The following was posted onto the website of President Trump, to his attention.
"Mr. President,
How can America be great again when your Government continues the lies of all the previous Governments, in recent memory?
My case in point is this LIE, repeated year after year. My letter from the Social Security Administration announcing my new benefit amount for 2018 starts with a big LIE! It says,
“Your Social Security benefits will increase by 2% in 2018 because of the rise in the cost of living.”
What it should have said is this.
“Your Social Security benefits will increase by 0.6% only in 2018, because we allotted 1.4% to the Medical Industrial Complex, granting them a $24.00 a month increase, in your case, which represents 21.8% over your last year’s monthly medical insurance premium.
We apologize that the 0.6% increase does not even come close to the 2.0% current inflation, i.e. cost of living increase. However, you must agree that screwing you is much less burdensome, and thus more cost effective for us, than had we done our job and hold the Medical Industrial Complex to cost increases not exceeding the official rate of inflation.”
Your Government, like the many before you, has elected to let the ongoing Medicare fraud continue, by allowing, and thus paying inflated medical charges, without any apparent opposition. How else can our Medicare cost keep going up at these rates? During your campaign you promised to tackle this problem, and save a lot of taxpayer money, in doing so. Where is the evidence?
For example, I made this year about three visits to the doctor’s office, all of which pretty much routine, like renewing prescription, discussing blood tests, and fighting an ongoing cold. In each case I was not seen by a doctor, as in days gone by, but by a Nurse Practitioner, or a PAC, Physician Assistant Certified. Adding to that the new E-Visits, which is more time saving yet, the cost of doing business is less yet. I am convinced, every one of these charges claimed from the Government forgot to mention that a lower, less expensive individual, or method, like E-Visits, did the job, and not a Medical Doctor. Had claims like these been honest, I would have seen a reduction in premium, and not an increase!
Now, Mr. President, how can America be great again, when, according to the Government, it is occupied by over 320 million idiots, by us the public? It is clear to me, this great America does not include us retired workhorses, who made America great, in years gone by. In fact, our Governments managed very well to keep us in constant fear about our earned and paid for Social Security benefits, by threatening payment cuts, at every opportunity. Shame, shame, and more shame!
I am looking to you to stop these fake facts, emanating from your Government now. You rightfully object to fake news; well, I object to fake facts, dressed in misleading statements by the Social Security Administration, or any other departments.
This 0.6 % increase, in real purchasing power, is an insult to everyone's intelligence, and clearly shows how little your Government thinks of us; we are indeed idiots for accepting this without rioting in the streets. America will never be great again, as long as our Government misuses our tax dollars to feed the already super rich, at our expense!"
Social and environmental issues, affecting the USA and the world around us, which also impacts us, are our concerns. In 2011 we prevented a 'Waste Processing Facility/Incinerator' from being built upwind and 700 yards or less from Ainakea (Hawaii) homes in favor of the residents involved. This Blog is protected by the 'First Amendment Of The US Constitution', and Section 230 of Title 47 of the 'United States Code'... (47 USC § 230).
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Sunday, December 24, 2017
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Bad Business Practices
I recently received a second notice from my city's utility department, trying again to shake me down for protection of my exterior piping. It reminded me of the well-known Mafia practices, giving you two choices, neither of them good. Below see the tactic employed in a very unethical way, in my opinion, which got them a bunch of money, I am sure, from people who got intimidated, by the wording of the notice, and the missing option to opt out, on the "ACCEPTANCE FORM". In the end, they tell us you can buy it or buy it, buster (see form below).
You may ask, why am I sharing this experience of mine? It simply underscores what I had written before; the customer is no longer the king, but the servant of even organizations, which should in reality serve us, the customer. Am I the only one that experiences this form of abuse? I think not.
As an aside, the probability that the water line from the city supply line, at the curb, to the home becomes defective is, in my opinion, very low. hence this kind of deal is a moneymaker for whoever profits from this 'protection plan'. Granted some will accept the cost for this protection. As far as I am concerned, this is equivalent to buying insurance in case one is hit by lightening; it could happen, but is highly unlikely.
You may ask, why am I sharing this experience of mine? It simply underscores what I had written before; the customer is no longer the king, but the servant of even organizations, which should in reality serve us, the customer. Am I the only one that experiences this form of abuse? I think not.
As an aside, the probability that the water line from the city supply line, at the curb, to the home becomes defective is, in my opinion, very low. hence this kind of deal is a moneymaker for whoever profits from this 'protection plan'. Granted some will accept the cost for this protection. As far as I am concerned, this is equivalent to buying insurance in case one is hit by lightening; it could happen, but is highly unlikely.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Something To Think About
My friend, John D., sent me an article that showed an interesting chart, which I will share below.
We are probably all familiar with the saying,
"Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it" - Edmund Burke
I would like to modify this slightly by stating, 'Those who ignore history are apt to repeat it'.
It was in 2008 when the last housing bubble exploded with terrifying results, yes, just about nine years ago, and here we are actively occupied to create another housing bubble; the chart below clearly shows that.
Granted this is a very busy chart, however, it clearly shows that we are, worldwide, well on the way to not only create another housing bubble, but to invite another housing market collapse. Even Germany who did not participate prior to 2008, has now joined the irresponsible crowd of nations, and, apparently, has found a reason why to participate, in the madness, this time.
For a while, right after the collapse, the lending industry (banks, etc) placed some hard rules in place, requiring reasonable assurance that the borrower has the means 1) to purchase the property, and 2) service the mortgage. It did not take long before many lenders, who needed/wanted more fees, etc. were relaxing these more strict requirements. In addition, interest rates are kept, to this day, at a very low level, inviting again those, who really should not purchase a property; they cannot afford, in the long run.
I am afraid the next housing collapse will make the prior look like a little bump in the road; this time it will be much more devastating, because the evil planners will want much more than previously. The curve describing human greed is an exponential one! For the most part, housing values have regained their previous losses and some. It will be risky to acquire real estate in these uncertain times; some countries are more risky than others, to be sure. But, in the end the 'Domino' effect will be the equalizer.
