; many times I did not even get a response. I used to like this guy.
Frank Maier
Mon 1/20/2014, 3:43 PMFrank Maier (
The following was sent to the President, on the requested site:
"Dear Mr. President,
How can we in a free society be indirectly forced to give our money to banks, for literally no interest to speak of, while banks, like Bank of America, post the biggest profits in their history? Please see the quote below, by BA's Bruce Thompson.
"We enter this year with one of the strongest balance sheets in our company's history," said the bank's chief financial officer, Bruce Thompson."
The Government is clearly on the side of the banks, against the fairness, which demands reasonable returns for our deposits. The stock market is way too volatile, and therefore, the banks are the only other option. Inflation is much higher than the little interest we earn. If you think that this situation is just, then you have a distorted view of moral decency; I hope, this does not apply to you. This situation needs to be addressed by the Government, because we, the people, are here in an unequal bargaining position.
The banks hit the little guys very hard, through fraud, etc., and nobody went to jail that I know of, and the banks are defrauding the public still to this day, by taking our money for next to nothing, and charging high interest rates and fees to those who take out loans.
If we would put more interest earnings into the hands of account holders, instead of allowing the current situation, then our economy would recover faster, because more spending money would be available to the consumers. It is that simple.
I need to hear from you.
Thank you,
Frank Maier"
The White House Auto-Response Message
Wed 9/18/2013, 3:50 PM
The White House Washington
Dear Frank:
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I have heard from many Americans who are worried about the future of their retirement savings, and I appreciate your perspective.
Retiring with dignity is a promise we must keep to all Americans, and I am working hard to strengthen our retirement system. That is why I am committed to protecting Social Security and addressing Americans’ concerns. Social Security cannot be subjected to risky privatization plans because the future of hard-working Americans should not be left to the fluctuations of financial markets.
To better secure their retirement and prepare for unforeseen circumstances, Americans must also save for their future in other ways. We are laying the foundation for all individuals to participate in workplace retirement accounts. Employees would be automatically enrolled in pension plans and could opt out if they choose. Simple and automatic enrollment makes it easier for people to plan for retirement. This would assist the 75 million working Americans—about half the workforce—who lack access to retirement plans through their employers. Please join me online to learn more at
Thank you, again, for writing.
Barack Obama
Frank Maier
Mon 1/20/2014, 3:43 PMFrank Maier (
The following was sent to the President, on the requested site:
"Dear Mr. President,
How can we in a free society be indirectly forced to give our money to banks, for literally no interest to speak of, while banks, like Bank of America, post the biggest profits in their history? Please see the quote below, by BA's Bruce Thompson.
"We enter this year with one of the strongest balance sheets in our company's history," said the bank's chief financial officer, Bruce Thompson."
The Government is clearly on the side of the banks, against the fairness, which demands reasonable returns for our deposits. The stock market is way too volatile, and therefore, the banks are the only other option. Inflation is much higher than the little interest we earn. If you think that this situation is just, then you have a distorted view of moral decency; I hope, this does not apply to you. This situation needs to be addressed by the Government, because we, the people, are here in an unequal bargaining position.
The banks hit the little guys very hard, through fraud, etc., and nobody went to jail that I know of, and the banks are defrauding the public still to this day, by taking our money for next to nothing, and charging high interest rates and fees to those who take out loans.
If we would put more interest earnings into the hands of account holders, instead of allowing the current situation, then our economy would recover faster, because more spending money would be available to the consumers. It is that simple.
I need to hear from you.
Thank you,
Frank Maier"
The White House Auto-Response Message
Wed 9/18/2013, 3:50 PM
The White House Washington
Dear Frank:
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I have heard from many Americans who are worried about the future of their retirement savings, and I appreciate your perspective.
Retiring with dignity is a promise we must keep to all Americans, and I am working hard to strengthen our retirement system. That is why I am committed to protecting Social Security and addressing Americans’ concerns. Social Security cannot be subjected to risky privatization plans because the future of hard-working Americans should not be left to the fluctuations of financial markets.
