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Saturday, September 21, 2024


World's largest arms exporters

World's largest arms exporters since 1950

World's largest arms importers 
Is it any wonder why the US and other politicians are supporting project Ukraine, a country known for its widespread corruption?  A country where monies and weapons find themselves conveniently lost without a trace, apparently.

List of major weapon manufacturers

 Reviewing these charts, shown above, clearly demonstrates that the US is running a war economy and in so doing lets the infrastructure deteriorate, apparently.  When visiting other advanced civilized countries, we see that, by comparison, the US looks like a third world country, as far as infrastructures are concerned.  Also social services are, according to reports, in serious trouble.  Social Security is a good example, where rumor has it that there will be serious reductions of payments down the road.  Healthcare, although the most expensive in the world, is inversely one of the worse for the majority of the general Citizenry.  While other industrialized countries provide 100% coverage for its people, with no medical co-payments, Americans are forced to pay ungodly sums each year to join a healthcare plan providing full coverage.  Government healthcare, after age 65, covers only 80 percent, in general. 

This brainless production of weapons of mass destruction, while providing employment for many, does nothing for the improvement of the quality of life.  To build and destroy is of no benefit for the present and future generations.  To the contrary, this course of action will lead to nowhere, except to the total extinction of all living things.  One has to wonder how many times this, in the universe, has been the end of so called intelligent civilizations of beings, on distant planets, which outsmarted themselves?  Why no use our smarts for the good of mankind everywhere?  Remember, when we die, our money won't come with us and hell forever (a possibility) is a very, very long time!

 Thank you for sharing this blog with friends and family.  You are helping to overcome the deafening silence from the commercial media on most topics, they just don't want us to know about.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks Frank. The MIC wags the rest of the dog here, but we are ready for a change of management in the imperial court. It may have begun. I think the days before November 5 are more critical than the days after for this power-struggle.