We are probably all familiar with the saying,
"Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it" - Edmund Burke
I would like to modify this slightly by stating, 'Those who ignore history are apt to repeat it'.
It was in 2008 when the last housing bubble exploded with terrifying results, yes, just about nine years ago, and here we are actively occupied to create another housing bubble; the chart below clearly shows that.

Taken from
Granted this is a very busy chart, however, it clearly shows that we are, worldwide, well on the way to not only create another housing bubble, but to invite another housing market collapse. Even Germany who did not participate prior to 2008, has now joined the irresponsible crowd of nations, and, apparently, has found a reason why to participate, in the madness, this time.
For a while, right after the collapse, the lending industry (banks, etc) placed some hard rules in place, requiring reasonable assurance that the borrower has the means 1) to purchase the property, and 2) service the mortgage. It did not take long before many lenders, who needed/wanted more fees, etc. were relaxing these more strict requirements. In addition, interest rates are kept, to this day, at a very low level, inviting again those, who really should not purchase a property; they cannot afford, in the long run.
I am afraid the next housing collapse will make the prior look like a little bump in the road; this time it will be much more devastating, because the evil planners will want much more than previously. The curve describing human greed is an exponential one! For the most part, housing values have regained their previous losses and some. It will be risky to acquire real estate in these uncertain times; some countries are more risky than others, to be sure. But, in the end the 'Domino' effect will be the equalizer.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Is The News Media Competing with Tabloids Nowadays?
A while back news used to be informing, its entertainment value was next to zero; news reporters and 'Anchors' stuck, for the most part, to the facts. Stories were checked diligently for facts and veracity, before they were printed. Reporters were respectful towards people they interviewed for their stories; they asked serious questions without being a crusader for one political party or the other.
Today when reading or watching the so-called news of today, one cannot escape the feeling that the newscasters/reporters are more concerned with making a name for themselves by asking, in their opinion, hard and though questions underscored with aggressive, and often insulting demeanor on their part. The once respected news outlets are today no better than the many supermarket tabloids; their aim is to preoccupy and entertain the masses with gossip like stories, while promoting the political agendas of the media owners. Too many times stories are created without any facts, just to get even with whoever took issue with their reporting of a story, or event. Internet research shows, the majority of Americans do not trust the media; this trust erosion is not new, but trust is at its lowest now, as reported by a number of polls.
There was a time when readers and viewers would not stand for this nonsense, but in an era when many of us can be convinced that wearing jeans torn, and having large holes are fashionable, this bygone discrimination, apparently, no longer exists within too many of us.
"When you mix fiction and news, you diminish the distinction between truth and fiction, and you wear down the audience's own discriminating power to judge."
–Bill Moyers
These pictures, shown below, were taken at a better department store in Las Vegas 10/22/2017; these items were not inexpensive.
Today when reading or watching the so-called news of today, one cannot escape the feeling that the newscasters/reporters are more concerned with making a name for themselves by asking, in their opinion, hard and though questions underscored with aggressive, and often insulting demeanor on their part. The once respected news outlets are today no better than the many supermarket tabloids; their aim is to preoccupy and entertain the masses with gossip like stories, while promoting the political agendas of the media owners. Too many times stories are created without any facts, just to get even with whoever took issue with their reporting of a story, or event. Internet research shows, the majority of Americans do not trust the media; this trust erosion is not new, but trust is at its lowest now, as reported by a number of polls.
There was a time when readers and viewers would not stand for this nonsense, but in an era when many of us can be convinced that wearing jeans torn, and having large holes are fashionable, this bygone discrimination, apparently, no longer exists within too many of us.
"When you mix fiction and news, you diminish the distinction between truth and fiction, and you wear down the audience's own discriminating power to judge."
–Bill Moyers
These pictures, shown below, were taken at a better department store in Las Vegas 10/22/2017; these items were not inexpensive.
Sunday, October 1, 2017
When Respect Is Death ...
You may have also noticed that, of late, public comments and actions, by too many of us are totally devoid of any respect. National symbols connected to our history are blatantly destroyed, or planned to be on the chopping block. It appears, some of us wish to totally erase some of our history, that is, attempt to obliterate our past; they do not understand that history is what it is, history. They desperately try to suppress our dark and not so pleasant past; in so doing they do more harm than good, it just does not work, ask any Shrink. When we erase our past, how can we tell whether or not we made any progress, in our society?
There was a time when many people, in the past, did not agree with their then current president, but they always respected the office of the president; after all, a majority elected him, and people respected the choice of others, without malice. Today not only is the person of the president attacked, but more importantly, the office of the president is under attack, with the help of a partisan media, I might add. Just listen to the media pundits, or watch their interviews where venom is leaking from the corners of their mouth; their bias is blatantly obvious.
One hears, Clinton had more votes than Trump (about 2 million more), however, her surplus votes came from large cities, hardly representing the country as a whole. Besides, Trump did not make the rules; the system of the Electoral College, ensures that rural areas of our country also have a voice. Trump is very unpopular with many people, most of which did not vote for him, in the fist place, and he has a way of rattling some nerves. Unlike most presidents of the past, who never voiced their true feeling, or opinions before the masses, speaking with veiled words, that were hard to decipher, Trump does not hide behind measured statements, he mostly speaks his mind, no matter what the cost, at times. We mostly know where he stands; this makes us, at times, feel uncomfortable; we are not used to that. Yet, when some of the recordings of past president saw the light of day, we learned that these men, did use some strong language, and expressed their opinions, in private, that were anything but presidential.
Without a doubt, Trump is, at times, his own worse enemy; his Twitter account creates many problems for him. He clearly has no degree in English, and often puts his pen to paper, before he gives matters the consideration they deserve. He is indeed too human for our liking it seems. In our minds, once a man or a woman is elected to office, they have to be perfect in every way. This of course is totally unrealistic, and yet we are ready to throw stones at them, at every opportunity.