To better secure their retirement and prepare for unforeseen circumstances, Americans must also save for their future in other ways. We are laying the foundation for all individuals to participate in workplace retirement accounts. Employees would be automatically enrolled in pension plans and could opt out if they choose. Simple and automatic enrollment makes it easier for people to plan for retirement. This would assist the 75 million working Americans—about half the workforce—who lack access to retirement plans through their employers. Please join me online to learn more at
Thank you, again, for writing.
Barack Obama
Communication to President Trump-Elect
On the outset let me clarify, I am neither a hard core Republican, nor an entrenched Democrat, I am a middle of the road guy, who cares about society as a whole; I work for Social Justice, and fight injustice wherever I see it.
I have sent a number of suggestions to Trump on a variety of topics, in the hope somebody will read them and talk to Trump about it. All of it, shown below, was posted on his website, and acknowledged each time.
9-14-2016-Hi Kellyanne,
I have written to you before, on Aug. 20th, and I am compelled to write to you again. I am happy to see that Donald is now no longer relying to much on his website, but now gives detailed account of its content, i.e. his plans.
Obama while running for office, pledged to require that the Food Industry label GMO content on food packages/containers, so that consumers know what they are eating. As you know, he did absolutely nothing; he failed to keep his election promise.
Practically all civilized nations require the GMO labeling, but our Government sold us out to the Food Industry, by making this crucial labeling, a voluntary matter. Needless to say, nobody does identify GMO content. The GMO issue unites both Republicans and Democrats, as well as Independents, therefore, I think it would be a great opportunity to remind the voters of Obama's promise, which he did not keep, while pledging that a Trump President will enforce the labeling of GMO content in our food supply, and then really act on it once elected. Obama was right when he said the consumers have a right to know, unfortunately, it ended there.
I look forward to news accounts about Trump pledging to require the mandatory labeling of GMO, in the food supply.
11-9-2016-Dear President-Elect,
I watched the election results last night, and I must say I was very pleased with this outcome; there were times, when you had me worried. You did stay focused during the last month or so and mainly ignored the baits offered by Hillary and her gang (the spirit cookers). Quite frankly, I never thought I would actually spend so much of my time, writing to you and KellyAnne, urging you to stay focused, and filling in survey after survey from your Trump team.
This election thought me an important lesson, too many Democrats in office, past and present, are so only by name; in reality this click is one ugly group of people, who have no morals, and are totally consumed by everything that is, to use Hillary's words, deplorable. I am less worried now about a WW III, which would have been a real possibility under Clinton; her benefactors wanted a confrontation on a major scale, because in times of war, the rich, connected with the military complex, get richer.
Now, your administration must tackle a host of problems, all at once it seems, one of these must be the youth that is not following an academic path, either for lack of money, or lack of scholastic ability. These young people, part of our next generation of voters must not be ignored any longer. We must look at other countries, like Germany, and study how they solve this problem. We need an apprenticeship program, which binds the young person and the company contractually, for the duration of the apprenticeship.
A while ago, I posted, on the Government site, a note to President Obama and VP Biden about our out-of-control gun violence; sadly I had no response. While I agree with removing military style weapons from our streets, it does not eliminate the root cause. We must address also the lack of opportunities for our future generation. We need to create a system that gives every young person a path to success, enhancing his or her self-esteem. We need not only opportunities for higher learning, but also apprenticeships, of all kinds, for those who are not academically inclined. Our industries must cooperate in such an effort, to make it work. In addition, we must provide job opportunities to all that finished their education, either academic or vocational.
Young people do not kill others when they are proud of themselves and their accomplishments. To that end, we must also enact a federal requirement that requires all schools to establish a program aimed at eliminating the bullying, of fellow students, of any kind. Our new First Lady indicated her desires to work this problem, and perhaps she may also be interested in my proposed apprenticeship program; we need someone like her to be the point person. Young people have become crueler than ever; video games and movies have corrupted the minds and souls of them; we have to reverse this horrible trend. When I was young, many years ago, I never heard of a child being driven to suicide. What has become of us?
