Once in a while we are accused that our web-site shows misinformation, and distorted facts. Here is the latest message I have received.
Email from Scott B. (1/12/2011)
"While I agree that the proposed site is not the best site for such a facility, I was disappointed to see so much misinformaion on your web site. It does not help our community to distort facts and persist in repeating inacurate and false information, and diminishes the value of the real information you present. Thank you for your efforts to inform the community on this issue, but please check your facts more carefully and present them objectively. If you are going to state opinion, make sure it is clear that it is just that - opinion or conjecture. Using fear to prevail on an issue only divides us."
The writer of the foregoing email does not provide a single example of misinformation or distorted facts he alludes to. Is it because he couldn't find any?
Here is my invitation to all. If any of you think or know our web-site contains an error, or a twisted/distorted fact, please provide the specifics, so that I can double check your input, and if necessary correct what is wrong. I do not knowingly place incorrect information onto any of our web-pages, nor do I torture facts known to me through research. When it comes to facts, I have no ego. Moreover, 'Against' does not employ fear, in order to prevail on this issue. We received WasteStream's mailing, which states their intentions in print, and what some individuals express verbally, contradicting the written word, concerns me not. If WasteStream wants to retract some of their written public announcements, let them do so also in writing, in another mailing, and this time to all residents, and not just a few. Too many residents did not receive their last mailing.
Please use the comment section of this blog to give your specific input on any matter you think needs correction. This way, myself and others can verify your point, and comment as well.
Thank you.
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