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Saturday, May 12, 2018

A Chain Of Nastyness All-Around

The nasty, cruel and inappropriate remark by the special advisor to the President, regarding Senator McCain, became only hurtful when an equally nasty act was committed by a person, unknown, present at the meeting, leaking it to the likewise nasty media.  This media outlet did not stop itself from hurting McCain and his family.  Whichever media company broke this story, should also apologize to the McCain's family for their willful act to hurt them publicly.  The old adage is, what you don't know can't hurt you, but the nasty media wanted to make sure it became publicly known and therefore hurtful.

There was a time when the media would refuse to publish such garbage, especially when it could hurt an individual, a war hero to boot, but that was then.  Today, the media at large is in serious competition with the tabloids, and very successfully I might add.  President Trump has serious confidentiality problems; he is the captain of a leaky ship, navigating in dangerous waters.  To add to his problems, he himself is not shy of hurling insults at others, and his crew desperately wants to emulate the captain, hence, this latest stupid remark by one of the crews.

Now the captain has a problem, throwing the crew member  overboard validates the leaked information, and rewards the 'Leaker' for his/her breech of confidence.  Keeping the crew member gives the appearance that the captain agrees with the crew member.  What to do?

All the foregoing is proof certain that we live in a very nasty world; it appears it is not getting any better, with the next generation, their so called 'Social Media' has become very unsocial to downright nasty, as well.

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