In recent memory we had our share of natural disasters, and since presidents are usually placed on a pedestal, by many, with super hero qualities and powers assigned, any mortal relief actions are deemed inadequate. Some of us are of the opinion, that if one throws enough money at a major natural disaster problem, it should be resolved in short order. Failing that, the president is a bum. We, the people, do not nearly appreciate the problems a Hurricane, for example, can create, where no matter how much money one throws at it, it takes a long time to bring aid to the needy, when roads and other infrastructures have been decimated, by the event.
This time it is Trump's turn to be the scapegoat for the lack of immediate restoration of normalcy following not one but three major Hurricanes. And, there will be future presidents, who will not fare any better, without a doubt. We, the people, are what we are, as imperfect as our presidents seems to be. When Captain Cook was mortally wounded in Hawaii, the natives exclaimed, he bleeds!
There was a time when many people, in the past, did not agree with their then current president, but they always respected the office of the president; after all, a majority elected him, and people respected the choice of others, without malice. Today not only is the person of the president attacked, but more importantly, the office of the president is under attack, with the help of a partisan media, I might add. Just listen to the media pundits, or watch their interviews where venom is leaking from the corners of their mouth; their bias is blatantly obvious.
One hears, Clinton had more votes than Trump (about 2 million more), however, her surplus votes came from large cities, hardly representing the country as a whole. Besides, Trump did not make the rules; the system of the Electoral College, ensures that rural areas of our country also have a voice. Trump is very unpopular with many people, most of which did not vote for him, in the fist place, and he has a way of rattling some nerves. Unlike most presidents of the past, who never voiced their true feeling, or opinions before the masses, speaking with veiled words, that were hard to decipher, Trump does not hide behind measured statements, he mostly speaks his mind, no matter what the cost, at times. We mostly know where he stands; this makes us, at times, feel uncomfortable; we are not used to that. Yet, when some of the recordings of past president saw the light of day, we learned that these men, did use some strong language, and expressed their opinions, in private, that were anything but presidential.
Without a doubt, Trump is, at times, his own worse enemy; his Twitter account creates many problems for him. He clearly has no degree in English, and often puts his pen to paper, before he gives matters the consideration they deserve. He is indeed too human for our liking it seems. In our minds, once a man or a woman is elected to office, they have to be perfect in every way. This of course is totally unrealistic, and yet we are ready to throw stones at them, at every opportunity.
In recent memory we had our share of natural disasters, and since presidents are usually placed on a pedestal, by many, with super hero qualities and powers assigned, any mortal relief actions are deemed inadequate. Some of us are of the opinion, that if one throws enough money at a major natural disaster problem, it should be resolved in short order. Failing that, the president is a bum. We, the people, do not nearly appreciate the problems a Hurricane, for example, can create, where no matter how much money one throws at it, it takes a long time to bring aid to the needy, when roads and other infrastructures have been decimated, by the event.
This time it is Trump's turn to be the scapegoat for the lack of immediate restoration of normalcy following not one but three major Hurricanes. And, there will be future presidents, who will not fare any better, without a doubt. We, the people, are what we are, as imperfect as our presidents seems to be. When Captain Cook was mortally wounded in Hawaii, the natives exclaimed, he bleeds!
Sunday, September 24, 2017
I Completely Agree ... But
It is certainly no secrete that we have, in the USA, a serious problem regarding social and racial inequality, and I agree there should be no harm in publicly acknowledging this fact. Our constitution's second amendment does indeed afford us protection, as stated below.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Some of the professional athletes, of late, are trying to draw attention to these stark inequalities in our society, and that is a good thing. However, showing outright disrespect concerning our national symbols, like our flag, and the national anthem, is not the right way to go about. Since a very long time people, historically, have always stood up straight, with one hand over the heart, while our anthem was played. President Obama, apparently, may have been the exception, on at least one occasion, when he was seen, on TV, having his hands folded below his navel area, while the anthem was played, or the pledge of allegiance was spoken.
We should also consider the millions of Americans, our brothers and sisters, who have given their lives, in a number of wars, carrying these symbols in their hearts, and our flag into battles. How can anybody show utter disrespect for our national symbols, in light of all these sacrifices?
In my opinion, it is certainly disingenuous, on the part of these athletes to decry social inequalities, when they themselves are part of the problem. Together with their owners, they are guilty of indirectly stealing great sums of money, from mostly working people, who in many cases live from paycheck to paycheck. In defense of the owners, I must acknowledge that they are practically forced into gouging the public because of the high fees/salaries demanded by their players. These astronomical salaries far exceed what they should receive for their services. I venture to say these players are not any better than the players of old, who, by the way, performed mostly without the use of drugs, and for a lot less money.
I would not be surprised that buying tickets to sporting events, today, will often result in shortchanging the needs of families. These athletes, apparently, have no problem with this; the money they carry to the banks is saturated with blood, sweat and tears of the working people, no doubt. Whenever I watch their self-righteous performance on the national news networks, I smell a strong odor of hypocrisy. If they really care about our social inequity, why don’t they donate 50% of their inflated salaries to help minimize this social problem?
Their donations could also help in minimizing racial inequalities, by building better schools in mostly black areas, finance clinics to provide better healthcare, and ensure all people of color, and others in inner cities, have at least one good meal a day.
Their public performance cost them nothing; to the contrary, it gives them top billing on national television that normally would cost in the thousands of dollars. These players, while exercising their first amendment rights, are doing so in a very disrespectful, hurtful, and insulting manner, while at the same time providing a bad example for our young people of today.
Myself, I stopped going to the games a long time ago, when I saw the extreme greed attached to these events; these professional sports, today, act like a cancer feeding on the host, the public. They forget that when the host eventually dies, they also perish.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Some of the professional athletes, of late, are trying to draw attention to these stark inequalities in our society, and that is a good thing. However, showing outright disrespect concerning our national symbols, like our flag, and the national anthem, is not the right way to go about. Since a very long time people, historically, have always stood up straight, with one hand over the heart, while our anthem was played. President Obama, apparently, may have been the exception, on at least one occasion, when he was seen, on TV, having his hands folded below his navel area, while the anthem was played, or the pledge of allegiance was spoken.
