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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Smaller More Ethical Countries Put Major Nations To Shame

There really is no need to lose 1000, or more, lives each day; Ivermectin if used early can significantly reduce the number of daily lives lost.  Ivermectin when used as a preventative drug, 12mg every other week, will lower the number of new severe infections, according to experts.

"More Medical and Scientific Authorities Around the World Recognize Ivermectin as a Safe and Effective Prevention and Treatment for COVID-19" 

Chart showing US cases and deaths. Updated 29 March

Countries like Peru, Egypt, Argentina, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Bulgaria (OTC free), Macedonia, and Slovakia, made the wise choice of accepting Ivermectin in the fight against COVID-19.  In my previous post, the graph on Peru clearly demonstrates the success of this drug, until a new President stopped it, and infections went out-of-control again.

Here is that graph again.

Our silence on this urgent matter is deafening; we should be raising hell with our elected officials!  Instead, the vast majority looks at the number of daily deaths, sigh and proceed with their lives as usual. The first thing we must do, start a conversation with people we know and respect, and urge everyone to continue the dialog, with others they know.  Politicians react to the noise level generated; who knows some in the mainstream Media will give it visibility.  We simply cannot let our brothers and sisters die needlessly, without raising our voices.

It does not matter which country you live in, this is a global problem, please contact your elected officials, whatever their title may be, and let them know how you feel about the many unjustified deaths due to inaction, or refusal to give the green light to 'IVERMECTIN', thus preventing medical personnel from saving lives.

  What kind of people are we?

Show them!

I deed my part by contacting my Senators:


Sunday, March 28, 2021

FDA SPIN: "Don't Use Veterinary Drug Ivermectin Against COVID, FDA Warns"

After reading the FDA spin, shown below, it should become obvious to anyone that the FDA, Big Pharma, and Fake News are on a major smear campaign against the lifesaving drug, IVERMECTIN.  Their Spin is so obvious that it takes no brain surgeon to figure this out.  Here are some examples.

"Don't Use Veterinary Drug Ivermectin Against COVID, FDA Warns.
The agency has received multiple reports of people who've required medical care, including hospitalization, after self-medicating with a version of the drug ivermectin intended for horses."

"Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19" 

"There seems to be a growing interest in a drug called ivermectin to treat humans with COVID-19. Ivermectin is often used in the U.S. to treat or prevent parasites in animals.  The FDA has received multiple reports of patients who have required medical support and been hospitalized after self-medicating with ivermectin intended for horses."

Who, in his right mind, would use Horse medication?  They are hoping to plant a seed that Ivermectin is a dangerous drug.  Any drug taken in excessive doses is dangerous.

"FDA warns against using head lice drug ivermectin to treat coronavirus"

Ivermectin is a anti-parasitic drug, it is not specifically designed for head lice; it may very well work for this application.  It is just another way to put Ivermectin  into a bad light.

"Ivermectin was identified in late 1970s and first approved for animal use in 1981. Its potential use in humans was confirmed a few years later. Subsequently, William C. Campbell and Satoshi ÅŒmura who discovered and developed this medication received the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine";_ylt=AwrVk.Nlp2Bgm3UAQh4PxQt.;_ylc=X1MDMjExNDcwMDU1OQRfcgMyBGZyA3locy1pYmEtc3luX2dsb2JhbHdlYXRoZXIEZnIyA3NiLXRvcARncHJpZANYYmNjeUtKclNvbXVGd1V3czNObVZBBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwM0BG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDMARxc3RybAM0NgRxdWVyeQN3YXMlMjBpdmVybWVjdGluJTIwdXNlZCUyMGZpcnN0JTIwb24lMjBhbmltYWxzJTIwb3IlMjBodW1hbnMEdF9zdG1wAzE2MTY5NDg1MTI-?p=was+ivermectin+used+first+on+animals+or+humans&fr2=sb-top&hspart=iba&hsimp=yhs-syn_globalweather&param1=RypDRDjp20T5Vc76fVk9yA%3D%3D&param2=9dUI1n2R0BLDxNuWfiP4aSFOTltNdSPoIx38%2BUf%2FiXrvPdoGmStdlfwLFZYDvqkAfvapUGDUlfVlBewW80EIyY0tOUS4U4sNM7n6WeH0adWT1lZY3rTEpfd2jH7NiDDczh%2BXwN7Ww3efbz5X%2FE9VakAo6Q2OmDpD1EWjJd3PNLyW2dfWKMjDfz7LFRcCP4IVTZz%2FMon2g62c%2B02B6R0N0imupZkXnyrzYbgwe3KekaQ%3D&param3=NwVEMR%2FzKcG52XsVBYEh2zk2Yklq85vdfspZPoqz2M1zGvLe0PkontWo1GzTwdEqKfadV7OrYMfO24kCrKRR4YcPE1vuZgs%2FEPIYS5LfmYc0b%2BAWp2OWXhMyiMwwsiLQ08DVtr32q1TGAzKsod6v7d2NXFd3UJvgq9ORy%2BDR19QOjcoO1C8QMseczua1fOpm934drPzcVOt41OKXqkzAR0w6ubst8yj7IOHpX%2Bqw5ZS3VYsz%2F8M4waYu%2BYHdld6H&param4=w1QbjTlkTXjm2lDKKYD3MuktkrKAVhTkl%2FTcMF3tVUk%3D&type=syaj_9125_FFW_US_tid102_w06,Physiology%20or%20Medicine%20%5B%201%2C%202%2C%203%20%5D 