A number of years ago, I had written a letter to then Secretary of Labor Reich, addressing the gang violence. Nothing ever came of it either, matters just got worse.
I am ready to help our new First Lady! I am a product of the German apprenticeship program, and I know how it works. My background can be found at
I am a retired ASQ certified Quality Engineer, as well as a SME certified Manufacturing Engineer. I represented Canada at the first NATO conference on Quality Assurance, held in 1973 at Munich Germany.
I am a US citizen. I want to help you in any way I can, to make our nation a safer, and a happier place, where people, once more, feel good about themselves, and each other.
11/22/16 GMO, and the following was posted
Mr. President Trump,
Please ensure that any future healthcare plan, for the elder, includes adequate dental care coverage as well. As you know, lack of dental health often affects other parts of the body, and can contribute to major health issues. To bring down the healthcare cost of our country, the only viable solution is the prevention of major health problems.
Dear President-Elect, It is totally unfair the people earn next to nothing with their savings accounts. When I was young, working for several banks, in Canada, the difference between what the bank charged for a loan, and what it paid to the savings account holder was 0.5%. Now the savings account holder gets from 0,01% to 0.06%, while interest on mortgages are at best 3.5%. Consumer loans, by banks, demand an average interest rate of 13.8%. The elderly who depend on these interest payment get the big shaft. If you want America great again, stop the banks from screwing the people. I have written similar to Obama, with no results; show us that you mean business, and truly represent, the working class, and the elderly, who in many cases, have to choose between eating or buying their medicines.
Posted on Trumps Gov. site my article shown on my blog regarding entitlements
Mr. President-Elect, We can make America great again only when our leader (you) walks the talk. Here is a quote of what you stated during your campaign, ""I'm not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican, and I'm not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid," he said in a May 2015 interview, which is still featured on his campaign website." Taken from the NBC news site 12/1/16. I refer you to my previous post on this subject. I urge you to keep your many promises, which you usually ended with "Trust Me", well show us that we can trust you; so far the signals you sent, with some of the people you pick for your team, makes me wonder. You said, you will drain the swamp, so far there is little evidence of that; show us some proof, please.
Dear President-Elect, I think your Secretary of State must be non other than Tulsi Gabbard, for the following reasons: 1) She is very much aligned with your thinking about this past nation building, which kept us in the poor house, and reduced our standing in the eyes of the world; 2) she is a very smart lady (I talked to Tulsi when I met her on the Big Island of Hawaii); 3) Like you, she had no use for Hillary and her policies; 4) she is a woman; 5) she is a Democrat, which will prove that you will bring the nation together. There is no other candidate that will provide you with so much credit for acting in an intelligent, non-partisan, nor nepotistic way. As always, glad to be of service. Frank
I have sent a number of suggestions to Trump on a variety of topics, in the hope somebody will read them and talk to Trump about it. All of it, shown below, was posted on his website, and acknowledged each time.
9-14-2016-Hi Kellyanne,
I have written to you before, on Aug. 20th, and I am compelled to write to you again. I am happy to see that Donald is now no longer relying to much on his website, but now gives detailed account of its content, i.e. his plans.
Obama while running for office, pledged to require that the Food Industry label GMO content on food packages/containers, so that consumers know what they are eating. As you know, he did absolutely nothing; he failed to keep his election promise.
Practically all civilized nations require the GMO labeling, but our Government sold us out to the Food Industry, by making this crucial labeling, a voluntary matter. Needless to say, nobody does identify GMO content. The GMO issue unites both Republicans and Democrats, as well as Independents, therefore, I think it would be a great opportunity to remind the voters of Obama's promise, which he did not keep, while pledging that a Trump President will enforce the labeling of GMO content in our food supply, and then really act on it once elected. Obama was right when he said the consumers have a right to know, unfortunately, it ended there.
