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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Five To Six Out OF One Hundred Can Still Contract The COVID-19 Virus, After Vaccination

 The Inquirer published the following, regarding COVID-19 vaccines, December 18, 2020.

""The country’s first coronavirus vaccinations are now being distributed. The FDA granted the Pfizer vaccine emergency authorization for use, and it’s expected that soon, possibly by this week, it will do the same for the Moderna vaccine. In trials, the Pfizer vaccine was 95% effective in preventing COVID-19, and the Moderna vaccine stands at 94%, both significantly more effective than many scientists anticipated.

This is close to the gold standard of all vaccines, the measles vaccine,” says Eric Sachinwalla, medical director of Infection Prevention and Control at Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, noting that the MMR vaccine used to prevent measles is about 97% effective.

Both versions of the vaccine require two injections. With both injections , your chances of getting infected with the coronavirus are likely low. But even if you get vaccinated in the near future, experts say it’ll be months until you can ditch the masks and hug everyone around you.""  Emphasis (underline) added.

It has been reported that some people have severe reactions after the injections, while some reports show that vital organs can be severely compromised, over long periods, or even permanently.  At present, these later reports are no longer visible  in cyberspace, it appears.

"10 minutes after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, a health care worker at a hospital in Alaska was rushed to the ER with a severe rash and shortness of breath. Doctors say she had no known previous reactions to medicines, unlike two people in the U.K. who also developed severe allergic reactions.

"COVID-19 (coronavirus): Long-term effects" by Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic reports, "COVID-19 symptoms can sometimes persist for months. The virus can damage the lungs, heart and brain, which increases the risk of long-term health problems.

Most people who have coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) recover completely within a few weeks. But some people — even those who had mild versions of the disease — continue to experience symptoms after their initial recovery.

These people sometimes describe themselves as "long haulers" and the condition has been called post-COVID-19 syndrome or "long COVID-19."

Older people and people with many serious medical conditions are the most likely to experience lingering COVID-19 symptoms, but even young, otherwise healthy people can feel unwell for weeks to months after infection. The most common signs and symptoms that linger over time include:

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough
  • Joint pain
  • Chest pain

Other long-term signs and symptoms may include:

  • Muscle pain or headache
  • Fast or pounding heartbeat
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Memory, concentration or sleep problems
  • Rash or hair loss"

One doctor, I know (Dr. John Day), said this:

"I declined to get the Pfizer vaccine yesterday at our clinic. 
My immune system is good. I take vitamin-D. I have access to testing and to antiviral treatment with ivermectin, zinc and doxycycline. 
Pushing the vaccine through emergency approval requires that there be no safe, effective alternative. There is safe, effective treatment."
Hospital Workers Turn Down COVID Vaccine: "There's Too Much Mistrust"
Less than a week after we reported on widespread resistance among healthcare workers in one Chicago hospital,'s Ayla Ellison reports that the virus of vaccine mistrust is spreading...

This spreading mistrust is not good for business of course, therefore, I expect some forms of coercion to be introduced in the very near future.  France's law, apparently, already provides  for people refusing the vaccine, they cannot use public transportation.

The following was added 12/24/2020

The figure below shows the source being the FDA; it was published by ABC News.

I find it very curious that the Vaccines' effectiveness is shown as "Up to 95% Effective".  This play on words tells me that the effectiveness of these vaccines is not always 95%.  I would have expected, from a scientific organization (FDA), a statement saying, 'these vaccines are 95% (or other) effective at the 90% (or other) confidence level.'  Up to 95% effective says very little, in my opinion.

Covid-19 Vaccine Developers


Connell: Adjuvants May Play Key Role in COVID-19 Vaccine

Terry D. Connell, PhD

"Published November 25, 2020

Agents that enhance the immune response to foreign molecules, called adjuvants, will likely play a role in developing a successful COVID-19 vaccine, according to Terry D. Connell, PhD, professor of microbiology and immunology."

Thinking out loud, these 'Adjuvants' help the vaccine to achieve a greater immune response but may in some individuals be too much and thus trigger a higher than expected response, a response that can actually be very harmful to an individual's vital organs, because of an immune system gone out-of-control, attacking itself.