From the foregoing, it should be clear by now that the FDA, and others are on a massive smear campaign against the use of the previously FDA approved drug, IVERMECTIN, used primarily against Parasites, in humans; it is also used for animals for this purpose.  Scientific studies are now available, showing that this FDA approved drug also works great against COVID-19, and herein lies the problem.  Ivermectin came to market over 30 years ago, and is relatively inexpensive, and to add insult to injury, it has proven to be very safe, over these many years.  Accepting this repurposed drug, by FDA, would interfere with Big Pharma's plans to make a killing with their half-backed vaccines.  Who knows, maybe these vaccines need to have a booster every six months, or year, from here to eternity?  Imagine the business opportunity!

Along comes the Big Pharma sponsored agency, the FDA, to ensure that the prior approved drug, for human consumption, is now suddenly black listed to protect the business interests of their benefactors, you guessed it, Big Pharma.  Suddenly, it turned into a dangerous drug, according to the FDA, thus ensuring the money making opportunities continue.
To be clear, the FDA cannot be called an unbiased organization, since about 75% of it operating budget comes from the Pharmaceutical Industry, who no doubt have great leverage.

Their first assault was their refusal to recommend any lifesaving  drug, from the very start of the Pandemic; their initial excuse was, insufficient data from properly designed studies.  Now, that there is a growing number of properly executed and analyzed studies, for Ivermectin, the FDA is still not recommending this drug, and actually advice against its use, even though they admit that they have not reviewed the available studies.
"While some initial research into the use of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients is underway, the FDA has not reviewed data to support use of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients to treat or to prevent COVID-19.",COVID-19%20patients%20to%20treat%20or%20to%20prevent%20

By refusing to review valid data supplied to them, the FDA autocratically dictates to doctors not to prescribe Ivermectin, and that without justification; all to protect Big Pharma's revenue stream.

Powerful sources, at work, ensure that these available scientific studies on Ivermectin, even peer reviewed ones, do not see the light of day; these are simply not published.  Big Pharma/Big Money is in total control.  These organizations think that we, the people, are stupid; the sad fact is, we are and that is why this fraud continues.

A number of countries where Ivermectin is widely used show that their infection and death rates are much lower than that of the U.S.  In Peru we see a clear example of politics , in support of GREED, endangering (killing) people.  The graph below shows a fantastic downward trend in excess deaths while Ivermectin was used, then came a new President who restricted the use of this lifesaving drug, not unlike the U.S., and the favorable trend was dramatically reversed.


 To refresh your memory regarding Ivermectin refer back to my earlier post.

Added April 2, 2021

UK BIRD Panel Sends Ivermectin Recommendation To World Health Organization

The current world population stands at 7.9 Billion; the U.S. has 331 Million, and it takes a very long time to vaccinate everyone in that country.  It is reported that about 16% out of 331 Million have been fully vaccinated, so far.  One can well imagine that the effort to vaccinate the entire world population will be years away into the future.  In light of this, is is paramount that we employ Ivermectin, as well as other new drugs, if and when verified, to stem the tide of new severe infections.

I am hoping that soon all global health organizations will endorse Ivermectin for use.





Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The FDA Has Not Approved Or Authorized The Use Of 'Ivermectin' For The Treatment Or Prevention Of COVID-19

I received the following message from my Doctor's office, after I requested a Prescription for 'Ivermectin', to be used in connection with COVID-19 prevention.

"The FDA has not approved or authorized the use of 'Ivermectin' for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19."

This is why the U.S. lost over 500,000 people, so far,  many needlessly.  We must consider the fact that Big Pharma provides a very big junk (75%) of the FDA's operating budget, and the FDA, obviously, does not want to bite the hand that feeds them.  Approving such an effective drug would interfere with their benefactor's fantastic prospects of making real money with their half-backed vaccines.  Moreover, it would bring COVID-19, sooner and less expensive, under control.  Both of these prospects are unacceptable, as far as the Vaccine business outlook is concerned.

Other countries knowing, and appreciating the real value of this drug have officially approved it for nationwide use with COVID-19 issues; their drug agencies, are obviously less corrupted by money.  Mass murder is no longer unacceptable, it appears, in the service of greed.  All the people who died for lack of proper treatments, are considered collateral damage on the way to grab more billions of taxpayer money.

The vast majority of Doctors of today are beholden to their employers, the Medical Industrial Complex; the are now afraid to do what is right and proper.  The FDA is now their crutch; they must find it hard to sleep at night; a few of them refuse  to violate their 'Hippocratic Oath'.  By withholding lifesaving medication, they majority definitely are doing harm.  The Hippocratic Oath boils down to 'Do No Harm'.

In defense of Doctors, one must consider the highly litigious society we nowadays live in; should a doctor prescribe outside of the self-serving dictates by the FDA (defender of Big Pharma), and a medical situation arises, lawyers surely will become involved; it could be a career killer.

The following snapshot of the COVID-19 status, of my previously selected countries.

Click the Graph to enlarge it.

It must be noted that not all data reporting is fair and honest (e.g China, etc), and thus not factual.

Now, let us look at the percentage death rate.  For example, the U. S. death rate is, currently, at 1.8%, whereas, the death rate of Turkey is only 0.7%.  One might ask why is this so?  The answer is very simple, in the U.S. the FDA dictates what a doctor can and cannot use, in the treatment of his patient.  For example, the use of Ivermectin is not approved for COVID-19 cases.  Whereas, in Turkey Ivermectin is the first drug of use.

When I was in Turkey last year (October 2020), the Hotel Manager became infected with the virus, and became very sick.  Her doctor did not adopt a wait and see attitude but immediately put her on Ivermectin, Zinc and Doxycycline, for one week.  After the first week she started to feel better, and after an additional 10 days of rest, she was back at work.  By this protocol, Turkey's doctors keep many patients out of the hospital, where people will fight for their lives, and often lose the battle.

If infected, where would you rather be?

"The Revised Hippocratic Oath

"I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant: I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow. I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism. I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug. I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery. I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God. I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick. I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure. I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm. If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help."

Thus, the classical Oath of Hippocratic involves the triad of the physician the patient and God, while the revised version involves only the physician and the patient, reliving the Gods of a few responsibilities." 

Added 3/26/2021

Click on Links

Ivermectin Works And Saves Lives 


The foregoing discusses the very significant reductions in COVID-19 deaths, due to the use of IVERMECTIN.

IVERMECTIN  is also effective in preventing COVID-19 infections.



Wednesday, March 10, 2021


Is it now abundantly clear that the COVID-19 virus and its present and future mutations will win hands-down because too many people worldwide don't give a damn about their fellow members of their society?  Why would I ask this question?  From my experience watching my fellow citizens of my immediate surroundings, and observing the lack of mask compliance nationwide in Newscasts, and other countries on Youtube's current travel videos, there is concrete evidence that too many are flaunting the natural law of common sense, by either wearing no mask, or wearing it improperly to suit their own purposes.

The newly developed Vaccines with doubtful long-term viability, and even more doubtful safety and efficacy, provide little chance of being the answer at present.  Reinfections after vaccination are not only possible, they are increasing in numbers, apparently.  Recent news articles confirm this; please follow the links below, to gain a better picture.

These diabolical designers of this virus, knew what they were doing, surely they got paid by some entity, or entities, for providing this new method of mass-destruction.   In the past, world-wars served indirectly the purpose of world population control.  The problem with this method was the costly collateral damage to infra-structure.  There is no doubt, COVID-19 does not destroy real-estate, it only destroys the perceived excess human population.

