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Friday, October 4, 2024

"I'M ANGRY: Macgregor Speaks Out"

Personally, I am mad as hell for a long, long time.  When politicians' mantra is America first and in reality it is last.  All these foreign adventures burning through taxpayer monies are in fact violating the Constitution, when reading the document; none of these foreign adventures are supported by it.


Our Country Our Choice

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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

"The One Video Israel REALLY Doesn't Want You To See"

 The below linked Videos tell the complete story, hence no commentary, on my part, is necessary.

"The One Video Israel REALLY Doesn't Want You To See"

"The truth about October 7: Director Richard Sanders discusses his Al Jazeera film with Peter Oborne"


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Monday, September 23, 2024

"How US Support for Israel Harms Every American Citizen"


The following report contained in the video, shown below, is a required watch assignment not only for Americans but also for individuals who want to understand why so much poverty exists in the US.  For example, Universal Health Care is still not a reality in the US, whereas Israel, which receives billions in US aid each year, had it for about 30 years now.

"According to a 1994 study, "Israel maintains a comprehensive health sector that is practically a universal coverage system, without being formally defined as ...

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"Hidden cost every American pays for US Government support of Israel" 


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Saturday, September 21, 2024


World's largest arms exporters

World's largest arms exporters since 1950

World's largest arms importers 
Is it any wonder why the US and other politicians are supporting project Ukraine, a country known for its widespread corruption?  A country where monies and weapons find themselves conveniently lost without a trace, apparently.

List of major weapon manufacturers

 Reviewing these charts, shown above, clearly demonstrates that the US is running a war economy and in so doing lets the infrastructure deteriorate, apparently.  When visiting other advanced civilized countries, we see that, by comparison, the US looks like a third world country, as far as infrastructures are concerned.  Also social services are, according to reports, in serious trouble.  Social Security is a good example, where rumor has it that there will be serious reductions of payments down the road.  Healthcare, although the most expensive in the world, is inversely one of the worse for the majority of the general Citizenry.  While other industrialized countries provide 100% coverage for its people, with no medical co-payments, Americans are forced to pay ungodly sums each year to join a healthcare plan providing full coverage.  Government healthcare, after age 65, covers only 80 percent, in general. 

This brainless production of weapons of mass destruction, while providing employment for many, does nothing for the improvement of the quality of life.  To build and destroy is of no benefit for the present and future generations.  To the contrary, this course of action will lead to nowhere, except to the total extinction of all living things.  One has to wonder how many times this, in the universe, has been the end of so called intelligent civilizations of beings, on distant planets, which outsmarted themselves?  Why no use our smarts for the good of mankind everywhere?  Remember, when we die, our money won't come with us and hell forever (a possibility) is a very, very long time!

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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Israelis protest against Netanyahu in largest-ever demonstration

Israelis, apparently, hold their Government responsible for the deaths of hostages.

"Sep 8, 2024 #Palestine #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack Al Jazeera's Hamdah Salhut joins live from Amman, Jordan. Salhut reports that Al Jazeera is covering the story from outside Israel due to being banned by the Israeli government. She notes that this is the largest protest in Israel’s history at a single location. Organizers estimate that 500,000 people have taken to the streets of Tel Aviv, with another 250,000 protesting across the coun-try, including in West Jerusalem, Haifa, and Rishon LeZion. These demonstrations come during a week of consecutive protests, following the Israeli army's an-nouncement that it had recovered the bodies of six captives in Gaza, a move that has angered the Is-raeli public. Salhut highlights that the families of the captives are blaming Prime Minister Netanyahu, accusing him of having blood on his hands and being the main obstacle to a ceasefire deal."


 Israelis, apparently, question the claim that Hamas killed these hostages, saying why would Hamas kill their bargaining assets, for which they could get many Palestinians released from prison?  Also, some of the released hostages contradicted their Government's claim that they were badly treated by Hamas.  It looks like the Hannibal doctrine may be still in effect, in which case, hostages in body bags may be the only way of return.


