"Mr. President,
It appears, instead of fighting ISIS, you are about to fight their fight. Ron Paul (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-06/ron-paul-zero-chance-assad-behind-chemical-weapons-attack-syria-likely-false-flag) is absolutely right, logic tells us that the only beneficiaries of this chemical attack are our military complex and ISIS, I suggest the latter have once again sacrificed innocent humans to try to drag the US into their fight against Assad. In other words, we are dealing with a false flag attack. ISIS in the aftermath probably mixed with the victims proclaiming (lying) that the gas was delivered via bombs, designed to clearly point the finger at Assad and his military. If this is all it takes to get us involved, we must either be looking for any excuse to bomb Syria, or we lack simple logic. Why are we not considering investigating this incidence first, before we jump to conclusion? They (ISIS) most likely targeted women and children, fully knowing the effect it would have around the world. This is not the first time false flag attacks have been used to advance their objective.
Currently it looks like that, we the US are easy to provoke to support anybody's objective, including the objectives of ISIS, apparently. Let us not jump to conclusion, based on what somebody said on the ground; we know that ISIS can mingle with victims, claiming to be survivors. The White Helmets, in Syria, are a good example, for this argument; these white helmets are a convenient way to disguise themselves. By some accounts, they were shown to commit atrocities, just before they placed these helmets onto their heads, playing the role of rescuers.
Please let us investigate first!
Frank Maier"
Why am I concerned about this rush to action? Having lived through WW II as a innocent civilian, I do not wish to see us adding more victims than already exist. There is always, what is called, collateral damage; this collateral damage happen to be dead or injured human beings, and not some stone buildings only. I am also against this rush to action without some fact finding, first. Starting military action based on rumors and hearsay only, is always bad news.
In addition, the world has been deceived by these White Helmets with propaganda films, to the point that at one time they were considered for the Nobel peace price; only outcries by people in the know stopped this madness. Go onto the web and do your research, and you will find the other side of the coin, like
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS1Nx8L3QTk, which has photographic evidence showing their real purpose in life, and it is not saving people. These ISIS criminals are supported with millions of dollars not only by the USA, but also by Britain and other countries; for honorable purposes? I think not.
At times, the US and other Governments publicly announce a red line, which when crossed by a certain country, thus warned, would trigger a severe response against that party. This could be a well meaning warning, but it has drastic side-effects, because opposition parties to the government warned, now have a clear target for a false flag attack, which is guaranteed to advance their illegal objectives. History shows that many major world conflicts were the result of false flag attacks by a third party. ISIS (and their many associates) is no exception; this scenario has been demonstrated a number of times, in recent history.