Friday, September 25, 2020

"All You Need To Know About ..."- According To Whom?

Are you, like many of us, sick and tired of the new fake media engaged in selling Snake Oil instead of presenting high quality Journalism?  Without a doubt, the media is undergoing a revolution, sadly it is not for the better.  The current media present a clear and present danger to not only the current generations but also to future generations, by selling lies as facts.  Honestly, it does not matter which news one reads, or which news channel one watches (BBC, CNN, etc. etc.), the 'Mantra' is always the same, "all you need to know about ...".  Who in the world are these arrogant ignoramuses, who decide what we need to know?  Why not give us the full story, and let us decide what, if anything, we need to know?  In most instances, we need absolutely nothing of their spin.

More and more, the media treats us in a condescending way, as if we were born yesterday, and therefore need them to spoon-feed us, with their view of the world.  All the while they are bent on trying to brainwash us, to facilitate them to inject us with their highly concentrated bullshit.  Sadly, this applies to all media equally; some want to feed us the Bull from the 'Right while others do it from the 'Left', depending on who owns the media outlet they are working for.  They brutally fan the Angst (fear) already present among the people, for political gain of the institution they represent.  We urgently need an honest and unbiased media to hold the Governments' as well as the Oppositions' feet to the fire; is that asking too much?

Right now, these second-grade media have become the propaganda machines for their adopted political ideology.  Their dangerous repetitions of outright lies, by politicians, give our future generation the idea that lying is OK, as long as one is not caught doing it.  More and more we hear about people lying in their Resumes, granting themselves Degrees they have not earned, or graduating from Universities they have never attended.  We must remove credentials of news outlets (by ignoring them) that have obviously become company papers, so to speak.  If we fail to hold our media to a higher standard, it will assure that the current negative spiral will continue to the detriment of any Democracy.

From observing the media from various major countries, it is evident that we truly have no longer any independent media, in my opinion.  It naturally follows that many thinking individuals, are tuning out, enough is enough, they say.  In evidence, Email Spam folders, of likely voters, are loaded, daily, with bilateral election 'crap'; it is becoming truly sickening.  It follows that some people are turned-off to the point that they will no longer care to vote.  Consequently, eligible voter participation, for example, is very low in the U.S.; in 2016 voter participation was only 55.4%.

How much of this childish back and forth nonsense do they think a normal human brain can digest, without being nauseated?  One just has to follow the published statements of the candidates, and their political ads, shown on TV, to understand the real lack of meaningful solutions, for the urgent needs of the people. Likewise, their political statements, on or off-stage, are no longer about substance and policy, but about assassinating each other's character.  These candidates should focus on the future and stop dissecting the past, and embellish it with distorted truths, and outright shameless lies.

In days gone by, there probably was some spin, however, it was more of the refined, sophisticated type, and definitely very little of outright lies, safe Pearl Harbor, etc.  These days, the vast majority of what we are told is based on shameless outright lies, pure and simple.  It does not matter anymore who is in power, all over the world; the public is deliberately lied to.

Honorable people stay away from politics; it became that bad; who needs this unethical drama in their lives?  As a result, the Governments of the world are saturated with scoundrels of every dimension, looking out only for their personal gain; it is no wonder that nothing good is achieved for the benefit of the citizens of the lands.  In the final analysis, the people keep voting for the old guards, who have grown very rich and powerful, over the years in office.  The system is rigged so that only candidates backed by big money can afford to run for office, with the result that we finish up with the Governments that Big Money bought, expecting a big return on their investments.  How dumb is that?

One just has to watch, on Netflix, 'Saving Capitalism', featuring Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, and you will better understand that the system is truly rigged against the people.  Of course, the media will never tell you that; they are far too busy spinning 'their news' to serve their masters.


Sunday, September 20, 2020

It’s Not The Race Inequality; It's The Economic/Income Inequality Stupid

Let us examine the graph, shown below, which clearly demonstrates that the income gain of, for example, the U.S. was anything but fair.  In fact, inflation outstripped the gain shown for the 'Bottom 20%, and middle 60%, resulting in a net loss for the period in question (1979 -2016).  In fact, the bottom 20% (who paid little or no taxes) fared better than the middle 60%.  The top 1% gains are totally out-of-line, they too pay often little or no taxes, thanks to their tax attorneys.