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Saturday, August 31, 2024

"Israel’s war on Gaza live: Israeli siege cuts off water, power in Jenin"

Now that Gaza has been leveled, it appears the West Bank is next on the agenda on the road to Greater Israel.

a man holds the body of a dead child wrapped in a white sheet

 "Relatives of the five Palestinians killed in an Israeli army attack on the apartment belonging to the Abu Bakr family, mourn as their bodies are brought to Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza on Saturday [Abed Rahim Khatib/Anadolu Images]"


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Friday, August 30, 2024

"Israeli commander urges reservists to commit genocide in Lebanon"

 Yet another example of the makeup of Israeli's so-called leaders and they have the nerve to call others sub-human.  Talk about 'chutzpah'.


Rubble at an industrial area hit by an Israeli airstrike in Wadi Al Kfour, Nabatieh province, southern Lebanon, Aug. 17, 2024. (EPA Photo)

 "Rubble at an industrial area hit by an Israeli airstrike in Wadi Al Kfour, Nabatieh province, southern Lebanon, Aug. 17, 2024. (EPA Photo)"

An Israeli commander called on his troops to commit genocide in Lebanon, a reservist mental health officer said.

Adi Angert, who serves as a social worker in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)’s Alexandroni Brigade, slammed Lt. Col. Moshe Passal, who assumed duty as the brigade’s new commander on Aug. 21., for calling on his fighters to commit genocide in a missive.

"May the villages of Lebanon become a wasteland, and all its roads become dead ends," Col. Passal said in the letter.

Angert responded to Passal’s letter in a message she posted on X:

"The brigade has a new commander. First thing he does is greet the fighters with a wish to commit genocide. Charming."

She also called the radical Zionist community a “cult of Death Eaters” after receiving criticism for her remarks.

Angert was dismissed from her role for her statements upon the calls of far-right finance minister Bezalel Smotrich, notoriously known for her outrageous remarks, where he justifies starving over 2 million Palestinians to death.

Israel and the Lebanese group Hezbollah have been exchanging fire, raising fears of a regional war. ..."

by Agencies

ISTANBUL Aug 27, 2024 - 8:04 pm GMT+3


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Saturday, August 24, 2024

"Under the radar, Ireland is helping illegal Israeli settlements do business"

 It appears that Hypocrites are evenly distributed all over the world; finally it's all about money, blood money in many cases. 


People protest calling for governments around the world to stop arming Israel during a demonstration in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Dublin, Ireland, June 15, 2024. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne

 "People protest calling for governments around the world to stop arming Israel during a demonstration in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, in Dublin, Ireland, June 15, 2024. [Clodagh Kilcoyne/Reuters]"

"Ireland has been called the most pro-Palestinian country in Europe. So this might surprise you: at the same time – largely under the radar – it has been playing a pivotal role in connecting businesses in illegal Israeli settlements with consumers around the world.

Take the case of Etsy, the popular platform for more “ethical” artisanal and vintage shopping online. The company’s business outside the Americas is handled by its Irish subsidiary. This business includes hosting dozens of shops that explicitly list illegal settlements as their locations (as documented in a recent investigative report I worked on).

Etsy has a big Dublin office not far from Ireland’s parliament, which has been discussing a new bill to prohibit state investment in settlement businesses. It is the latest but not the only example of such contradictions. Airbnb has been challenged for years for listing properties in settlements, also through its Dublin-based subsidiary.

What is going on here? Two Irish trends seem to be colliding with each other. For decades, Ireland has worked to make itself a particularly “attractive” base for expanding multinational companies. Meanwhile, it has a long history of opposing occupation and it has been on the global stage for supporting Palestinian rights and statehood.

This is why people of conscience around the world should keep an eye on the Emerald Isle. It has an opportunity to help protect global consumers from complicity in Israeli war crimes. There also seem to be some clear ways in which the country could take action against settlement businesses, including under anti-money laundering legislation.

Illegal Israeli settlements have been expanding amid Israel’s war and “plausible genocide” in Gaza. They have also been in the news for increasing violence by some settlers against Palestinians who live nearby. The United Nations human rights office said that the establishment and expansion of these settlements amounts to a “war crime”.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in July 2024 also confirmed that these settlements go against international law. It was clear that all countries are obliged “not to render aid or assistance in maintaining” this unlawful situation.

Ireland, which additionally officially recognised Palestine as a state earlier this year, is not a country that you’d expect to be enabling illegal Israeli settlements. But it has worked since the 1950s to become a hub for thousands of multinational corporations – including those with connections to these settlements like Etsy and Airbnb."

