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Monday, August 6, 2012

Extremely Concerned Again

Since my written questions on the following (submitted, at the Aug. 4th candidate meeting), never saw the light of day, in open forum, I appreciate you reading my opinion here.
Margaret Wille, candidate for Councilperson, district 9, in her article in the KMN of July 28, 2012, stated, "I will work to dispose of our solid waste in ways that turn this waste stream into a revenue-generating asset."  I called her the morning of July 30, 2012, to inquire how she would accomplish that; here is what I learned. This candidate wants to consider 'Waste Gasification', etc., despite the fact that she is well aware that our community was 100% against such a project.  At the time of our struggle against 'Waste Gasification', I invited her to join our cause; she never did. Not joining our community then is clear now; she considers this harmful process as a possible option to serve her money-generating goal.

Her confessed desire is to make money for the county.  She writes, "I will focus on ways to increase the revenue streams available to our County."  She also states, "I have been involved in many County issues over the past six years: working closely with the current Councilperson Pete Hoffman, studying the issues….” This candidate, like Pete Hoffman, is on the wrong side of this issue.  My records show, Pete Hoffman was not on the side of the community.  This candidate painted herself as an understudy to Pete Hoffman, not a good thing considering the foregoing. This candidate also portrays herself as an insider, which she clearly is.  The last thing we need is another insider.  Strangely, this candidate is not talking about liberating existing funds through bureaucratic waste reduction; she may seek income through harmful trash processing, etc.

This candidate pledges to resolve “…multi-dimensional issues such as how to increase the Medicaid reimbursement rate for Hawaii physicians.”  The medical industry is already bankrupting many of our families, and, to an extent, our country (  Our medical costs are one of the highest in the world, yet estimates show that 200,000 Americans die, every year, because of medical errors (  Do we need to give them more money to speed up our economic death, as well?  I think not.  To champion this cause, for this special interest group, only adds to our already high tax burden.

From her writing, it is obvious; this candidate is not for our community.  No mention, in her article, of making our lives more safe and enjoyable; it is all about raising money for the County, apparently without consideration of the environment.  This candidate never stated what the County should do with all the money she wants to raise.

The full-page ad in the KMN, page 20, “Paid for by Friends to Elect Margaret Wille”, should raise a flag, who are these friends?  Let us consider a person, who is truly for all the people, and not on the side of bureaucrats, or perhaps beholden to special interest groups.  Let us elect an ‘Outsider’ to represent truly our interests, and not that of the existing establishment.  If you care about a save and healthy environment, in which to live, and raise your children without the threat of another harmful process proposal, and have no urge to increase County revenues, then you must elect another more suitable candidate.  Let us not repeat history!  Mahalo,

Frank J. Maier

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