 Income Gains at the Top Dwarf Those of Low- and Middle-Income Households 

To level the playing field, the bottom 20% and the middle 60%, should not pay any income taxes; the ultra rich (individuals and corporations) must be forced to pay their fair share of taxes, thus supporting the very system that allows them to earn these astronomical incomes.  These extreme wealth accumulators are, in the main, not beneficial to any democratic society because they suck the wealth out of the economy, for the purpose of hoarding it for consumption by their equally 'Schmarotzer' descendants.

Schmarotzer m (genitive Schmarotzers, plural Schmarotzer, female Schmarotzerin) (biology) parasite. (derogatory) freeloader, sponger (male or of unspecified sex) 

This current economic inequality cannot go on for ever; the great depression thought this lesson already, however, the top 1% are so blinded by their riches that the fail to understand that their game will come to an end, sooner than later.  Revolutions of the past did not end well for the wealthy.  So far, the super rich (including corporations) managed, through the media, and their hired agitators, to misdirect the public, by making it a race issue instead of identifying the root cause of the social problems facing the public at large, namely, economic inequality.  As throughout history, sooner or later, the people will awake and realize that they have been had, and then much hell will break loose, when people of all races will join together to eliminate the power brokers.  The police and military will ultimately join the people, and help eliminate all the 'Smarotzers' of the world.

Instead of sucking the life-blood out of the economy, the wealthy must share their ill-gotten financial resources, by paying their proportional share of taxes, and not cheat the country of which they are a citizen of, by operating with off-shore shell companies, to avoid taxes altogether.  The reason they can do this, is with the help of the paid politicians, who write laws for the average citizen, who is taxed on his/her world income (pensions incl.), whereas the rich are treated preferentially, and they can hide their income by classifying it as fake offshore income, using Shell companies, and legally at that, apparently because the rigged system looks the other way.

Black Lives Matter is nothing but an Oxymoron because as Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. and humans as a whole, we know that all live is precious, and therefore matters, the skin color has nothing to do with it.  Divide and conquer is nothing new, the worse that could happen to the greedy rich is that people of all races unite against them.  Therefore, their priority will always be to seed discourse among the people, let us face it, their survival depends on it.  As long as, we fall for this strategy they have nothing to fear, and their exploitation will continue.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Why Would Anyone Analyse Questionable Numbers?

Many of the U.S. Death Certificates may be based on opinions, such as likely, probable or presumed causes of death.  Apparently, verification by a test is not mandatory.  This fact makes much of the data reported suspect.  The quotes, shown below, were taken from the CDC Technical Notes.

"Cause-of-death classification and definition of deaths"

 “Coronavirus disease deaths are identified using the ICD–10 code U07.1. Deaths are coded to U07.1 when coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 are reported as a cause that contributed to death on the death certificate. These can include laboratory confirmed cases, as well as cases without laboratory confirmation. If the certifier suspects COVID-19 or determines it was likely (e.g., the circumstances were compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), they can report COVID-19 as “probable” or “presumed” on the death certificate (5, 6). COVID-19 is listed as the underlying cause on the death certificate in 94% of deaths (see Table 1).”  Emphasis added.

“Pneumonia deaths are identified using multiple cause-of-death codes from the 10th Revision of ICD (ICD–10): J12–J18, excluding deaths that involve influenza (J09–J11). Influenza deaths are identified from the ICD–10 codes J09–J11, and include deaths with pneumonia or COVID-19 listed as a contributing cause of death.”

"Why are pneumonia and influenza deaths included in this report?"

Pneumonia and influenza deaths are included to provide context for understanding the completeness of COVID-19 mortality data and related trends. Deaths due to COVID-19 may be misclassified as pneumonia or influenza deaths in the absence of positive test results, and pneumonia or influenza may appear on death certificates as a comorbid condition. Additionally, COVID-19 symptoms can be similar to influenza-like illness, thus deaths may be misclassified as influenza. Thus, increases in pneumonia and influenza deaths may be an indicator of excess COVID-19-related mortality. Additionally, estimates of completeness for pneumonia and influenza deaths may provide context for understanding the lag in reporting for COVID-19 deaths, as it is anticipated that these causes would have similar delays in reporting, processing, and coding.”  Emphasis added.