 For more follow the link below 


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Thursday, August 22, 2024


The writer often heard the term 'Resistant Starch' but never spent the time and effort to learn about it until about two years ago.  The writer's love for eating bread with his meals, a habit he acquired when he was very young, a lifetime ago; to make matters worse, he also loves rice and Pasta.  We all heard of lists showing the Glycemic Index (GI) for various foods, like those listed below included.

  • Breads
  • Rice
  • Cereals (including Oats)
  • Starchy vegetables (incl. Potatoes)
  • Baked goods (all kinds)
 For the most part people monitor the food's Glycemic Index to monitor their blood sugars.  However, there is another aspect to this story, namely the weight gain resulting from the consumption of 'High Glycemic' foods.

First we need to understand what happens when we consume foods having a high Glycemic Index. A high Glycemic index indicates that the food will provide a quick boost for the body, in fact, it most likely will provide levels of energy exceeding the amount immediately required by the system, thus the excess will be deposited as fat for future use, in case of a food shortage.  However, most likely, this food shortage never comes because we eat x-number of meals per day, hence the stored fat becomes a permanent resident.

 To solve, that is, to eliminate this unwanted excess energy storage of fat we need a way to slow down the energy supply.  In other words, we need to put the breaks on, so that the body cannot use all the energy at once.  Since we are talking about starches with high Glycemic Indexes, we need to insert a resistance of some kind, which will lower the Glycemic Index, so that the digestive system cannot have quick access to all that was delivered (eaten).

"In 1982, Englyst et al. [2] first named this starch “resistant starch” (RS). In 1991, European Concerted Action confirmed that RS is not digested and absorbed in the small intestine. Instead, it reaches the colon, where it is fermented to variable degrees by gut microbes [5]."

"Synthesis and Functions of Resistant Starch - PMC - NCBI

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
"The research concluded that adding resistant starch to the diet leads to weight reduction and enhances insulin sensitivity, primarily by boosting the presence of B. adolescentis in the gut microbiota.Mar 6, 2024"

Resistant starch for weight loss: New study finds, Medical News Today 


So far so good.  It all sounds somewhat technical, the question is, how is this Resistant Starch produced?  To reduce the Glycemic Index of certain foods listed above, the process involves two methods, freezing and 12-hour refrigeration depending on the type of food involved.  Either method will do the job when applied to the applicable food in question.  For breads freezing is the method of choice to produce resistant starch (RS).  Later, when the bread is defrosted with low heat it may reduce the GI a little more.

 For foods like Rice, Pasta, or Potatoes, 12-hour refrigeration is the method, and again, when later heated up for consumption, it will lower the GI some more.  It just requires preparing these foods in advance, for incorporating them into meals later.


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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

"Ex-Israeli envoy urges destruction of UN headquarters in New York"

 One is always amazed with what and how much Israeli Zionists are allowed to get away with.  Anybody else, making the same threat, would be branded as a terrorist making life-threatening threats against a great number of people and a civic structure, a landmark to be sure and end up in Jail for many, many years.

If there ever was a doubt, doubt no more.  Is it because he says out loud what many are wishing for?  Many in power demonstrate, through their veto power, that they are against any breaks/limits organizations like the UN, International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court, and others are trying to apply to stop Mass Murder/Genocide of Palestinians and expropriation of their lands and property?

 Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan rudely points to the Palestinian Representative as he speaks during a U.N. Security Council meeting on Gaza and the situation in Middle East at U.N. headquarters in New York City on Aug.13, 2024. (AFP Photo)

"Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan rudely points to the Palestinian Representative as he speaks during a U.N. Security Council meeting on Gaza and the situation in Middle East at U.N. headquarters in New York City on Aug.13, 2024. (AFP Photo)"

"The Israeli envoy to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, who's notorious for his audacious remarks defending Tel Aviv's war crimes in Gaza, said the global body's headquarters in New York should be "wiped off the face of the earth."

"The U.N. building should be closed and wiped off from the face of the earth,” Erdan told Israeli daily Maariv in an interview published Tuesday.

"This building, which may look nice from the outside, is actually twisted and distorted,” said Erdan, whose successor, Danny Ben Yosef Danon, just took over on Monday.

On his future plans, Erdan said he sees himself leading the right-wing Likud Party after controversial Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This was not the first time Erdan has attacked the U.N.

He previously criticized U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA).

Israel has faced international condemnations over its brutal offensive on the Gaza Strip despite a U.N. Security Council resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire." 


