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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Let Us Employ The 1994 Presidential Order No. 12898

It is time to involve the EPA, and have them follow Presidential Order No. 12898

Excerpts from

“In 1994, the President’s Executive Order 12898
required EPA to address environmental justice
in low-income and minority communities. Under
this mandate, EPA has worked toward a
fundamental goal—that all communities and
people enjoy the same degree of protection
from environmental and health hazards, and
equal access to the decision-making process
that secures a healthy environment in which to
live and work.

EPA’s Pacific Southwest Regional Office has
not only focused a great deal of work in specific
low-income minority communities, but also has
considered environmental justice as a guiding
principle in all agency actions.

EPA is committed to working on the biggest environmental
challenges facing the most vulnerable communities
bearing disproportionate impacts from
pollution and toxins.

Environmental justice is the fair treatment
and meaningful involvement of all
people regardless of race, color, national
origin, or income with respect to the development,
implementation and enforcement
of environmental laws, regulations
and policies.

Children are our future, and protecting them
from toxins in the environment is a high priority.
Children are more vulnerable to toxins than
adults—their bodies are small and still developing,
and exposure to toxins in this critical period
can permanently alter the way the child’s
biological system operates. They’re also more
likely to play on lawns and floors, where pesticides
and toxins can get on their hands, and
then into their mouths.”   (Changed all words “toxics” in the original text, to the correct word “toxins”)

Please write or email to the following addresses, and refer them to our web-site  Urge them to become involved for the good of our low-income minority communities, such as Kapaau and Hawi.  See sample email text below.

Jared Blumenfeld, Regional Administrator
EPA Pacific Southwest Region
Phone: (415) 947-8702     
 Waste Management Division
(415) 947-8708
Director: Jeff Scott
Deputy Director: Steven Barhite
Associate Directors: Tom Huetteman, Arlene Kabei, Rich Vaille

75 Hawthorne Street
Mail Code: WST-7
San Francisco, CA 94105
Attention: Ms. Eileen Sheehan
Tel. 415-972-3287

USEPA Region 9 - Pacific Islands Contact Office
P.O. Box 50003
300 Ala Moana Boulevard Room 5124
Mail Code: OPA-3
Honolulu, HI 96850
Mr. Dean Higuchi
Tel. 808-541-2711

Sample email text: Subject: Planned waste facility near Ainakea homes
Dear Sir/Madam,

We the residents of Ainakea Village in Kapaau, Hawaii, 96755, and adjacent areas (low-income and minority communities), are in serious danger of having our quality of life and health adversely affected, by a group called WasteStream and the County of Hawaii, who propose to build a waste treatment facility within 700 yards or less from homes.  Please read their mailing to residents at:

November 10, 2010 WasteStream held a public meeting, which was attended by over 125 residents, who voted, by a show of hands, 100% against this planned waste facility near Ainakea homes.

Also, please visit the web-site of 'Against' (Action Group Against Inappropriate New Station Threat) to learn the concerns of our communities, at:

Presidential Order No. 12898 requires the EPA to address environmental justice in low-income and minority communities.  Your intervention is urgently needed, and will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Follow the link below to examine the entire Presidential order, by William J. Clinton.