By the way, my spell checker was not very happy when spell-checking the quoted texts published by the CDC.

From the foregoing, it is now clear that the reported number of U.S. COVID-19 deaths is likely inflated, by definition.   Many of these deaths could very well be attributed to pneumonia and/or influenza; only mandatory 100% testing would add credibility to these cause of death reports.  Why this reluctance regarding the verification, by simply testing all these deceased before stating the cause of death?  There should be no guessing.

The CDC is concerned about COVID-19 cases being classified as pneumonia or influenza, what about the other way around, where pneumonia, or influenza cases are classified as COVID-19?  If the number of COVID-19 deaths is in question, what about the COVID-19 infection number?

Lately, I also noticed that the number of deaths of another major country, without explanation, was reduced by several thousands.  We all know about China's questionable statistics, reflecting their death toll has not changed for months.  It appears, some if not all countries torture their COVID-19 numbers until they confess to a certain desired result.

In any event, there is nothing worse than getting questionable data for statistical analysis, and since this data can no longer be trusted, in my opinion, I decided to stop analyzing it because only a fool would keep on analyzing numbers that he now knows are suspect, at best.

Accordingly, my sample analysis of 10 counties affected, early on, ended with my last analysis, issued last Sunday.  Regardless of the validity of the numbers published, COVID-19 will be with us for some time to come, it appears.

Other major infection events are reported by the CDC, as shown by following the link below, when many more millions were infected than are so far, infected by COVID-19.  No businesses were shut down, schools were mostly operating normal, no social distance requirements were enacted, and very, very few were wearing a face mask, life was pretty normal.  Helpful medications were not maligned for the benefit of, probably, Big Pharma.  This callous action alone is, very likely, responsible for a great number of excessive deaths.  Doctors, in the main, were allowed to treat their patients, as they saw fit.  As a result, the number of deaths was much lower, by comparison.

From the CDC Flu-data, referenced above, the following was extracted for the 2017 - 2018 Season. According to the CDC report for the 2017 – 2018 Flu-Season Estimate 45,000,000 were infected (95% Conf.-limit range is 39,000,000 – 58,000,000 infected) 21,000,000 medical visits (95% Conf.-limit range is 18,000,000 – 27,000,000 visits) 61,000 deaths (95% Conf.-limit range is 46.000 – 95,000 deaths) Note: The true number lies within the 95% confidence interval, shown for each category. See Table 1 by following this link,

What changed?  What is different this time?  For one, this is an election year, and the strong economics up to 2019, made it very hard to dislodge the current Administration, in the upcoming 2020 election.  Let us put ourselves into the shoes of the Opposition, facing this issue calls for drastic actions, does it not?  If one could destroy the economy, the hurdle would be removed.  Along came COVID-19, convince everybody that to shut down the economy is a must, to defeat the Corona Virus; and, it was done.  The control by fear is an old and tried weapon; it worked every time throughout history, recent and past.  Let us ponder about the following three examples.

First, let me assure all, I am not affiliated with neither party; I usually vote for the lesser of two evils.  In my blog post on Saturday, January 5, 2019, I wrote:
“Egos and turf war are the priorities of these gangs; if it were not so, they would compromise for the good of the people.”  Nothing has changed, if anything, it is getting uglier and uglier by the day.

1) Pearl Harbor convinced a very reluctant population to enter the European war after all.

2) Nonexistent 'Weapons of Mass-Destruction' facilitated to convince the public to support the invasion of Iraq.

3) 911 convinced the public that limiting their civil rights is OK, in order to achieve better national security.

Another opportunity surfaced, Police brutality prompted a major civil unrest across the country; it spread even across the Globe.  Peaceful demonstrations were hijacked by radical agitators; rioting, looting and destroying of private property followed.  Politicians in power, working for a takeover in November, allowed this situation go on for months, in some cities.  Only when the polls showed that the public was getting very upset by it all, came the thought to them that maybe riots are no longer helpful.

