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Monday, October 15, 2012

Make Sure Our Voice Is Heard

It is now public knowledge that both Mayor Kenoi and candidate Kim are in favour of the environmentally harmful Gasification process, to deal with solid waste, according to their recent debate statements.  It is therefore extremely important that we give our support to Sonny Shimaoka, who is against this course of action; he will oppose Gasification of our trash.

The answer to handling our trash is not Gasification, but solid waste sorting and recycling, and turning green waste into compost and mulch.  Some years ago, then mayor Kim built a 9 million dollars trash sorting station (so far a white Elephant), in the Hilo area, which stands idle for years already; let them use it finally for the purpose intended.

Please use the social media at your disposal, and communicate with all you know; we need a voice that opposes polluting our air and waters, for the sake of making big money, by building another white Elephant, which will be a financial disaster in the end.  HELCO is already proposing a rate hike to help finance this disastrous project, which will in the end cost a lot more than the current $500 million estimated.  Again they will then hike the rate to make up for their shortfall.

Support your community by supporting Sonny Shimaoka!


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wakeup America!

Our politicians consider our Social Security payments as an entitlement, making it sound as if it were a gift from the Government, which they can reduce or eliminate at will.  Nothing could be further from reality.  Our social security payments are the contractual repayments, by installments, of money we have advanced, interest free, over many years, in fact a working lifetime, to the Government.  The Government has borrowed from this fund, repeatedly, interest free, over many decades, and has never repaid this debt.  The Government’s debt to this fund is well over two trillion dollars.

Why this great urgency to plan unilateral changes now?  The Government has already spent all of the surplus Old Age and Security Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance ( DI) taxes collected, and has evidently no intention to repay this debt.  If the Government were to meet their legal obligation of repayment of their debt, the fund could meet its obligation until about 2042.  And, if corporations were not rewarded for exporting the jobs of the American worker, more people would support the OASI and DI funds through their payroll deductions for these funds, and thus these funds would be viable beyond the 75 year horizon.  Moreover, the wages of the American worker have been kept very low over the years, and even reduced in some cases, thus reducing the sum of money collected by the Government, again working against the viability of these funds.

Why is the American worker’s wage compared to workers of other countries, who do not have to live with high living expenses, as we do in the USA, including the highest medical expenses in the world?  The American worker is made to feel guilty for demanding a living wage; why is this so?  These unsociable giant American corporations are not satisfied with raping, and abusing foreign workers in other countries, they are now importing their inhuman practices to the USA, and if the American worker refuses to step back to the middle ages, they employ their Government patsies, whom they have bought before, to bring the American worker to his or her knees.  Already State Governments are eliminating the rights of workers, in accordance with the wishes of their masters, the money donors to their political careers.

We, the people, were given no choice, we are taxed, by force, to pay into these funds specifically, and now they want to reduce our contractual entitlement, and change the contract unilaterally.  Unlike Canada, who do provide Old Age Security payments to their citizens, without having taxed them expressly for it, we, here in the USA, bought our benefit payments with our tax dollars, specifically for that purpose.  Now if the Canadian Government, for example, wished to change the Old Age Security formula, it would be understandable, because it really is a kind of a gift from their Government.  Canada has a separate coordinated pension system, to which workers contribute with payroll deductions, and nobody messes with that, and neither must the US Government mess with our paid for OASI, and DI benefits.  In fact, September 2011 the President proposed to cut Medicare by nearly 250 billion dollars, an attack on the most vulnerable, the aged, who supported the country all their lives.

How long will it be before we all realize that we are abused by our Government and their benefactors?  Other nations took forty years or so to understand that they, the people, were had; how much longer do we need to get the message? Wakeup America!  Most of us think, if we go and participate in elections every so often, we did our duty.  Wrong!  All we did is legitimize the frauds in office, at any level, to abuse us some more.  Let us look at the recent bailouts of the financial institutions.  The Government took our tax money (money from the victims) to bail out the crooks on Wall Street and anywhere else from where they operate.  They did not bail out any of the homeowners, who made an honest mistake to buy a home they could not afford, simple because they were told, by the financial industry, that they could.  Nobody went to jail, while the ordinary citizen lost his job, his home, including his or her self-esteem.  The masses were blamed for their engineered economic disaster, which helped to transfer the assets of ordinary people to the crooks in the financial industry.