We should also consider the millions of Americans, our brothers and sisters, who have given their lives, in a number of wars, carrying these symbols in their hearts, and our flag into battles. How can anybody show utter disrespect for our national symbols, in light of all these sacrifices?
In my opinion, it is certainly disingenuous, on the part of these athletes to decry social inequalities, when they themselves are part of the problem. Together with their owners, they are guilty of indirectly stealing great sums of money, from mostly working people, who in many cases live from paycheck to paycheck. In defense of the owners, I must acknowledge that they are practically forced into gouging the public because of the high fees/salaries demanded by their players. These astronomical salaries far exceed what they should receive for their services. I venture to say these players are not any better than the players of old, who, by the way, performed mostly without the use of drugs, and for a lot less money.
I would not be surprised that buying tickets to sporting events, today, will often result in shortchanging the needs of families. These athletes, apparently, have no problem with this; the money they carry to the banks is saturated with blood, sweat and tears of the working people, no doubt. Whenever I watch their self-righteous performance on the national news networks, I smell a strong odor of hypocrisy. If they really care about our social inequity, why don’t they donate 50% of their inflated salaries to help minimize this social problem?
Their donations could also help in minimizing racial inequalities, by building better schools in mostly black areas, finance clinics to provide better healthcare, and ensure all people of color, and others in inner cities, have at least one good meal a day.
Their public performance cost them nothing; to the contrary, it gives them top billing on national television that normally would cost in the thousands of dollars. These players, while exercising their first amendment rights, are doing so in a very disrespectful, hurtful, and insulting manner, while at the same time providing a bad example for our young people of today.
Myself, I stopped going to the games a long time ago, when I saw the extreme greed attached to these events; these professional sports, today, act like a cancer feeding on the host, the public. They forget that when the host eventually dies, they also perish.
Sunday, September 3, 2017
When Business Ethics still existed ...
I was recently shopping for a new Smart Phone, for a gift, on Amazon, and after reading customer reviews, I became to realize that no matter how much money one is willing to spend, the failures rates of these items are far beyond, so called, normal.
First, I looked at the lesser expensive models, and from a sample of 12 different items, the average failure rate was 20%, and the range was from 9% to 37%. I considered a single star rating a failure; many of these complaint that Amazon made no provision for zero, or no stars.
Next, I looked at models from Samsung, Apple, Microsoft, Motorola, etc., also on Amazon, and found the following failure rates, from small samples of six (6) each, for a total sample of 24. The average, apparent, failure rate was 21.9%, and the range was 0% to 33%. There was only one cell phone, in the sample, which had no one star rating.
As can be seen from the foregoing, price did not guaranty better performance. It appears, cell phone manufacturers rely on the fact, that too many of us are so addicted to these gadgets, that we buy them knowing that they may be bad on arrival, or soon thereafter, i.e., fully realizing that too many fail, well before their time, for a variety of reasons.
There were times when manufactures, of electronics, were stress testing each item, before it was offered for sale; they took care of the so called 'infant mortality rate', or early failures. Nowadays, it is the consumer who is expected to discover these early/premature failures, and what is astonishing, consumers apparently put up with this nonsense. Instead of enjoying their purchase, they now often have to beg to get their money back, or a replacement unit, but not before the defective unit is returned. To add insult to injury, some vendors expect the buyer to pay for the return postage. There is no compensation for the inconvenience experienced by the consumer; packing and mailing the defective item, and being without a phone for some time.
The reliability curve for electronic equipment resembles the cross-section of a bathtub, first the failure rate is high (infant mortality), and slowly decreases as time goes by. After some period this negative slope reaches a point where the constant failure rate begins. This would be the flat section of the bathtub, where time in use does not affect the operational utility. After that the curve meets with a point, where the failure rate increases again, mostly because of age and wear-out.
In an effort to increase their profit margins the new breed of manufacturers, and their managers, decided to dispense with the initial stress tests, and shift this burden to the willing consumer; no longer is the customer their 'King', but their fool. Similarly, when problems arise with a product, one can no longer talk to a manufacturer's technician, when seeking help; questions are now handled by consumer forums. These well-meaning people, for the most part, are less than qualified to provide answers to complex product issues, at least this has been my experience.
No sane store owner would keep a product on his/her shelves with a 20% or more failure rate; to handle so many customer complaints would not be economical, the stores reputation would adversely suffer as well. However, these modern giants of industry and retail, appear not to care, mainly because the consumer of today, who may be tech. savvy, no longer knows that when one buys a new product, it is supposed to work for a long time without aggravation. And, guess what, the cost of handling all these failures, is simply added to the cost of doing business, and is included in the price calculation, thus the consumer is subsidizing the sloppiness of the manufacturer. Is it not great to be a manufacturer these days? The same holds true for the giant retailers, who have priced in their extra handling of defective goods, and yes, the consumers pays for this as well.
Sadly, Amazon, apparently, does not use its considerable power to insist that manufacturers, and sellers refrain from knowingly continue to list inferior products, as evidenced by consumer reviews. It appears, Amazon is knowingly or unwittingly selling inferior products, which can only brand them as a supplier of junk products, should this trend continue.
As an aside, it appears, the consumer dependent complex managed nicely, with the help of others, to ensure that people instead of buying descent clothes, have money to purchase their latest unnecessary gadget, by convincing us that wearing mostly long lasting jeans is cool and fashionable. And, since even jeans eventually acquire holes from constant use, we are now shown that jeans with ugly holes and tears, are even more fashionable. We the consumers have become so dependent on these gadgets , it seems, that we would even run around in our underwear if necessary, to get our gadget fix.
It is said, our morals are in a steep decline, must our intellect follow this same negative slope?
First, I looked at the lesser expensive models, and from a sample of 12 different items, the average failure rate was 20%, and the range was from 9% to 37%. I considered a single star rating a failure; many of these complaint that Amazon made no provision for zero, or no stars.
