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Friday, March 17, 2023


Too many politicians around the world, the US included, today, are evidently glamouring for Nuclear War, and given the fact that most of the influential ones should be long retired by now, but are still hanging in, to decide whether or not the young and future generation is killed during such a war.  Any sane person knows, or should know, in a nuclear war there is no winner.  This over-the-hill generation of politicians has no right to offer-up a citizenry, children included, on the Altar of insanity!

Unless there is an attack on one's country, there must be a general referendum by all, including children of sufficient age, to understand the gravity of the situation, of engaging in an non-essential war with any other nation.  Also, all politicians accepting a position of power, must be subjected to psychoanalysis as well as tested for mental capacity to carry out a position of power.  In addition, every politician serving in any Government capacity must be drug tested every year, as long as a Government position is held.  The findings of such examinations must be made public.  For example, certain technicians, working on critical aircraft components, are already drug tested, at random times, so why not politicians who also affect the lives of the general public, each and every day?  Like every employer, the people have a right to know if their servants are up to snuff, in every aspect of their duties and responsibilities.

Most are, privately, in positions of power for their own benefit and/or gratification, while pretending that they are serving the people. Unfortunately, quite a few may have drug problems, and if not, they act as if they are on something.  People on drugs or suffering from senility, said goodbye to reality and as long as it affects only themselves, it is their business. However, if it can affect others, it is no longer their own business because their unrealistic views of the world can do great harm, to a society and the world in general.  Their impaired thinking borders often on insanity, therefore, their intentions and actions can do great harm.

As stated above, some members of Congress have been, far too long, in the saddle and by now assume an attitude of royalty.  They have forgotten that they are the servants of the people and servants don't drag their master into wars that could potentially get their master killed.  These politicians got it all wrong!

The COVID 19 affair clearly demonstrated that far too many dictates were made by irrational and/or corrupt people and politicians, by sociopath and/or psychopaths.  They were and some still are, drunk with the emergency powers they were given, or just assumed.

For some time now, all the nation is getting is two opposing gangs, which keep the public entertained with their revenge battles over this or the other.  As a result, no meaningful progress is achieved, to lift the poor out of poverty, and restore the middle-class, which usually pays the piper, to keep the country afloat.

These so-called servants of the people donate hard earned tax monies of the people to  support a foreign war that is not a direct threat to the nation, and in so doing they deprive needy citizens of the assistance required for them.  These politicians (servants of the people) expropriate monies (in the billions of dollars) for foreign aid, monies that are urgently required on the home front.  If they so badly want to fight a war, let it be for the war on poverty, drugs, and illegal immigration, as a starter.  Many other serious domestic problems are standing inline to get their turn.  This inappropriate transfer of taxpayer funds is supported by the leaders of both parties; i.e. there are warmongers on both sides of the isle.  Instead of benefiting from this apparent surplus of money, the people are punished with high inflation, mainly caused by stupid actions by politicians of either party.

To make matters worse, many women have now assumed positions of power, on the world stage, some of which, apparently, are trying to show the men around them that they can be more though than them.  Some may be acting out their 'penis envy' (Sigmund Freud), or 'masculine protest' (Alfred Adler), by being extra tough in matters like foreign policy, for example.

Not to be left out, over the hill aging male politicians, of which we see many, whose testosterone levels approach negative infinity, are now trying to show that they can be just as tough as these younger women, who crashed into their once male dominated arena.

The foregoing may explain the mostly irrational views of the world, as well as their behavior and actions by these, apparently, handicapped foreign policy actors.

In conclusion the following amendments to the Constitution are proposed:

  • No military action against another country is taken without a direct, physical act of war on the homeland, by such nation.
  • No offensive war is started without a full nationwide referendum, which includes all citizens 16 years and older.
  • The term-limit of congressional members (house and senate) shall be no more than two terms, the same as the term for the president.
  • Any member of Congress, including the president, found guilty of corruption, shall forfeit all future benefits, following expulsion.

These changes are most necessary because the politics of the day have become a cult-like exercise, where people no longer vote for the best options for the country but instead are entrenched to blindly follow their perceived 'Cult Leaders', no matter how dangerous it might be for the nation.  Far too many citizens are ready to drink the proverbial Cool-Aid (Flavor-Aid) of Jones-Town, as exhibited by their unquestioning perpetual faith in their chosen leaders, i.e., useless members of Congress.  They are ready to follow them even into hell (Nuclear War).

Note: This writer has nothing against older people, being himself 88 years of age; he retired at age 67.



  1. The constitution is ignored and worked-around already.
    Any constitutional-Convention, once convened, would be able to change any/all of the constitution, so it is very dangerous to begin. The problem is corruption and capture of the elected government officials and all of the "deep state" bureaucracy, by special financial interests and the invisible/untouchable spy agencies, which are also open to bribery by the military industrial complex and other powerful interests. Oligarchy becomes a criminal cabal, which becomes corrosive to the host-society.
    We are pretty far down that road...

    1. I very much appreciate your comment.
