From our early childhood till our later years, most of us are operating under the good versus evil theory, and are again and again dismayed that evil has defeated the good once more, so we conclude. To start, political parties anywhere, no matter what color, are never concerned about the blind masses voting for one or the other into office, granting the victor to line the pockets of their benefactors, while not ignoring their own needs. It follows that evil is always in the driver seat.
The system in many countries is so rigged in favor of big money that a simple average person, although very qualified, has as much of a chance to be elected, as a snowball has in hell. Add to that the idolization, by the populace, of Billionaires, it further prevents good people to assume positions of power. Further, who is to say that an honest simple but qualified individual, once in power, will not become corrupted?
Was it not Lord Acton who wrote, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"? One does not have to go too far back into history, for examples to observe overreach by elected officials during the current pandemic, at all levels, to see them exerting powers, they never got from the constitution, or any other legitimate rule of law.
"Medicare COVID-19 Vaccine Shot Payment"
"On March 15, 2021, CMS updated the Medicare payment rates for administering COVID-19 vaccines. On August 12, 2021, the FDA updated the emergency use authorizations for COVID-19 vaccines to authorize the use of additional doses of the vaccine. For COVID-19 vaccines administered on or after March 15, 2021, and for additional doses of the COVID-19 vaccine administered on or after August 12, 2021, the Medicare payment rates for administering the vaccines are:
- Approximately $40 for single-dose vaccines
- For vaccines requiring multiple doses, approximately $40 for each dose in the series, including any additional doses."
One million single doses bring in about $40,000,000; we are talking about some serious money here. One million doses is just a drop in the bucket. What this boils down to is simply the transfer of taxpayer monies to Big Pharma and friends. We are told over and over that these vaccines are given free to all recipients. Are they right when they think that we are all stupid? To add insult to injury, effective off-label drugs are censured to ensure the collateral immoral profits by the Medical Industrial Complex.
As of March 2020, it was estimated that the World's Population has reached 7.8 billion of which 1.9 billion are children that leaves 5.9 billion vaccine customers. Let us assume that two shots are given to each of them; there will be surely booster shots for single dose vaccines. The conservative number of shots given comes to 11.8 billion doses. At $40 per dose this comes to roughly $472 billion ($472,000,000,000); not exactly small change.
The Nuremberg trials documented that the Nazis injected many of the population with experimental chemicals against their will.
"Twenty-three doctors and administrators were charged with committing war crimes and crimes against humanity for killing concentration camp inmates and conducting forced medical experiments on them, according to Harvard Law School’s Nuremberg Trials Project. Seven defendants were sentenced to death, nine were sentenced to prison and seven were acquitted." Medical experiments were also conducted on Germans who spoke ill about Adolf Hitler and his party; they were kept in Hospitals for this purpose (my father died that way for speaking out publicly). Has the world, at large, degenerated to this level again?
Just because some self-serving, so-called, experts of agencies say these vaccines are safe it is not necessarily so. The fact that so many people experience adverse side effects after injections, including death, says otherwise. Not a single prior vaccine has done as much harm as these vaccines inflict on innocent people, including an unacceptable death toll. In the past, these vaccines would have been removed from the market place, many months ago. In fact these vaccines do more harm that all prior vaccines have done together.
"One can observe categorically that medical researchers in Australia,
India, France, the US, Germany and Japan are showing why the mRNA Covid
“vaccines” tested by Oxford Recovery on dogs killed all the vaccinated animals." This could explain why no animal testing results have been published, by any of the vaccine developers.
Now let us enter, and use the minds of the super greedy, and we can now rationalize as follows. Everybody has to die sometimes, some die sooner than others do but in the large scheme of things everybody will face death eventually. One thousand years from now (probably much less), these premature unnecessary deaths, and long-term suffering, by many, caused by vaccines, become meaningless.
In the Bible it says,
- "No man can serve two masters: for either he
- will hate the one, and love the other; or else
- he will hold to the one, and despise the other,
- Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
- Matthew 6:24
When confronted with such evil, one may be tempted to pray for the end of this world, just to put an end to such sickening greed, that is willing to sacrifice the health and lives of millions for the sake of profit, which by the way, they cannot bring with them, for their enjoyment, at the time of death. A clear thinking human being would reason, why bother, live and let live. A sick corrupted mind cannot reason this way, apparently.
This golden Goose, called COVID-19, is designed to lay her golden eggs well into the future, the cash register ringing bell is just warming up; it won't be long before it sounds like a symphony. Many offspring industries are forming to partake in the profit banquet. Our lawmakers ensure that these vaccines don't sit too long on the shelves; blackmail followed by dismissals of the unvaccinated is starting to be the rule of the day.
It is obvious now, these vaccines offer very little protection, from the beginning, and after just a very short time they are practically ineffective, and that is why, everybody is wearing again a mask, and the battle cry is now, "we need booster shots", which will require more booster shots, and so on. Do you get the picture? Follow the next link to read what Fauci said about this scenario.
Please watch this video, it is a must do item! This Doctor is highly published and respected all over the world. Link by John Day MD
A very revealing read is found following the link below. Link provided by John Day MD.
It contains good advice for our friends who are already vaccinated, and will make others think long, hard and carefully.
Hot Microphones reveal the truth every time. Link provided by John Day MD.
Israeli health officials caught with an open microphone, spilling the truth for all to hear live.
"Unaware that his words were being broadcast live to the nation on Channel 12, Horowitz told Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked that not only should the green pass be removed as a requirement to dine at outdoor restaurants, but also, “For swimming pools, too, not just in restaurants.”
“Epidemiologically, it’s true,” said Horowitz, adding, “The thing is, I’m telling you, our problem is people who don’t get vaccinated. We need [to influence] them a bit; otherwise, we won’t get out of this [pandemic situation].”
I know, the daily BullShit we are being fed is just too much to stomach but what is one to do one might ask? For one, refuse to give it value, then educate those who intend to act upon it, however, if they still want to respect it, it is their choice and not yours.
Peter McCullough MD makes the clear case that the current COVID vaccines are killing people.
"Several studies support COVID-19 vaccine boosters as FDA remains neutral ahead of Friday vote"
"An FDA independent advisory committee is set to convene Friday to weigh data pertaining to Pfizer’s booster"
This is just the beginning, I fear.