I look forward to news accounts about Trump pledging to require the mandatory labeling of GMO, in the food supply.
11-9-2016-Dear President-Elect,
I watched the election results last night, and I must say I was very pleased with this outcome; there were times, when you had me worried. You did stay focused during the last month or so and mainly ignored the baits offered by Hillary and her gang (the spirit cookers). Quite frankly, I never thought I would actually spend so much of my time, writing to you and KellyAnne, urging you to stay focused, and filling in survey after survey from your Trump team.
This election thought me an important lesson, too many Democrats in office, past and present, are so only by name; in reality this click is one ugly group of people, who have no morals, and are totally consumed by everything that is, to use Hillary's words, deplorable. I am less worried now about a WW III, which would have been a real possibility under Clinton; her benefactors wanted a confrontation on a major scale, because in times of war, the rich, connected with the military complex, get richer.
Now, your administration must tackle a host of problems, all at once it seems, one of these must be the youth that is not following an academic path, either for lack of money, or lack of scholastic ability. These young people, part of our next generation of voters must not be ignored any longer. We must look at other countries, like Germany, and study how they solve this problem. We need an apprenticeship program, which binds the young person and the company contractually, for the duration of the apprenticeship.
A while ago, I posted, on the Government site, a note to President Obama and VP Biden about our out-of-control gun violence; sadly I had no response. While I agree with removing military style weapons from our streets, it does not eliminate the root cause. We must address also the lack of opportunities for our future generation. We need to create a system that gives every young person a path to success, enhancing his or her self-esteem. We need not only opportunities for higher learning, but also apprenticeships, of all kinds, for those who are not academically inclined. Our industries must cooperate in such an effort, to make it work. In addition, we must provide job opportunities to all that finished their education, either academic or vocational.
Young people do not kill others when they are proud of themselves and their accomplishments. To that end, we must also enact a federal requirement that requires all schools to establish a program aimed at eliminating the bullying, of fellow students, of any kind. Our new First Lady indicated her desires to work this problem, and perhaps she may also be interested in my proposed apprenticeship program; we need someone like her to be the point person. Young people have become crueler than ever; video games and movies have corrupted the minds and souls of them; we have to reverse this horrible trend. When I was young, many years ago, I never heard of a child being driven to suicide. What has become of us?
A number of years ago, I had written a letter to then Secretary of Labor Reich, addressing the gang violence. Nothing ever came of it either, matters just got worse.
I am ready to help our new First Lady! I am a product of the German apprenticeship program, and I know how it works. My background can be found at
I am a retired ASQ certified Quality Engineer, as well as a SME certified Manufacturing Engineer. I represented Canada at the first NATO conference on Quality Assurance, held in 1973 at Munich Germany.
I am a US citizen. I want to help you in any way I can, to make our nation a safer, and a happier place, where people, once more, feel good about themselves, and each other.
11/22/16 GMO, and the following was posted
Mr. President Trump,
Please ensure that any future healthcare plan, for the elder, includes adequate dental care coverage as well. As you know, lack of dental health often affects other parts of the body, and can contribute to major health issues. To bring down the healthcare cost of our country, the only viable solution is the prevention of major health problems.
Dear President-Elect, It is totally unfair the people earn next to nothing with their savings accounts. When I was young, working for several banks, in Canada, the difference between what the bank charged for a loan, and what it paid to the savings account holder was 0.5%. Now the savings account holder gets from 0,01% to 0.06%, while interest on mortgages are at best 3.5%. Consumer loans, by banks, demand an average interest rate of 13.8%. The elderly who depend on these interest payment get the big shaft. If you want America great again, stop the banks from screwing the people. I have written similar to Obama, with no results; show us that you mean business, and truly represent, the working class, and the elderly, who in many cases, have to choose between eating or buying their medicines.
