By Howard Olsen
"Let's unite the nation on an issue that affects us all.I am a native Floridian, and last year our state made an effort in the right direction, only to be undermined by Congress. Moving our clocks backward and forward an hour doesn’t sound like a big deal, but there seems to be considerable statistical evidence that this takes a human toll in increased accidents, crime, illness and even death. Every spring and every fall we are forced to endure the unnatural shift in our biological clocks since most of the USA adopted this enormously bad idea. It is finally time for Congress to take responsibility for a vote to correct this error. We can live with either outcome. We can stay on DST or keep standard time. Either choice is superior to this ridiculous semi-annual ritual.
This issue, clearly not a world problem, is at the top of my list and shouldn’t be that hard to fix. Most people who discuss this agree with me. I think most voters will celebrate a refreshing feeling of unity upon correcting this. Can we please find a majority in both houses and support from the administration to resolve this problem within the next few months? It is my hope that we don’t have to adjust our clocks again in the fall. My vote and my political donations/contributions will depend on it. Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Howard Olsen"
I will campaign for standard time to include Arizona, Hawaii, and all the other US places that operate also on this time standard.
Apart from being a nuisance there are some real health and safety concerns connected with it.
This nonsense started as follows.
"The Uniform Time Act of 1966 (15 U.S. Code Section 260a) [see law], signed into Public Law 89-387 on April 12, 1966, by President Lyndon Johnson, created Daylight Saving Time to begin on the last Sunday of April and to end on the last Sunday of October."
To find the name, etc. of your member of Congress follow this link below, however, you may have to use your phone book to get their email address, or fax number.
Yes, please pass it on our health depends on it.
Howard received the following reply.
> "From: "Senator Rick Scott"
> Date: May 3, 2019 at 11:33:12 PM GMT+1
> To:
> Subject: Responding to your message
> Dear Mr. Olsen,
> Thank you for contacting me regarding Daylight Saving Time. I appreciate the opportunity to respond.
> As Governor of Florida, I was glad to sign legislation to continue Daylight Saving Time year-round for families across the state. In March, I joined Senator Marco Rubio to lead this effort in Congress with the Sunshine Protection Act of 2019 (S. 670) which will allow Floridians and visitors to enjoy our beautiful state even later in the day, and will benefit Florida’s tourism industry, which just celebrated another record year. This bill has been referred to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, of which I am a member, and I am urging my colleagues to support the measure.
> Again, thank you for your correspondence. I look forward to representing every citizen in Florida and I appreciate the time you took to provide your position on this matter. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me.
> Sincerely,
> Rick Scott
> United States Senator"