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Thursday, January 5, 2023


 To fully understand why the FDA takes such a hard-line against generic, FDA approved drugs, like Ivermectin (off-label),  which treat COVID related illnesses successfully on the outset, one must watch the following video, by clicking the link below.  It is a rather long video but most people will get the picture, without seeing it to the end.  The FDA enters the story later in the video, after the Texas authorities strike out again and again, in an attempt to withhold life saving cancer treatment from mortally ill patients.

You will also learn that not only social media platforms are misused to spread lies and/or false agendas, of powerful sources, who benefit from confusing the public.  These misused platforms may be so-called reference sources, that we trust, like the Oxford Dictionary, which they are not; paid agents of lies are at work here as well. 

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