The homeowners affected, for the most part, are still in trouble, and have lost everything, simply because they were not too big to fail.  The financial crooks are all doing well again, and pay themselves large salaries, and super large bonuses.  Our Government has, in essence, rewarded these criminals with our tax money.  As stated earlier nobody went to jail, because of this massive fraud.  All of a sudden they feel that our retired citizens have it too good, and can well afford to have their contractual benefits slashed.  After all, we have the world’s best Government money can buy, and did these crooks buy our Government, and stole our democracy in the process.  To rescue and protect our democracy we must do more than just vote these characters into office, we must keep them honest, by watching every move they make, and set them straight, when the veer off course.

We are renown, around the world, as a people, who are dumb, fat, and happy.  Well, we are not dumb, we may be a little overweight and we sure as hell should not be happy.  What are we to do?  For one, let your representative know that if he or she votes for taking away our right to receive our money back in retirement, they may as well resign now, because we will recall them, and surely not vote for them again.

"No taxation without representation" was the cry during the years between 1750 and 1760, and spawned ultimately the American Revolution.  Well, we are at this stage again; we are taxed without representation.  Our Government has sold out to special interest groups, who send their agents (read Lobbyists) to Washington to buy favors from our representatives sitting in Congress, Senate and the White House.  If you are in doubt about that, just look at those who got bailed out recently, it was not people like you and me, that is for sure.

We can use the Social Media to educate our friends and neighbors, and to email or call our representatives, and let them know that we are mad, and we will not tolerate abuse anymore.
It’s OK to use these media for all the fun things we seem to enjoy, however, these tools are giving us also the power of serious communications.   Our national elections are just around the corner, now is the time to turn the tables and put pressure on those who wish to represent us, while filling their pockets.  Let them know where you stand.  Once they are back again in the saddle, they can do a lot of more damage, by eliminating, or cutting down our legal rights.  Do not let them do this to us, and our children!  Use the Social Media (and email) to give a wakeup call to your relatives, friends, neighbors, and your representatives.

Facts on the Social Security Fund:  ( - A SUMMARY OF THE 2011 ANNUAL REPORTS
Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees

From Wikipedia: -
“The trust funds run surpluses in that the amount paid in by current workers is more than the amount paid out to current beneficiaries. These surpluses are given to the U.S. Treasury (and thus become part of the general federal budget) in exchange for special U.S. government securities, which are deposited into the trust funds. If the trust funds begin running deficits, meaning more in benefits are paid out than contributions paid in, the Social Security Administration is empowered to redeem the securities and use those funds to cover the deficit.”

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Entitlement is a guarantee of access to benefits based on established rights or by legislation.

Entitlement - right granted by law or contract (especially a right to benefits); "entitlements make up the major part of the federal budget"  (

Entitled - qualified for by right according to law; "we are all entitled to equal protection under the law"

Monday, August 6, 2012

Extremely Concerned Again

Since my written questions on the following (submitted, at the Aug. 4th candidate meeting), never saw the light of day, in open forum, I appreciate you reading my opinion here.
Margaret Wille, candidate for Councilperson, district 9, in her article in the KMN of July 28, 2012, stated, "I will work to dispose of our solid waste in ways that turn this waste stream into a revenue-generating asset."  I called her the morning of July 30, 2012, to inquire how she would accomplish that; here is what I learned. This candidate wants to consider 'Waste Gasification', etc., despite the fact that she is well aware that our community was 100% against such a project.  At the time of our struggle against 'Waste Gasification', I invited her to join our cause; she never did. Not joining our community then is clear now; she considers this harmful process as a possible option to serve her money-generating goal.

Her confessed desire is to make money for the county.  She writes, "I will focus on ways to increase the revenue streams available to our County."  She also states, "I have been involved in many County issues over the past six years: working closely with the current Councilperson Pete Hoffman, studying the issues….” This candidate, like Pete Hoffman, is on the wrong side of this issue.  My records show, Pete Hoffman was not on the side of the community.  This candidate painted herself as an understudy to Pete Hoffman, not a good thing considering the foregoing. This candidate also portrays herself as an insider, which she clearly is.  The last thing we need is another insider.  Strangely, this candidate is not talking about liberating existing funds through bureaucratic waste reduction; she may seek income through harmful trash processing, etc.