Next, I looked at models from Samsung, Apple, Microsoft, Motorola, etc., also on Amazon, and found the following failure rates, from small samples of six (6) each, for a total sample of 24. The average, apparent, failure rate was 21.9%, and the range was 0% to 33%. There was only one cell phone, in the sample, which had no one star rating.
As can be seen from the foregoing, price did not guaranty better performance. It appears, cell phone manufacturers rely on the fact, that too many of us are so addicted to these gadgets, that we buy them knowing that they may be bad on arrival, or soon thereafter, i.e., fully realizing that too many fail, well before their time, for a variety of reasons.
There were times when manufactures, of electronics, were stress testing each item, before it was offered for sale; they took care of the so called 'infant mortality rate', or early failures. Nowadays, it is the consumer who is expected to discover these early/premature failures, and what is astonishing, consumers apparently put up with this nonsense. Instead of enjoying their purchase, they now often have to beg to get their money back, or a replacement unit, but not before the defective unit is returned. To add insult to injury, some vendors expect the buyer to pay for the return postage. There is no compensation for the inconvenience experienced by the consumer; packing and mailing the defective item, and being without a phone for some time.
The reliability curve for electronic equipment resembles the cross-section of a bathtub, first the failure rate is high (infant mortality), and slowly decreases as time goes by. After some period this negative slope reaches a point where the constant failure rate begins. This would be the flat section of the bathtub, where time in use does not affect the operational utility. After that the curve meets with a point, where the failure rate increases again, mostly because of age and wear-out.
In an effort to increase their profit margins the new breed of manufacturers, and their managers, decided to dispense with the initial stress tests, and shift this burden to the willing consumer; no longer is the customer their 'King', but their fool. Similarly, when problems arise with a product, one can no longer talk to a manufacturer's technician, when seeking help; questions are now handled by consumer forums. These well-meaning people, for the most part, are less than qualified to provide answers to complex product issues, at least this has been my experience.
No sane store owner would keep a product on his/her shelves with a 20% or more failure rate; to handle so many customer complaints would not be economical, the stores reputation would adversely suffer as well. However, these modern giants of industry and retail, appear not to care, mainly because the consumer of today, who may be tech. savvy, no longer knows that when one buys a new product, it is supposed to work for a long time without aggravation. And, guess what, the cost of handling all these failures, is simply added to the cost of doing business, and is included in the price calculation, thus the consumer is subsidizing the sloppiness of the manufacturer. Is it not great to be a manufacturer these days? The same holds true for the giant retailers, who have priced in their extra handling of defective goods, and yes, the consumers pays for this as well.
Sadly, Amazon, apparently, does not use its considerable power to insist that manufacturers, and sellers refrain from knowingly continue to list inferior products, as evidenced by consumer reviews. It appears, Amazon is knowingly or unwittingly selling inferior products, which can only brand them as a supplier of junk products, should this trend continue.
As an aside, it appears, the consumer dependent complex managed nicely, with the help of others, to ensure that people instead of buying descent clothes, have money to purchase their latest unnecessary gadget, by convincing us that wearing mostly long lasting jeans is cool and fashionable. And, since even jeans eventually acquire holes from constant use, we are now shown that jeans with ugly holes and tears, are even more fashionable. We the consumers have become so dependent on these gadgets , it seems, that we would even run around in our underwear if necessary, to get our gadget fix.
It is said, our morals are in a steep decline, must our intellect follow this same negative slope?
Friday, August 25, 2017
When Reading This Blog ... You Are Not Alone
In case you are wondering who else reads this blog, here is a table giving you the answer. These statistics were provided by '', the host of this blog.
Thank you all for your social concerns!
Thank you all for your social concerns!
United States
United Kingdom
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Socrates-the Greek Philosopher (469-299 B.C.E.) Identified The Problem
Pretty much everybody senses that the morals of societies, worldwide, are in a drastic decline, while at the same time the societal problems are increasing at an exponential rate. Why might this be so? To begin with let us identify some of the manifestations of moral decline reported in the media.
Driver ploughs into pedestrians
Gunman kills and hurts many in movie theatre
Service men commit suicide at an alarming rate
Vandals destroy historical monument
Teen commits suicide following harassment on social media
Young man kills self; following prolonged inducement by young woman, to do so.
The list could continue practically forever, but we get the drift don’t we? One might ask, what is going on here? While violence in wartimes is readily understood, violence within a society is an enigma.
Some of the perpetrators of violence are young people, while others are soldiers returning from little wars in other countries, who become abusive with their spouses, and/or their surrounding. The latter often suffer from depression, or the so-called post-traumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD, accompanied by personality changes. Police officers are sometimes reported as spouse abusers, the very people called to intervene when domestic violence is at issue.
It is most difficult to identify the root causes of these extreme, and violent expressions, because the affected individuals mostly refuse to share their most inner struggles, with others. Moreover, these individuals often seek to repress their dramatic experiences, either witnessed or perhaps perpetrated by them. Governments in so-called developed countries, ours included, in the name of political correctness, have started to remove religious symbols from the lives of their citizenry. It seems, I was mistakenly thinking the USA was a christian country. Will they next remove all money which shows "IN GOD WE TRUST"? Currently, in our country, historical statutes are also removed, by local authorities, for fear of offending some of us. Gangs of lawless people can be seen on TV destroying historical monuments without being challenged by the police. Is not ISIS doing the exact same thing?
Whether or not one is a religious person or not, we should agree at least that religion represents a moral compass, without which too many of us cannot function in a civilized manner. The cathartic redemption (catharsis), following confession and absolution, is indirectly taken away from some of these troubled souls. Socrates held the view, that whenever we are unjust to others, or hurt others; we not only afflict damage upon the victim, but deal a severe blow to our soul as well. A damaged soul brings about pain and suffering of the individual, if not immediately certainly in the future.
We, as members of the human society, should consider first being ethical towards others in all our dealings, and the ramifications for our own souls, before we inflict damage onto others, with words or deeds. Socrates suggests that the damage to ones soul is greater than the damage inflicted upon the victim.
To me, it is amazing how Socrates’ description of the children of that day, fits so perfectly for the children of today.
