More and more, the media treats us in a condescending way, as if we were born yesterday, and therefore need them to spoon-feed us, with their view of the world. All the while they are bent on trying to brainwash us, to facilitate them to inject us with their highly concentrated bullshit. Sadly, this applies to all media equally; some want to feed us the Bull from the 'Right while others do it from the 'Left', depending on who owns the media outlet they are working for. They brutally fan the Angst (fear) already present among the people, for political gain of the institution they represent. We urgently need an honest and unbiased media to hold the Governments' as well as the Oppositions' feet to the fire; is that asking too much?
Right now, these second-grade media have become the propaganda machines for their adopted political ideology. Their dangerous repetitions of outright lies, by politicians, give our future generation the idea that lying is OK, as long as one is not caught doing it. More and more we hear about people lying in their Resumes, granting themselves Degrees they have not earned, or graduating from Universities they have never attended. We must remove credentials of news outlets (by ignoring them) that have obviously become company papers, so to speak. If we fail to hold our media to a higher standard, it will assure that the current negative spiral will continue to the detriment of any Democracy.
From observing the media from various major countries, it is evident that we truly have no longer any independent media, in my opinion. It naturally follows that many thinking individuals, are tuning out, enough is enough, they say. In evidence, Email Spam folders, of likely voters, are loaded, daily, with bilateral election 'crap'; it is becoming truly sickening. It follows that some people are turned-off to the point that they will no longer care to vote. Consequently, eligible voter participation, for example, is very low in the U.S.; in 2016 voter participation was only 55.4%.
How much of this childish back and forth nonsense do they think a normal human brain can digest, without being nauseated? One just has to follow the published statements of the candidates, and their political ads, shown on TV, to understand the real lack of meaningful solutions, for the urgent needs of the people. Likewise, their political statements, on or off-stage, are no longer about substance and policy, but about assassinating each other's character. These candidates should focus on the future and stop dissecting the past, and embellish it with distorted truths, and outright shameless lies.
In days gone by, there probably was some spin, however, it was more of the refined, sophisticated type, and definitely very little of outright lies, safe Pearl Harbor, etc. These days, the vast majority of what we are told is based on shameless outright lies, pure and simple. It does not matter anymore who is in power, all over the world; the public is deliberately lied to.
Honorable people stay away from politics; it became that bad; who needs this unethical drama in their lives? As a result, the Governments of the world are saturated with scoundrels of every dimension, looking out only for their personal gain; it is no wonder that nothing good is achieved for the benefit of the citizens of the lands. In the final analysis, the people keep voting for the old guards, who have grown very rich and powerful, over the years in office. The system is rigged so that only candidates backed by big money can afford to run for office, with the result that we finish up with the Governments that Big Money bought, expecting a big return on their investments. How dumb is that?
One just has to watch, on Netflix, 'Saving Capitalism', featuring Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, and you will better understand that the system is truly rigged against the people. Of course, the media will never tell you that; they are far too busy spinning 'their news' to serve their masters.