Today, people live much longer and therefore became, a big liability for all Governments of the world; is it just by chance that this virus is especially hard on the elderly, people who are considered, by some, no longer essential?  Monies paid through taxes for Social Security programs have been looted over and over again to support excess Government spending, and were only replaced with 'I O Y's'.  It is doubtful, these  monies ($2.5 Trillions) will ever be repaid.  Modern automation has eliminated many jobs, resulting in a significantly lower workforce, which in turn equates with a significant reduction in Social Security tax payments.  This reduction in available monies for Social Security payments puts this entire U.S. system at risk, for example.

The following links and comments, shown below, were provided by John Day, M. D. who has been treating COVID-19 cases for some time now; he knows what works best.  From his past writings we know that he is no fan of these current, insufficiently tested, vaccines, especially since we have, according to him, very effective medications for the treatment of this virus, apparently, without the risk of organ damage.

The Disarticulation of Pandemic War Propaganda  ... An investigative analysis takes apart a hackneyed piece of propaganda authored by an international alt-right clique with links to the Pentagon. by Raul Diego

Ivermectin is bad, because it is safe, effective COVID treatment that competes with big pharma products in the pipeline.

FLCCC Alliance Response to Merck’s public statements on ivermectin’s efficacy in COVID-19

Look, immune thrombocytopenia is not what killed Hank Aaron, even though his "massive stroke" was a little more than 2 weeks after his Moderna vaccine for COVID. 
It's a coincidence that it's exactly what happened to that unfortunate doctor in Florida, and those other nice people. 
The Coroner said "Natural Causes", so put those fears to rest!
Doctors Link Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines to Life-Threatening Blood Disorder
A second New York Times article quotes doctors who say the mRNA technology used in COVID vaccines may cause immune thrombocytopenia, a blood disorder that last month led to the death of a Florida doctor after his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
Budesonide is Pulmicort steroid inhaler for chronic asthma. It is used twice daily. It helps when COVID is inflaming the lungs. Thanks Jeremy.

"BTW - the Indian Pharmacy suggested by SWPRS is able to provide Budecort 200. This is the equivalent of Pulmicort." Says Jeremy.

California Suspends Use Of Moderna Vaccine Batch After Allergic Reactions

AstraZeneca Vaccine Doesn’t Stop South African Strain


As I have written before, everyone must decide for themselves whether to vaccinate, however, it should be with knowledge, and not because so called experts tell us to do it.  I think of one of those experts who waffled on every issue he spoke of.  One day masks were bad, only to become mandatory thereafter, double mask became even better, etc. etc.  I understand, Fauci was instrumental in obtaining funding for the studies and engineering of pathogens, which are the curse of humanity in my opinion.

"What Fauci has been doing is doubly catastrophic, first, in the making of deadly viruses and, second, in collaborating with China in mutually creating obvious bioweapons.   How the COVID-19 Outbreak Was Intentionally Inflicted on the World.  The Wuhan Institute has been known as “a center of China’s declared biowarfare/biodefense capacity.”36 Its director comes from China’s biological warfare program, as confirmed in a report stating “China ‘appoints its top military bio-warfare expert to take over secretive virus lab in Wuhan’.”37"

I strongly recommend browsing through this report, it is very, very instructive, it also covers the risk of dying from this virus; it is not nearly as high as we are led to believe.

Added March 12, 2021

Also, in support of early COVID-19 treatment and prevention, 'IVERMECTIN'  is the drug of choice; John Day, M.D. has been and is still using this drug, in the treatment of his patients.

The following video testimonies by real experts, who work with patients, clearly demonstrate that Ivermectin  is highly effective in the prevention and early treatment of COVID-19.


Added March 13, 2021


Thousands of people could have been saved but politics and Big Pharma and their agents torpedoed any suggestion of using repurposed known safe drugs, which threatened their making a killing with their vaccines in the pipeline.  And again, nobody will be held responsible, for knowingly withholding approval of live saving, existing drugs that some doctors used under the threat of losing their license.

Added March 22, 2021

Click on Image to enlarge

Dr. OZ's Program

Please Note: Moderna and Pfizer data were lumped together because of their similar nature and reaction percentages, according to Dr. OZ.



Don't forget to read the comments shown below, as additional knowledge gained is reflected.