“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”
― Socrates
Today some children turn into monsters unbeknownst to their parents. In hindsight, parents acknowledge that their child was a loner, kind of withdrawn from the family, but they thought, wrongly, it was nothing to be alarmed about; they wanted to give their child private space. Here too Socrates had the correct reason for the child’s created wall.
“Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.”
― Socrates
Parents must break this wall down, and show that they care, this way a child seeking attention and confirmation, need not perpetrate crimes to get the attention desired.
Our politicians are no good example for our young either; all they young people see is their greed and self-serving actions, to the detriment of the nation. It is all about winning, thus corrupting the minds of the young; many of whom start to think that this is the norm, and must be adopted by them, in order to succeed. Politicians are also a poor example, for our young, when it comes to losing; they cannot admit defeat gracefully. Here too Socrates had the insight!
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
― Socrates
To fully appreciate the importance of a healthy soul we must also go back to the text in scriptures, which is very instructive, along the lines of the world’s great philosophers. The bottom-line seems to be that the damaged souls will perish, while the undamaged soul will be eternal. While there are many examples, I will only site a few, which leave no doubt as to the end of both the damaged and undamaged soul. It does not matter, in my opinion, whether one believes God, or just the intuition of men possessing an undamaged soul inspired the scriptures.
Ezekiel – 18:4
For all lives are mine; the life of the father is like the life of the son, both are mine; only the one who sins shall die.
Only the one who sins shall die … .
But if the wicked man turns away from all the sins committed, if he keeps all my statutes and does what is right and just, he shall surely live, he shall not die.
And if the virtues man turns from the path of virtue to do evil, the same kind of abominable things that the wicked man does, can he do this and still live? None of his virtuous deeds shall be remembered, because he has broken faith and committed sin; because of this, he shall die.
It is evident that we all shall die at the end of our lives, therefore, Ezekiel must be speaking of a second death, after the soul departed the body.
Matthew - 10:28
Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
The world's social conscience, ours included, is mostly, for all practical purposes, dead. Consider the following.
We no longer care, universally, for our fellow men (includes women)
We take advantage of our brothers and sisters, on this planet, when and wherever we can
We lie in our courts to win the process, for personal gain; truth no longer matters; lawyers are expected to help us lie more convincingly, and often they do
We slander others falsely on social media
We overcharge for services rendered
We steal goods from stores
We mistreat our spouses and the elderly
We do not respect age
We do not respect our fellow men
Bottom-line we are no longer ethical in all our dealings
It is no wonder that so many people are totally screwed-up, and suffer the effects of their damaged soul. Nowadays we have all these mentally disjointed individuals, seeking fame by carrying out ever more headlines making murders and mayhem. Today, the grosser a posting is on social media, the more attention it gets; it goes viral so the saying is. Everybody, it seems is trying to outdo the other, just to become viral on the media.
Our young people of today have been totally abandoned by us, the older generation, for some time now; we have thought them nothing about being a descent human being. We buy them their first electronic device to keep them occupied, so we can concentrate on our own desires, instead. We do not even perceive, or care that our future generation and we are going down the toilet. It is probably fair to say that this current older generation has also been neglected, and therefore lacks the necessary skills to properly grow this young generation.
Even if we do not care about the afterlife, let us at least care about the here and now; we must reverse this downward spiral of our morals and ethics now! Save this young generation now, and you will probably help to save mankind's future.
If you care enough to bring about a reversal of our declining morals and ethics, then kindly share this with your circle of contacts, and ask them to do the same; to borrow a phrase from the young, it could go viral, and thus will influence many.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Note to President Trump-posted on White House web-site
"Mr. President,
It appears, instead of fighting ISIS, you are about to fight their fight. Ron Paul ( is absolutely right, logic tells us that the only beneficiaries of this chemical attack are our military complex and ISIS, I suggest the latter have once again sacrificed innocent humans to try to drag the US into their fight against Assad. In other words, we are dealing with a false flag attack. ISIS in the aftermath probably mixed with the victims proclaiming (lying) that the gas was delivered via bombs, designed to clearly point the finger at Assad and his military. If this is all it takes to get us involved, we must either be looking for any excuse to bomb Syria, or we lack simple logic. Why are we not considering investigating this incidence first, before we jump to conclusion? They (ISIS) most likely targeted women and children, fully knowing the effect it would have around the world. This is not the first time false flag attacks have been used to advance their objective.
Currently it looks like that, we the US are easy to provoke to support anybody's objective, including the objectives of ISIS, apparently. Let us not jump to conclusion, based on what somebody said on the ground; we know that ISIS can mingle with victims, claiming to be survivors. The White Helmets, in Syria, are a good example, for this argument; these white helmets are a convenient way to disguise themselves. By some accounts, they were shown to commit atrocities, just before they placed these helmets onto their heads, playing the role of rescuers.
Please let us investigate first!
Frank Maier"
Why am I concerned about this rush to action? Having lived through WW II as a innocent civilian, I do not wish to see us adding more victims than already exist. There is always, what is called, collateral damage; this collateral damage happen to be dead or injured human beings, and not some stone buildings only. I am also against this rush to action without some fact finding, first. Starting military action based on rumors and hearsay only, is always bad news.
In addition, the world has been deceived by these White Helmets with propaganda films, to the point that at one time they were considered for the Nobel peace price; only outcries by people in the know stopped this madness. Go onto the web and do your research, and you will find the other side of the coin, like, which has photographic evidence showing their real purpose in life, and it is not saving people. These ISIS criminals are supported with millions of dollars not only by the USA, but also by Britain and other countries; for honorable purposes? I think not.