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Monday, August 19, 2024

"9 children among 18 dead as Israel wipes out entire Gaza family"


A Palestinian man searches for bodies and survivors among the rubble of a building destroyed in an Israeli airstrike, al-Zawaida, central Gaza Strip, Palestine, Aug. 17, 2024. (EPA Photo)

"At least 18 members of the same family were killed, including nine children, in Gaza on Saturday when an Israeli airstrike targeted their home, the civil defense agency said.

The agency confirmed that the strike hit the al-Ejlah family home in central Gaza's al-Zawaida neighborhood.

"The toll from the Israeli strike on the al-Ejlah family home and their warehouse in al-Zawaida is 18 dead," spokesman Mahmud Bassal said.

Bassal gave a list of those killed, including nine children and three women.

Among those killed was Sami Jawad al-Ejlah, a wholesaler who coordinated with the Israeli military to bring meat and fish to Gaza.

The dead also included his two wives, 11 of their children ages 2 to 22, the children's grandmother and three other relatives, according to a list provided by the Al-Aqsa Martyr's hospital.

"He was a peaceful man," said Abu Ahmed, a neighbor. More than 40 civilians were sheltering in the house and warehouse at the time, he said.

The Israeli military, meanwhile, claimed its forces had struck "terrorist infrastructure" in central Gaza from which rockets were being fired toward Israel.

"Reports were received that as a result of the strike, civilians in an adjacent structure were killed. The incident is under review," it said in a statement.

A witness said the strike took place shortly after midnight (9 p.m. GMT Friday).

Palestinians search for bodies and survivors among the rubble of a building destroyed in an Israeli airstrike, al-Zawaida, central Gaza Strip, Palestine, Aug. 17, 2024. (EPA Photo)
Palestinians search for bodies and survivors among the rubble of a building destroyed in an Israeli airstrike, al-Zawaida, central Gaza Strip, Palestine, Aug. 17, 2024. (EPA Photo)

"Three rockets hit the house directly," Ahmed Abu al-Ghoul told AFP as rescuers pulled bodies from the rubble of the flattened house.

"There were a lot of children and women inside ... What have they done to deserve this?"

AFPTV footage of the aftermath, captured after dawn, showed rescuers searching for bodies under piles of collapsed concrete blocks."

"Reports were received that as a result of the strike, civilians in an adjacent structure were killed. The incident is under review," it said in a statement.

A witness said the strike took place shortly after midnight (9 p.m. GMT Friday).


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Sunday, August 18, 2024

"Netanyahu captured Biden, Jews captured Christians " ... by Ä°hsan AktaÅŸ

 A significant number of Americans suffer from a self-inflicted mortal wound.  They have been and are still allowing a foreign entity (Israel) control their Congress (both houses) and the Oval Office, according to common knowledge. It does not get any worse than this.  Sadly this irresponsible behavior is affecting all Americans because their Government is no longer representing their interests but the interests of foreign Nations their Government sponsors with US taxpayer monies.  Is this is a case of the tail waggling the dog?  In addition, illegal migrants receive better treatment (total living expenses, incl. housing) than the poor US citizens, who contributed all their working life.  Is this normal?


U.S. President Joe Biden (R) meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office of the White House, Washington, U.S., July 25, 2024. (AFP Photo)

 "U.S. President Joe Biden (R) meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office of the White House, Washington, U.S., July 25, 2024. (AFP Photo)"


Ä°hsan AktaÅŸ is Chairman of the Board of GENAR Research Company. He is an academic at the Department of Communication at Istanbul Medipol University.

"Just as Netanyahu appears to sway Biden's decisions, the Jewish community also seems to wield influence over Christians in the U.S. and elsewhere"

"Religions still exert a considerable influence on world politics, even though the Peace of Westphalia established the foundations of modern international relations, promoting the resolution of interstate issues through rational means rather than religious motivations. However, despite these advancements, deep-seated historical tensions, particularly between Christians and Jews, persist.

Jews, who have endured persecution and massacres throughout history, continue to be concerned about the lingering animosity. For centuries, Christians have harbored prejudices against Jews, marginalizing and dehumanizing them, often attributing evil and filth to the Jewish people. This historical backdrop continues to shape Jewish communities' political concerns and actions globally.