Now, what not too long ago was a no-go situation, flourished into a piece of cake circumstance; the Opposition is leading in the polls in a major way.  Mission accomplished!  Was it all engineered?  No, not entirely but opportunities that came along were and are still exploited to the fullest.  All this is known as dirty politics; today there is no other.

Please read the 'Comments Section' for a very important Video presentation, which validates more or less the foregoing points raised above.



Sunday, August 30, 2020


In some of my previous blogs I wondered about China's COVID-19 data; was it for real?  To refresh our memory, I show, below, some of the comments I made going back to March of this year.

"About China, the Histogram, shown below, indicates that China's  death-rate stands at 5.5%.  From April 17, 2020 to July 4, 2020, 79 days, China has added 853 new infections, and if we calculate 5.5% of this number we would expect about 47 additional deaths.  For some unexplained reason or reasons, China reported zero deaths during the aforementioned period; nobody, in China, is dying due to COVID-19 of late.  As a minimum, one has to wonder, how come?

In my earlier blog post of March 2, 2020, I wrote,
"This major virus assault on the populations of this planet appears to go the way some control forest fires go, out of control.  In my humble opinion, no callous scientist would work on a deadly pathogen without having the cure in his or her lab safe.  If this is indeed a developed virus, then logic says somebody has a cure/vaccine for it, which will be very expensive, and above all, a fantastic moneymaker for many."
I was wondering then, if China is in possession of the antidote (and vaccine) for this COVID-19 virus; I wonder no more.
The following graph, published by "", is kind of scary; I had never seen before such a mystic chart.

On or about April 17th China's death toll stood at one moment at 3,342, and then took a major leap to 4,632, adding 1,290 new deaths.  The scary part is, after that event nobody died in China since.  I am not aware of anyone being curious about this highly improbable result.

Is China just lucky, or do they have the best Doctors in the world, or are they withholding vital information that could save many lives, around the world?  One would think their friends at the WHO, would appreciate if China , for once, came clean.  I could be wrong but logic says, as a member of this club, they have an obligation to share their miracles, methods, experience, and drugs they are using, with all other members, through the WHO.

Naturally, after wrecking the economies of the world, save their own, this presents a definite advantage, would it not?  This might explain them holding their cards close to their chest, so to speak, about their treatment tactics for COVID-19 (their own creation most likely).  After all, the U.S. was and still is in an economic war with China, maybe others are too.  Some nations will use any means to win a war; economic wars can become existential, for one or the other side of the conflict, and then nothing may be off the table.
 All Graphs/Chart are as of 8-30-2020
Click on the following Chart/Graphs to enlarge them.

The U.S. is reaching almost 30,000 infections in 24 hours, a welcome picture without a doubt.


Canada is stubbornly hovering about the 500 daily infections level; pretty good considering that an economic recovery is underway.

The U.K. is still going the wrong way, and has nearly reached 2,000 infections in 24 hours.


Turkey is definitely in a worsening situation; during the last 40 days it experienced about a 50% increase in daily infections, after meandering about the 1,000 daily infections level for the last 70 days.

Russia is starting to level off, the trend line has a light upward component.  Their death rate is still very low when compared to others.

Please do read the Comment Section, vital information can be found; remember, this is a dynamic situation, and new knowledge is gained frequently.

Note: The above analyses were aided by the use of Statgraphics' Centurion 18 Statistical analysis software.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Maintaining Infection Levels Is Present Struggle - 8/23/2020 Edition

With the measured opening of country economies, we have to admit that maintaining present infection levels, can be seen as success.  Only Russia is still on an unwavering downward track, while the U.S. appears to have found the descending path again.  Turkey (TK) and Canada are definitely struggling to maintain their current level of infections, while the U.K. is unable to do so.

To enlarge the individual chart just click on it.

 All charts/graphs are as of 8/23/2020

Please do read the Comment Section, vital information can be found; remember, this is a dynamic situation, and new knowledge is gained frequently.

Note: The above analyses were aided by the use of Statgraphics' Centurion 18 Statistical analysis software.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Is COVID-19 Here To Stay?