At times, the US and other Governments publicly announce a red line, which when crossed by a certain country, thus warned, would trigger a severe response against that party. This could be a well meaning warning, but it has drastic side-effects, because opposition parties to the government warned, now have a clear target for a false flag attack, which is guaranteed to advance their illegal objectives. History shows that many major world conflicts were the result of false flag attacks by a third party. ISIS (and their many associates) is no exception; this scenario has been demonstrated a number of times, in recent history.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Letter To Trump Posted on the White House Site
Mr. President,
This is not the first time I am writing to you, however, this time I advise you to really pay attention, because the recent flop with the American Health Care Act must not be repeated, lest your reputation as a clever man will be lost forever. You made the mistake to trust Ryan too much; you gave him too much credit for intelligence, which he evidently has not. Before one launches boat, one must always make sure there is plenty of water over the rocks; he did not. The handling of the AHCA, by him, demonstrates to me that the Peter Principle has caught up with him; he is in a position, which is way over his head, as big as it might be.
Before you lunch the boat called ‘Tax Reform’, you had better make sure yourself that the rocks have plenty of water over them and some. I suggest you collect written pledges from every GOP house member; less than 100 % positive response is not acceptable; only and only then must this bill be presented to the Congress. The GOP member must be given to understand, after that; there is no change of intent to vote for the bill. In fairness, the GOP membership must become part of the deal; a Power Point presentation alone will not do, they must have a stake in it, they must believe in the goods, for they too have to sell it at home.
I suggest manageable groups are established, to go over the next proposal, which are required to provide their input (concerns and suggested improvements regarding these concerns); critics without alternative suggestions are not allowed. This process must take place long before any new act is thrown over the proverbial wall, i.e., presented to Congress.
What the White House needs is a Director Quality/Reliability Assurance, overseeing this kind of processes. This function must report directly to you, and you must not select a person afraid of giving you bad news, when applicable, including telling you without fear that you are wrong, when it applies. People who ‘kiss your ass', are of no value to you, the only help your certain demise, should your ego listen.
I wish you good luck, but unfortunately you need more than that.
Frank Maier
This is not the first time I am writing to you, however, this time I advise you to really pay attention, because the recent flop with the American Health Care Act must not be repeated, lest your reputation as a clever man will be lost forever. You made the mistake to trust Ryan too much; you gave him too much credit for intelligence, which he evidently has not. Before one launches boat, one must always make sure there is plenty of water over the rocks; he did not. The handling of the AHCA, by him, demonstrates to me that the Peter Principle has caught up with him; he is in a position, which is way over his head, as big as it might be.
Before you lunch the boat called ‘Tax Reform’, you had better make sure yourself that the rocks have plenty of water over them and some. I suggest you collect written pledges from every GOP house member; less than 100 % positive response is not acceptable; only and only then must this bill be presented to the Congress. The GOP member must be given to understand, after that; there is no change of intent to vote for the bill. In fairness, the GOP membership must become part of the deal; a Power Point presentation alone will not do, they must have a stake in it, they must believe in the goods, for they too have to sell it at home.
I suggest manageable groups are established, to go over the next proposal, which are required to provide their input (concerns and suggested improvements regarding these concerns); critics without alternative suggestions are not allowed. This process must take place long before any new act is thrown over the proverbial wall, i.e., presented to Congress.
What the White House needs is a Director Quality/Reliability Assurance, overseeing this kind of processes. This function must report directly to you, and you must not select a person afraid of giving you bad news, when applicable, including telling you without fear that you are wrong, when it applies. People who ‘kiss your ass', are of no value to you, the only help your certain demise, should your ego listen.
I wish you good luck, but unfortunately you need more than that.
Frank Maier
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Believe It Or Not
A concerned reader (who wishes to remain incognito) sent me the following, by email, and kindly agreed for me to post it on my Blog; I have not verified the entire claims made, however from my past readings I was able to ascertain that some truth is certainly reflected. If you doubt any of it, do your own research, and if you find that some are false, let us know via a comment, please.
"How come nobody talks about this,
Why do so many people think the Democrats are sooo GREAT??? Why? Why are they giving
OUR hard earned monies to people who did not pay into social security? And why are we
now paying taxes on it? Joke, joke, joke- don't know how many of you got a "raise" from
social security???? But not, it all went back to them to pay more for Medicare??? OMG ,
what happened to "we the people"? Why are we allowing ourselves to get less & less. We gotta
start taking back what is ours. Why are people all caught up in what Pres. Trump is trying to do and
forgetting the crap that has gone on of more than 8-12 years w/the Democrats "shafting" us???"
I know the foregoing to be fact, because it happened to me as well; my net increase for 2017 was Zero! Refer to my post, dated December 19, 2016, open letter to President-Elect Donald Trump.
The writer also included the following she had received by email, from a party unknown to me.
"History Lesson on Your Social Security Card
Just in case some of you young whippersnappers
(& some older ones) didn't know this. It's easy to
check out, if you don't believe it. Be sure and show
it to your family and friends. They need a little history
lesson on what's what and it doesn't matter whether
you are Democrat or Republican. Facts are Facts.
Social Security Cards up until the 1980s expressly stated
the number and card were not to be used for identification
purposes. Since nearly everyone in the United States now
has a number, it became convenient to use it anyway
and the message, NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION, was removed.
Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social
Security (FICA) Program. He promised:
1.) That participation in the Program would be
Completely voluntary,
No longer Voluntary
2.) That the participants would only have to pay
1% of the first $1,400 of their annual
Incomes into the Program,
Now 7.65%
on the first $90,000
3.) That the money the participants elected to put
into the Program would be deductible from
their income for tax purposes each year,
No longer tax deductible
4.) That the money the participants put into the
independent 'Trust Fund' rather than into the
general operating fund, and therefore, would
only be used to fund the Social Security
Retirement Program, and no other
Government program, and,
Under Johnson the money was moved to
The General Fund and Spent
5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees would never
be taxed as income.
Under Clinton & Gore
Up to 85% of your Social Security can be Taxed
Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are
now receiving a Social Security check every month --
and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of
the money we paid to the Federal government to 'put
away' -- you may be interested in the following:
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----
Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the
independent 'Trust Fund' and put it into the
general fund so that Congress could spend it?
A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically
controlled House and Senate.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --
Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax
deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?
A: The Democratic Party.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----
Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social
Security annuities?
A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the
'tie-breaking' deciding vote as President of the
Senate, while he was Vice President of the US
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Q: Which Political Party decided to start
giving annuity payments to immigrants?