Throughout history, Jews have faced numerous exiles, being expelled from various countries at different times. They were driven out of Babylon, Athens, Rome, England, France, Austria, Spain, Sicily and Portugal in different eras. The hardships and persecution endured by Jews are well-known to anyone with even a basic understanding of world history and the history of religions.

Economy and ontological fear

Driven by an existential fear and an enduring quest for security, the Jewish people adopted drastic measures to safeguard their future.

First of all, taking advantage of the loopholes in Christianity, which had no proper legal system, the Jews organized themselves to an extraordinary degree within Christian states and societies.

Subsequently, the Jews, who had not been able to invest or buy land due to their constant exiles and migration throughout history, developed expertise in banking, usury and antiquities trading and gathered an ever-growing capital accumulation.

Usury, a Jewish art on the stage of history, manifested itself as a global banking system. And in the banking system, step by step, the Jews created a financial monopoly.

Jewish-dominated system

Jewish-led organizations, which secretly govern societies from within, have also gained strength, especially in the United States.

Even though the civilization of our time is described as the Jewish-British civilization, the Jews applied a method that directly captured all points of the system in the United States.

I have written this many times, in the electoral system of the U.S., when a Christian, a Jew or any other candidate runs for election, one needs to campaign and financing to run the campaign.

In the U.S., nearly 100 Jewish lobbying companies, large and small, including the Jewish lobbying organization American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), are set up to manage American politics. Although the lobbying companies in the U.S. are ostensibly official companies, these are mainly shadowy organizations that serve the existence of the state of Israel and Zionism. In this context, those who have critical importance for the fate of the United States and for the governance of the country act in line with the Jewish interests. Today, it is not the American people but the Jewish lobbying companies that decide who will be the president and who will be the congressperson from which state in the United States.

Christians governed by Jews

In the event of future conflicts between Christians and Jews in the United States, Christians will likely find themselves at a significant disadvantage in competing with Jews. Despite the United States being predominantly Christian, the influence of Jewish groups in politics, commerce, and lobbying is so powerful that it outweighs the power of even the American president. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is more influential than American President Joe Biden. And, if there was a contest in the U.S. Congress, probably Netanyahu would win over Biden by a double margin.

 Consider this from the perspective of a Christian in the U.S.: examining the composition of Congress, the influence on the streets, in commerce and among lobbying firms, it appears that Jewish interests have a strong grip on both the U.S. legislative body and the broader Christian community. In the current climate, it seems unlikely that a Christian in the U.S. would feel safe publicly stating that the Jews were responsible for the killing of Jesus Christ.

While this dominance may seem advantageous for Jews and a triumph for Zionists, it could potentially awaken a latent anti-Semitism within the Christian world, dormant for the past 200-300 years. Societies rarely tolerate what they perceive as oppression, intimidation or marginalization. Today, the governments of the United States, Britain and Germany appear heavily influenced by and loyal to Zionist interests. Although one must point out the distinction between Zionists and Jews, the vast majority of Jews actively support Zionism, thereby marginalizing both Christians and those Jews who do not align with Zionist views. Consequently, as Netanyahu seemingly holds Biden under his influence, so too does the Jewish community exert control over Christians in the U.S. and beyond."


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Saturday, August 17, 2024

"Pakistan recognizes Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu as 'terrorist'"

Was there any doubt?

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a press conference in Tel Aviv, Israel, July 13, 2024. (AFP Photo)

 "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a press conference in Tel Aviv, Israel, July 13, 2024. (AFP Photo)"

"The Pakistani government has officially decided to recognize Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a "terrorist" and has called on the international community to do the same.

According to the Dawn newspaper, Pakistan's Prime Minister's Advisor on Political Affairs Rana Sanaullah, Information Minister Attaullah Tarar and representatives from the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan Party (TLP) held a joint press conference in the country's capital, Islamabad on Saturday.

Following a week of pro-Gaza demonstrations by TLP, the Pakistani government entered into negotiations with the party. The meeting concluded with both sides reaching an agreement.

Under the agreement, the Pakistani government will officially recognize the Israeli Prime Minister as a "terrorist" and will invite the international community to do the same.

Talks between the federal government and TLP representatives Ghulam Abbas Faizi and Shafiq Amini began on July 18. As a result, the government announced it would accelerate its support for the "Palestinian victims of Israeli oppression."

