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Saturday, December 16, 2023


 The UN was founded in 1945, replacing another useless organization, THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS.  The official UN budget for 2023 was set at $6.1.Billion.  "Fifth Committee Approves $6.1 Billion Budget for 9 Active Peacekeeping Operations, Averting Shutdown, as It Concludes Second Resumed Session"  It would not be a big jump to assume that significant other costs are involved as well.

 Surely, somewhere in the Sea of Waste, there must be a few worthwhile projects, providing humanitarian services to people in need.  However, the costs of which are grossly inflated by the many ineffective activities undertaken by the organization, as a whole.

To start, the charter gives the founding nations, the power of veto in the Security Council; this alone makes the UN an undemocratic organization.  In fact, it is the root cause of its ineffectiveness.  For example, it allows the US to shield Israel in their activities aiming to wipe out an entire nation, it appears.  Other super powers used their privilege of veto to serve their individual needs, rather than the needs of the UN.

The current conflict in Gaza is prima facie evidence that the UN is entirely useless when it comes to saving lives of the innocents.  Why should it take over 18,000 deaths of civilians, and still no cessation of the indiscriminate slaughter?  Why spend so much money for zero effectiveness, when it really counts?  At one time there was a consensus that the League of Nations was useless, the same applies now to the current United Nations.  Rather than being useful and effective, it sucks valuable resources from the world, to feed its bureaucratic cancer.  In addition, it removes talented people from real economic and humanitarian activities, serving mankind.


  1. How can this happen? Where is the UN?

  2. The fact that the US is the biggest donor nation and provides the facility, makes the UN another US controlled enterprise, most likely.

  3. The UN is useful in some ways, ineffectual in others, and a tool of the powerful in many ways. I'm not sure that such an organization can do better in the current geopolitical and global economic setting. It may do better or worse or both in the future. "Abandon all hope..." and so on.