This candidate pledges to resolve “…multi-dimensional issues such as how to increase the Medicaid reimbursement rate for Hawaii physicians.”  The medical industry is already bankrupting many of our families, and, to an extent, our country (  Our medical costs are one of the highest in the world, yet estimates show that 200,000 Americans die, every year, because of medical errors (  Do we need to give them more money to speed up our economic death, as well?  I think not.  To champion this cause, for this special interest group, only adds to our already high tax burden.

From her writing, it is obvious; this candidate is not for our community.  No mention, in her article, of making our lives more safe and enjoyable; it is all about raising money for the County, apparently without consideration of the environment.  This candidate never stated what the County should do with all the money she wants to raise.

The full-page ad in the KMN, page 20, “Paid for by Friends to Elect Margaret Wille”, should raise a flag, who are these friends?  Let us consider a person, who is truly for all the people, and not on the side of bureaucrats, or perhaps beholden to special interest groups.  Let us elect an ‘Outsider’ to represent truly our interests, and not that of the existing establishment.  If you care about a save and healthy environment, in which to live, and raise your children without the threat of another harmful process proposal, and have no urge to increase County revenues, then you must elect another more suitable candidate.  Let us not repeat history!  Mahalo,

Frank J. Maier

Monday, February 27, 2012

OPEN LETTER TO PETER HO - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bank of Hawaii

The following was emailed to Peter Ho on February 7, 2012, and was published in the Kohala Mountain News February 25, 2012.  To-date no response was received.

"Dear Mr. Ho,

I worked in the fifties for major Canadian national banks; I know how crucial a local bank is to a community, and that is why I read the letter of January 27, 2012, announcing the closing of the Kohala branch, with sadness.  Surely you appreciate, a bank is more than a business; it is also a community support system.  This is especially true with our local seniors, many of whom are either unable or afraid to use online banking services, for various reasons.  Trying to educate them in using online services will not work; for most elderly, learning is no longer easy or even possible.  What about those people who have no computer to begin with?  I fear it includes the majority of our seniors.

Reading about you, I found the following, “Peter Ho puts helping people high on desires - Honolulu Advertiser (Mar 21, 2010)”.  Mr. Ho, this is your God given chance to live up to your desires, and to demonstrate that your service priorities are still in the right place.  Closing the Kohala branch would be contrary to helping people, in my opinion.  I know that Bank of Hawaii has an excellent financial record; I refuse to believe that your bank would abandon our seniors/community, who contributed so much to make your bank successful for 90 years.  Closing this historic branch would appear ungrateful, and totally devoid of the ‘Aloha Spirit.

Our business community will also suffer; which business owners have the time to travel to Waimea, to accomplish their basic banking needs?  Yes, we are in an economic slowdown, but as sure as, the sun will rise tomorrow, so will the business climate in our community.  Signs of increased tourist trade are everywhere. A community without at least one local full-service bank is doomed to stagnate.  This plan to close our local bank appears very shortsighted, and ignores the potential of our community; it throws in the towel in defeat. The closing of this branch signals to us that your bank has given up on our community. This is not the bank I know, and learned to respect in the aftermath of our national banking disaster.

I appreciate that there are compelling short-term business reasons why your bank came to this decision.  However, when looking at the long-term, this decision will prove to be wrong, not only in the business sense, but also in the human sense.  Taking away a community banking support from a struggling community, trying to rebuild itself appears to be an apathetic and calculated action.  There are ways to make this work for the benefit of the bank and the community.  For example, this branch does not require three bank clerks, excluding the Manager, and yet this is what I saw January 30, 2012, while making my deposit.  We, I am sure, are willing to wait a little longer in-line to get service, if that, and other cost savings, like opening three days a week only, help to keep this branch open.

Keeping this branch open, for the sake of the community, is priceless marketing for your bank.  When prospective customers, learn about this, they will be confident to bring their business to your bank.  I implore you to exercise your executive power and veto this planned closure of our branch.


Frank J. Maier"