Posted on Trumps Gov. site my article shown on my blog regarding entitlements
Mr. President-Elect, We can make America great again only when our leader (you) walks the talk. Here is a quote of what you stated during your campaign, ""I'm not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican, and I'm not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid," he said in a May 2015 interview, which is still featured on his campaign website." Taken from the NBC news site 12/1/16. I refer you to my previous post on this subject. I urge you to keep your many promises, which you usually ended with "Trust Me", well show us that we can trust you; so far the signals you sent, with some of the people you pick for your team, makes me wonder. You said, you will drain the swamp, so far there is little evidence of that; show us some proof, please.
Dear President-Elect, I think your Secretary of State must be non other than Tulsi Gabbard, for the following reasons: 1) She is very much aligned with your thinking about this past nation building, which kept us in the poor house, and reduced our standing in the eyes of the world; 2) she is a very smart lady (I talked to Tulsi when I met her on the Big Island of Hawaii); 3) Like you, she had no use for Hillary and her policies; 4) she is a woman; 5) she is a Democrat, which will prove that you will bring the nation together. There is no other candidate that will provide you with so much credit for acting in an intelligent, non-partisan, nor nepotistic way. As always, glad to be of service. Frank
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Open Letter Sent To Vice-President Biden (via post on White House website)
Dear Vice-President,
A while ago I wrote an email to the President about our out-of-control gun violence. While I agree with removing military style weapons from our streets, it does not eliminate the root cause. We must address also the lack of opportunities for our future generation. We need to create a system that gives every young person a path to success, enhancing his or her self-esteem. We need not only opportunities for higher learning, but also apprenticeships, of all kinds, for those who are not academically inclined. Our industries must cooperate in such an effort, to make it work.
We must provide job opportunities to all that finished their education, either academic or vocational.
Young people do not kill others when they are proud of themselves and their accomplishments. To that end, we must also enact a federal requirement that requires all schools to establish a program aimed at eliminating the bullying, of any kind, of fellow students. Young people have become crueler than ever; video games and movies have corrupted the minds and souls of them; we have to reverse this horrible trend. When I was young, many years ago, I never heard of a child being driven to suicide. What has become of us?
A number of years ago, I had written a letter to then Secretary of Labor Reich, addressing the gang violence. Nothing ever came of it, matters just got worse.
I am ready to help! I am a product of the German apprenticeship program, and I know how it works. My background can be found at or
I am an ASQ certified Quality Engineer, as well as a SME certified Manufacturing Engineer. I represented Canada at the first NATO conference on Quality Assurance, held in 1973 at Munich Germany.
I am a US citizen. I want to help you in any way I can, to make our nation a safer, and a happier place, where people, once more, feel good about themselves, and each other.
A while ago I wrote an email to the President about our out-of-control gun violence. While I agree with removing military style weapons from our streets, it does not eliminate the root cause. We must address also the lack of opportunities for our future generation. We need to create a system that gives every young person a path to success, enhancing his or her self-esteem. We need not only opportunities for higher learning, but also apprenticeships, of all kinds, for those who are not academically inclined. Our industries must cooperate in such an effort, to make it work.
We must provide job opportunities to all that finished their education, either academic or vocational.
Young people do not kill others when they are proud of themselves and their accomplishments. To that end, we must also enact a federal requirement that requires all schools to establish a program aimed at eliminating the bullying, of any kind, of fellow students. Young people have become crueler than ever; video games and movies have corrupted the minds and souls of them; we have to reverse this horrible trend. When I was young, many years ago, I never heard of a child being driven to suicide. What has become of us?
A number of years ago, I had written a letter to then Secretary of Labor Reich, addressing the gang violence. Nothing ever came of it, matters just got worse.
I am ready to help! I am a product of the German apprenticeship program, and I know how it works. My background can be found at or
I am an ASQ certified Quality Engineer, as well as a SME certified Manufacturing Engineer. I represented Canada at the first NATO conference on Quality Assurance, held in 1973 at Munich Germany.
I am a US citizen. I want to help you in any way I can, to make our nation a safer, and a happier place, where people, once more, feel good about themselves, and each other.
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