Many places in the world, right now, are either in a holding pattern, while others are getting much worse; overall things are not improving according to the numbers turned in to the WHO.  Current data strongly suggest that COVID-19 is not going to disappear anytime soon.  Population fatigue is setting in, and as a result facial masks and social distancing are less and less important in the eyes of people all around the world.

World-wide we maintain a little less than 300,000 daily new infections, for the last 22 days.  Moreover, the universal death rate is still 5%; this is way too much.  As shown in the next graph, some countries do better than this, while others do much worse.

 As of 8/16/2020


As of 8/16/2020

The US may find a way downward, unless we are dealing with a reporting error.

As of 8/16/2020

Turkey as of 8/16/2020

As of 8/16/2020

As of 8/16/2020

Russia refuses to go into stall mode, their infection reduction is unwavering.

Please do read the Comment Section, vital information can be found; remember, this is a dynamic situation, and new knowledge is gained frequently.

Note: The above analyses were aided by the use of Statgraphics' Centurion 18 Statistical analysis software.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

"Help Rebuild Beirut, Help Feed the Hungry, Help Draw smiles! "- Organized by Anthony Rahayel

We have all seen the horrific videos of this massive explosion but until we see the effect of it, the enormous range of the severe destruction, it is hard to really phantom the extent of it.  Dr. Anthony Rahayel, who normally is a food blogger (awarded world's best in 2019), when not practicing dentistry, did a great job with his latest videos, showing the world the aftermath of this event.  The following video links will give you a better understanding of this problem.  (I apologize for the political add embedded into this video, neither Anthony nor I had any say in the matter.)

Anthony has setup a website allowing anyone to "Chip In", as best they can, using PayPal to send the money, free of any charges.  Below is the link to his web donation page.

Why did I select Anthony Rahayel for handling our (wife and I) donation?  For one, he truly loves Lebanon and its people, being from Lebanon himself.  We watched his Youtube videos for a number of years, and we got to know his character; we respect him very much.



Dr. Anthony Rahayel

Ordinarily, I do not become involved in fundraising of any kind but this is truly a special case, whereby Lebanon has extra ordinary financial problems; the Lebanese pound lost 86% against the US dollar. Their Politicians are corrupt to say the least; even the IMF will not touch them.  Lebanon, like other countries, struggles with COVID-19, and to add insult to injury, a major portion of Beirut got virtually demolished.  How can anyone ignore their plight?



Monday, August 10, 2020

COVID-19 - Looking Also At Graphs Showing Death Rates

Usually, I only showed an Excel Graph depicting the Cumulative Death Rates for the country sample I selected, among other characteristics, however, it does not demonstrate any trends.  To correct this shortcoming, I decided to provide this vital statistic again, showing the rates from the early onset to the present, by the use of p-charts.  As such, I will show the individual p-chart before the corresponding daily infection charts, without any particular ranking.  The fact that not all of the underlying chart data are normalized, direct comparisons to other countries is not possible.

Blogspot, the host of my blog, came out with a new update, and as usual things don't always work the way the used to, accordingly, the format is off in places, where it should be centered, it is not.

To enlarge the individual chart just click on it.


8-9-2020 Snapshot of my sample of countries


 The US showed a clear reduction in deaths but may stall at just about 3%.


 The US daily infections are coming down the forecast line indicates.


 Canada's Death Rate is finally showing a downward trend.


 Canada's daily infections are stalled, and are somewhat erratic.


Turkey's Death Rate maxed out pretty low from the early stages, and is still slowly coming down.


 Turkey's Daily Infections refuse to stay below the 1,000 level.


 UK's Death Rate, while consistently below a poor 16 %, for some time, shows only minimal improvement.


 UK's Daily Infections are in a distinct upward trend.


 Russia's low Death Rate of 1.6% may be leveling off, says the trend line.


 Russia's Daily Infections over the last 60 days never wavered on its way down, it is by far the best reduction performance, in my sample.


Please do read the Comment Section, vital information can be found; remember, this is a dynamic situation, and new knowledge is gained frequently.

Note: The above analyses were aided by the use of Statgraphics' Centurion 18 Statistical analysis software.