The agreement was signed by Sanaullah and Tarar. Sanaullah praised TLP's efforts for the Palestinian people and announced that the government would send more humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Sanaullah stated that over 1,000 tons of food and medicine would be sent to Palestine by July 31. The government also agreed to provide medical aid to the Palestinian people and send health care personnel to the region.

"If the Palestinian government makes the necessary arrangements, injured Palestinians will be brought to Pakistan for treatment," Sanaullah said, adding that schools and hospitals in Pakistan are open to provide education and medical facilities to Palestinians." 


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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

"Where is the Muslim world?"


 Palestinian children react following an Israeli strike on the al-Taba'een school in the Daraj Tuffah neighborhood, Gaza, Palestine, Aug. 10, 2024. (EPA Photo)

 "Palestinian children react following an Israeli strike on the al-Taba'een school in the Daraj Tuffah neighborhood, Gaza, Palestine, Aug. 10, 2024. (EPA Photo)"

 The following is a list of most of the excuses the 'Muslim World' has to excuse their lack of real support for the Palestinian People.


"Where is the Muslim world?"

By  Muhittin Ataman Aug 13, 2024

"The OIC outrage over Israeli violence falls short as no meaningful action is taken, leaving Palestinians in a worsening crisis"

"The innocent Palestinian people have been suffering from Israeli oppression for the last eight decades. Israel has been expanding its territories at the expense of the Palestinians and occupying Palestinian lands, thereby depriving them of their natural rights. Muslim peoples and states have been reacting to the Israeli policies in Palestine, which were considered until very recently not as a problem but as a cause. The only pan-Islamic international organization, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), was established in response to developments in Palestine. According to the Charter of the OIC, once the city is liberated from Israeli occupation, Al-Quds (Jerusalem) will become the permanent headquarters of the organization.

According to the OIC Charter, one of the main objectives of the organization is supporting and empowering “the Palestinian people to exercise their right to self-determination and establish their sovereign state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.” However, although the Palestinian people have been subjected to genocide for the last 10 months, there has been no concrete reaction from the Muslim world.

The OIC made significant decisions regarding the Israeli atrocities at the joint Arab and Islamic summit, held in Riyadh on Nov. 11. The summit called for the lifting of the Gaza siege and delivery of humanitarian aid to Palestinians. However, none of these decisions were implemented despite establishing a contact group consisting of foreign ministers of 10 Muslim states. The OIC has not taken further steps to alter the conditions on the ground.

Although the innocent Palestinians have been attacked daily and the Israeli offensive killed more than 40,000 people, mostly children and women, the majority of the Muslim states remain hesitant to cut their political and economic ties with Israel. Furthermore, they have not suspended normalizing their diplomatic relations with the country. About 2 million Palestinians are facing severe shortages of food, clean water and medicine. Much of Gaza has been destroyed by the Israeli bombardments. Some Muslim states have not even called for an end to the Israeli aggression and the ongoing genocide against the Palestinians.

In a recent extraordinary meeting of the 57-member OIC held on Aug. 7 in Saudi Arabia, the OIC held Israel responsible for the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh. Member states condemned the oppression, torture and mass killing of Palestinians by the Zionist entity. The OIC called on the U.N. Security Council to take effective measures to ensure international peace and security. The pan-Islamic organization emphasized the need to protect the Islamic identity of Jerusalem. Ironically, the OIC also called on its member states to take diplomatic, legal and political measures against Israel.

 In addition to the ongoing brutal Israeli offensive in Palestine, Israel has persistently violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of several other Muslim countries. Despite this, the OIC, which positions itself as the collective voice of the Muslim world, along with other Muslim states or institutions, has not responded to these violations. Many Muslim states prefer to maintain their cooperation with Western countries and pursue a balancing policy in this asymmetric war.

Upon closer examination, there are several reasons why the Muslim world is politically absent and does not play an effective role in Palestine. First of all, Muslim states are divided by various political, social, economic, geographical and historical factors. Most Muslim states suffered greatly from colonial occupation and were ruled for centuries by Western colonial powers. This experience has led to significant political and economic dependencies for them. In other words, they are deeply preoccupied with their own problems and lack the capacity to assist other Muslim countries effectively.

Moreover, Muslim countries are situated in diverse geographical regions, each with its own historical legacies. As a result, countries with different political experiences have varied reactions to political issues in the Muslim world. Additionally, due to their geographical locations, their engagement with various global powers leads to differing political preferences and expectations.

