The following has been gleaned entirely from Dr. John Day's Blog.
Those of you who read my Blog know who John Day M.D. is, and I can tell you he was one of the first doctors who saved lives, by treating his patients properly. He did not send his patients home, just to see how sick they would become, like others did, including hospitals. His overriding concern was always for his patients. In Fact, he lost not only his position as a doctor but also is family license for treating his 'COVID' patients with off-label FDA approved medication, saving lives.
You will find the answer and much more by reading the content below.
"Published in 1977 in The Millbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, the McKinlay’s study was titled, “The Questionable Contribution of Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in the United States in the Twentieth Century.” The study clearly proved, with data, something that the McKinlay’s acknowledged might be viewed by some as medical “heresy.” Namely: “that the introduction of specific medical measures and/or the expansion of medical services are generally not responsible for most of the modern decline in mortality.” By “medical measures,” the McKinlay’s really meant ANYTHING modern medicine had come up with, whether that was antibiotics, vaccines, new prescription drugs, whatever. The McKinlay’s 23-page study really should be read cover to cover, but in a nutshell the McKinlay’s sought to analyze how much of an impact medical interventions (antibiotics, surgery, vaccines) had on this massive decline in mortality rates between 1900 and 1970:
..92.3% of the mortality rate decline happened between 1900 and 1950 [before most vaccines existed]
Medical measures “appear to have contributed little to the overall decline in mortality in the United States since about 1900–having in many instances been introduced several decades after a marked decline had already set in and having no detectable influence in most instances.”.....In plain English: of the total decline in mortality since 1900, that 74% number I keep mentioning, vaccines (and other medical interventions like antibiotics) were responsible for somewhere between 1% and 3.5% of that decline.
Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It
The NTP, an interagency program run by HHS that researches and reports on environmental toxins, conducted a six-year systematic review to assess scientific studies on fluoride exposure and potential neurodevelopmental and cognitive health effects in humans. The report, containing a monograph and a meta-analysis, went through two rounds of peer review by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Comments from reviewers and HHS and NTP’s responses also were included in the report released Wednesday. According to its website, the NTP “removed the hazardous classification of fluoride” in response to comments in the peer-review process. Yet, the report states: “Our meta-analysis confirms results of previous meta-analyses and extends them by including newer, more precise studies with individual-level exposure measures." “The data support a consistent inverse association between fluoride exposure and children’s IQ … “The results were robust to stratifications by risk of bias, gender, age group, outcome assessment, study location, exposure timing, and exposure type (including both drinking water and urinary fluoride).” “These findings fly in the face of the empty, unscientific claims U.S. health officials have propagated for years, namely that water fluoridation is safe and beneficial,” said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. "