Sunday, August 2, 2020

COVID-19 Graphs ... Without Comment - August 2, 2020

Since a picture is more worth than a 1000 words, I elected to live by this adage.

Do click the Graphs to enlarge them.

As of 8/2/2020
Normalized data invites comparison

The next Graphs are in no particular order.

U.S. - As of 8/2/2020

Canada - As of 8/2/2020

Turkey - 8/2/2020

Russia - As of 8/2/2020

U.K. - As of 8/2/2020

Please do read the Comment Section, vital information can be found; remember, this is a dynamic situation, and new knowledge is gained frequently.

Note: The above analyses were aided by the use of Statgraphics' Centurion 18 Statistical analysis software.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

COVID-19 ... It's About Time - 7/26/2020 Update

This update will mainly focus on the Statistics/Graphs, since most of the previous commentary still apply, at present.

Indeed, it is about time for Leaders to lead by example.  After a long campaign, by many (myself included) Trump was recently seen wearing a face mask.  Apparently, we are making small progress in the public relations department.  However, Trump, apparently, is still afraid to demand the wearing of the very basic Personal Protection Equipment, the Mask.  The actions by the US are still to fragmented to be effective.

It seems reelection worries trump (pun intended) public health concerns, to this very day.  Let's not piss off anybody before the election, appears to be the order of the day.

Man who speaks with forked tongue
Photo by WSJ
Do as I say but don't do what I do, says it all.
Considering that the U.S. is setting new records of daily new infections, it is of paramount importance that those politicians in the driver seat, summon their courage, and make the wearing of masks in public places, including public transport, mandatory.  Police inspections must be part of this effort; people that flaunt this law must be fined, on the spot.  All media must be required to broadcast daily this requirement and the consequence for non-compliance, as a public service.

Moreover, the media, as part of the effort, must show the public with graphics, how to wear the mask correctly; too many apparently have no idea as to the proper mask application.  Those found with improper application shall also be fined; most, if not all, of these violators are just testing how far they can go, before proper enforcement is practiced.

When one compares the U.S.'s new explosion of infections with the proper control of other countries, it becomes clear that the lack of clear universal directions/requirements are the ruin of the country's health and economy.  It almost appears that the U.S. leaders and the public at large have no social empathy for their fellow human beings.

We hear silly arguments like, "forcing me to wear a mask is violating my Constitutional Rights", or "there is no law that says that I must wear a mask", or worse yet, I am a free citizen of this country and nobody can require me to wear a mask.

How about, no citizen has the right to endanger the health and well-being of others?

In this Post revision, we no longer see the graphs in any particular order, to avoid cut and paste actions.

Click the Charts to enlarge them.

 As of 7/26/2020
All the data shown in the above Histogram, as always, is normalized, thus comparisons are legitimate; this is not the case with the following Daily Infections charts, here we look at individual trends of each country's ability to reduce their daily infection numbers.

As of 7/26/2020
Without a doubt, the foregoing graph reflects an out-of-control situation.  It is the result of, lack of direction, and considerate compliance with logical necessary behavior.  It appears, the wearing of masks has now become a political rather than a health consideration.  Similar is true about the drug hydroxychloroquine.  Other countries use it to save lives, Doctors and Nurses use it for prevention, and Trump likes it, and thus it got killed by the obedient big name doctors, in compliance with the wishes of the 'Big Pharma Drug Lords', who can afford to buy medical opinions.  No doubt, political alignments also played a major role, for canceling this drug's testing, and, apparently, bought medical advice against it's use.

As of 7/26/2020
Turkey needs to show further reductions in infections, to become convincing. 

As of 7/26/2020
Canada remains erratic, of late, it is hoped their infection reductions will become steady again, although, currently, they are heading in the wrong direction.

As of 7/26/2020
The U.K. appears to be heading in the wrong direction, at present; they had such a good run.

As of 7/26/2020
Russia's daily new infections are about 6,000 at present, however, their downward trend is very strong, and without any significant hesitation.

Please do read the Comment Section, vital information can be found; remember, this is a dynamic situation, and new knowledge is gained frequently.

Note: The above analyses were aided by the use of Statgraphics' Centurion 18 Statistical analysis software.