A: That's right!
Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party.
Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65,
began to receive Social Security payments! The
Democratic Party gave these payments to them,
even though they never paid a dime into it!
------------ -- ------------ --------- ----- ------------ --------- ---------
Then, after violating the original contract (FICA),
the Democrats turn around and tell you that the Republicans
want to take your Social Security away!
And the worst part about it is uninformed citizens believe it!
If enough people receive this, maybe a seed of
awareness will be planted and maybe changes will
But it's worth a try.
How many people can YOU send this to?
Actions speak louder than bumper stickers
"How come nobody talks about this,
Why do so many people think the Democrats are sooo GREAT??? Why? Why are they giving
OUR hard earned monies to people who did not pay into social security? And why are we
now paying taxes on it? Joke, joke, joke- don't know how many of you got a "raise" from
social security???? But not, it all went back to them to pay more for Medicare??? OMG ,
what happened to "we the people"? Why are we allowing ourselves to get less & less. We gotta
start taking back what is ours. Why are people all caught up in what Pres. Trump is trying to do and
forgetting the crap that has gone on of more than 8-12 years w/the Democrats "shafting" us???"
I know the foregoing to be fact, because it happened to me as well; my net increase for 2017 was Zero! Refer to my post, dated December 19, 2016, open letter to President-Elect Donald Trump.
The writer also included the following she had received by email, from a party unknown to me.
"History Lesson on Your Social Security Card
Just in case some of you young whippersnappers
(& some older ones) didn't know this. It's easy to
check out, if you don't believe it. Be sure and show
it to your family and friends. They need a little history
lesson on what's what and it doesn't matter whether
you are Democrat or Republican. Facts are Facts.
Social Security Cards up until the 1980s expressly stated
the number and card were not to be used for identification
purposes. Since nearly everyone in the United States now
has a number, it became convenient to use it anyway
and the message, NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION, was removed.
Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social
Security (FICA) Program. He promised:
1.) That participation in the Program would be
Completely voluntary,
No longer Voluntary
2.) That the participants would only have to pay
1% of the first $1,400 of their annual
Incomes into the Program,
Now 7.65%
on the first $90,000
3.) That the money the participants elected to put
into the Program would be deductible from
their income for tax purposes each year,
No longer tax deductible
4.) That the money the participants put into the
independent 'Trust Fund' rather than into the
general operating fund, and therefore, would
only be used to fund the Social Security
Retirement Program, and no other
Government program, and,
Under Johnson the money was moved to
The General Fund and Spent
5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees would never
be taxed as income.
Under Clinton & Gore
Up to 85% of your Social Security can be Taxed
Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are
now receiving a Social Security check every month --
and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of
the money we paid to the Federal government to 'put
away' -- you may be interested in the following:
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----
Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the
independent 'Trust Fund' and put it into the
general fund so that Congress could spend it?
A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically
controlled House and Senate.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --
Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax
deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?
A: The Democratic Party.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----
Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social
Security annuities?
A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the
'tie-breaking' deciding vote as President of the
Senate, while he was Vice President of the US
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Q: Which Political Party decided to start
giving annuity payments to immigrants?
A: That's right!
Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party.
Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65,
began to receive Social Security payments! The
Democratic Party gave these payments to them,
even though they never paid a dime into it!
------------ -- ------------ --------- ----- ------------ --------- ---------
Then, after violating the original contract (FICA),
the Democrats turn around and tell you that the Republicans
want to take your Social Security away!
And the worst part about it is uninformed citizens believe it!
If enough people receive this, maybe a seed of
awareness will be planted and maybe changes will
But it's worth a try.
How many people can YOU send this to?
Actions speak louder than bumper stickers
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
My Last Letter from President Obama
I sent many a letters and notes to President Obama, on a variety of issues and concerns, to some he replied, while keeping silent on others; here is my last letter from him.
Unfortunately too few of us take the time to write to our elected officials, and let them know our concerns, and suggestions for a better America. It is never a waste of time to express ourselves; we do have the constitutional right under the 'First Amendment', which guaranties our freedom of speech. Moreover, article 19 of the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights', adopted in 1948, reinforces the 'First Amendment' of our constitution, and states: Freedom of expression is the right of every individual.
Convincing our Government to change course for the better is a big numbers game, and it is therefore that I urge all of you to join, and follow this blog; add your comments on the issues, and I will make sure our voices are heard, at the highest level if need be; I am not afraid, nor is my social conscience in a coma. Convince your families and friends to do the same; either through a 'Geometrical' or 'Exponential' progression, we will achieve the number of citizens that politicians will listen to. Awaken your social conscience and work for a better America for all!
Unfortunately too few of us take the time to write to our elected officials, and let them know our concerns, and suggestions for a better America. It is never a waste of time to express ourselves; we do have the constitutional right under the 'First Amendment', which guaranties our freedom of speech. Moreover, article 19 of the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights', adopted in 1948, reinforces the 'First Amendment' of our constitution, and states: Freedom of expression is the right of every individual.
Convincing our Government to change course for the better is a big numbers game, and it is therefore that I urge all of you to join, and follow this blog; add your comments on the issues, and I will make sure our voices are heard, at the highest level if need be; I am not afraid, nor is my social conscience in a coma. Convince your families and friends to do the same; either through a 'Geometrical' or 'Exponential' progression, we will achieve the number of citizens that politicians will listen to. Awaken your social conscience and work for a better America for all!
Monday, January 16, 2017
Sometimes the Whitehouse Does Respond to Letters
I recently received a letter from VP Biden in response to one of mine to him.
The moral of this story is, if enough people will address a problem, they will take notice, and in some cases take action. Are you ready to add your voice for 'Social Justice'? Please follow this Blog to help create that statistically significant number that politicians cannot ignore any longer.
The moral of this story is, if enough people will address a problem, they will take notice, and in some cases take action. Are you ready to add your voice for 'Social Justice'? Please follow this Blog to help create that statistically significant number that politicians cannot ignore any longer.
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