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Monday, May 25, 2020

Open Followup Letter To The Whitehouse-President Trump

Frank Maier
  • White House
"The True State of the COVID-19 Results, Without The Spin
Dear Mr. President,

All your positive spin cannot change the fact that the US is not doing as well as a number of other nations.  We acted late because we assumed a very low probability of infections in the US, to use your words, uttered on TV.  We wasted precious time by doing nothing domestically, like getting masks for all people, checking on the availability of Respirators, etc., etc.

My statistical analyses of 10 countries, the US included, posted on my Blog, shows that while we do most of the bragging, other countries outperform us in a big way (ignoring China), by acting appropriately to contain the COVID-19 virus.  By the way, the double counting of testing by the CDC, to make our numbers look good, puts us in the class of China.

Where are these fantastic infection number reductions that you and your Government members talk about?  I see no evidence; in fact, the numbers show that we have settled in at the 20,000 daily new infections, for some time now.  Knowing that about 6% (5.8%) of those infected will end up dead, these daily new infections of 20,000 is a disgrace, in my opinion.  I am not happy about these numbers, and neither should you be.

We heard constantly of flattening the curve, to the point that we are now stuck on a flat curve, when we should be heading south like other nations are able to do.  Less spin and more actions are in order to change these sad results. Please follow the link below, to learn the real story of our lack of true significant improvements.  Yes, our curve seems to have a slight negative trend but the statistical forecast line is still pointing in the horizontal direction.  Please see post - CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) ACTIVITY AND SAMPLE ANALYSIS - 5/24/2020 UPDATE"

Social and environmental issues, affecting the USA and the world around us, which also impacts us, are our concerns. In 2011 we prevented a 'Waste Processing Facility/Incinerator' from being built upwind and 700 yards or less from Ainakea (Hawaii) homes in favor of the residents involved. This Blog is protected by the 'First Amendment Of The US Constitution', and Section 230 of Title 47 of the ...
Respectfully yours,

Frank J. Maier"

P.S. I tried to mail this to two separate legitimate 'Whitehouse'  email addresses, and each time it was rejected by them, and returned.  Finally, I succeeded by responding to a survey questionnaire, which allowed me to submit my comments, and I did.

Monday, May 18, 2020


The Daily Infection rate is the best indicator when considering lifting restrictions in place, in my opinionIncreased testing will influence the data.

This Post will be revised once a week, every Monday, to show the Sunday current trends.

Click the charts to enlarge them

Status as of 6/21/2020
This Histogram shows data of ten selected countries, including nations with a wide variety of infection severity.  Added is now the percentage of people dying once infected.  The data table, part of the above chart shows the effectiveness in saving lives of the individual countries' medical systems.  This chart is self-explanatory, and you can draw your own conclusions.

 US-As of 6-21-2020
The US Daily Infections curve is still stalled about the 20,000 to 30,000 new daily infections range.  The forecast line is still pointing in the horizontal direction.  The last 30 plus days have shown no significant improvement.  Opening up the country has seen a 50% rise in daily infections.

Nobody in authority has the guts to lay down the law, by issuing free face masks, and proper enforced guidelines, like wearing face masks, etc. in all public areas, under the penalty of a meaningful fine.  It appears, we rather kill people daily, of all colors, just before the election.  The logic appears to be, let the people be infected and die from the COVID-19 virus but don't piss them off before the November election.  How gruel is that?  Besides, the medical industrial complex is making money in a big way; sadly our nurses and doctors also pay the price.

As of 6-21-2020
On the bright side, the death rate has maxed and is slowly coming down but remains still above the 5% level.

Canada-As of 6-21-2020
Canada's graph of daily infections still shows a clear downward trend, as confirmed by the forecast line. The people's compliance will do that.  Compared to the US, Canada has only about one half the infections per million.  See Histogram above.  This is the example to follow.

As of 6-21-2020
Canada's death rate, however, is still on the rise, which is kind of odd.

Turkey's-Daily Infections as of 6/21/2020
Turkey, who once did very well, is now on the wrong track.  Early lifting of restrictions surely is a major problem now.  The good news is, the forecast line is pointing down.

As of 6-21-2020
Turkey's death rate, although low by comparison, is not significantly lowered, over the last 30 days.

As of 6/21/2020
Russia, broke out of the stall position, and is now poised for a meaningful lower daily infection rate.

As of 6-21-2020
Russia's death rate is still on the rise; out of the 10 countries monitored, they do have the lowest rate by far.  See Histogram above.  However, one would expect with more experience the death rate should show a downward trend but it does not.

China's Daily Infections - As of 4-22-2020
The rate of change for China is so low that updates are more or less of not much use.  China's paradox is simply this, on the one hand they have a low infection rate, while on the other hand their death rate appears to be high.  Very few people have died lately, it appears; one could be very skeptical about their reporting. 
The recent closure of 21 million cell phone accounts, in China, may indicate a much higher death rate than reported.

Apparently, if one has no cell phone in China, one does not exist; everything is linked to the individual's cell phone.

Note: Raw data taken from: 

Note: The above charts and their underlying analyses were aided by the use of Statgraphics' Centurion 18 Statistical analysis software.