 Another reason is that many Muslim countries are reluctant to be labeled as "Islamists" by Western powers due to their independent policies regarding Islamic issues. Western governments, academics and media often label any Muslim country seeking to enhance its strategic autonomy or support fellow Muslim countries as "political Islamists" or "rogue states." The misperception about Islam and Muslims discourages these governments from taking proactive steps on the Palestinian question.

Furthermore, due to their political and economic vulnerabilities, Muslim governments are wary of potential repercussions from Western powers and thus tend to remain indifferent to the ongoing crisis in Palestine. Non-Western global powers such as China and Russia do not offer viable alternatives to help Muslim states increase their resilience against Western military, political or economic interventions.

Because of the factors mentioned above, Muslim states are unable to effectively act on OIC platforms. They tend to rely on procedural diplomatic condemnations rather than implementing substantial measures. Consequently, the Muslim world remains politically passive, and the 57-member OIC struggles to play an effective role in addressing Muslim-related political issues. The current policy orientation of Muslim states is, therefore, not sustainable.

Sooner or later, Muslim nations will demand that their governments take more concrete actions against Israeli atrocities. Politically aware Muslims will question the massacre of over a hundred innocent individuals while they are praying in a school complex. Additionally, Israel's attempts to expand the conflict to other countries, such as Lebanon, Iran and Syria, will create further challenges for Muslim governments that have been indifferent to the situation in Palestine. Consequently, many Muslim states will eventually be compelled by domestic and external pressures to take a more effective role in limiting violence and addressing the conflict."


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Thursday, August 8, 2024

NOTHING BUT THE FACTS ... By Israeli historian Ilan Pappe

 The UN receives a refresher course, a reminder on their grave injustice inflicted on the Palestinian people.

Ilan Pappe correctly reports the facts and circumstances that gave rise to the Israeli state, built on nothing less than crimes in contravention of Human Norms and International Law, apparently.

"Jul 22, 2024 Israeli historian Ilan Pappe speech addressing the UN on the 1948 Nakbah a bitter [P]alestian history on the formation of [I]srael."


"Brave Israeli Historian Lectures Netanyahu on the formation of Israel" 


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Saturday, August 3, 2024

"Hawaii Announces $4 Billion Combined Settlement for Deadly Maui Fires"

 An indirect admission of guilt by many.

 The two questions that need answers are 1) will it be enough and 2) where are the criminal charges against those who totally failed to properly perform their duties, thereby causing the deaths of many.

Hawaii Announces $4 Billion Combined Settlement for Deadly Maui Fires

"The hall of historic Waiola Church in Lahaina and nearby Lahaina Hongwanji Mission are engulfed in flames along Wainee Street in Lahaina, Hawaii, on Aug. 8, 2023. (Matthew Thayer/The Maui News via AP)"


 Naveen Athrappully


"A consortium of Hawaii businesses and state entities have agreed in principle to compensate and settle parties affected by the wildfires that ravaged the island of Maui a year ago.

The seven defendants—state of Hawai‘i, County of Maui, Hawaiian Electric, Kamehameha Schools, West Maui Land Co., Hawaiian Telcom, and Spectrum/Charter Communications—will pay $4 billion as compensation to homeowners, businesses, and insurance companies that were adversely impacted by the Aug. 8, 2023, windstorms and wildfires, according to an Aug. 2 press release from Hawaii Gov. Josh Green.
Altogether 2,200 parties filed approximately 450 lawsuits following the disastrous incident, which resulted in more than 100 deaths and billions in damages.

“This Global Settlement of over $4 billion will help our people heal,” said Green. “My priority as Governor was to expedite the agreement and to avoid protracted and painful lawsuits so as many resources as possible would go to those affected by the wildfires as quickly as possible. Settling a matter like this within a year is unprecedented, and it will be good that our people don’t have to wait to rebuild their lives as long as others have in many places that have suffered similar tragedies.”

Hawaiian Electric, the largest utility provider covering more than 95 percent of the state, said it will provide a total of $1.99 billion as part of the settlement, according to a company press release published on Friday.
Following the aftermath of the fires, Maui County filed a civil action against Hawaiian Electric and its affiliates alleging that the utility company dismissed “red flag” warnings from the National Weather Service to shut down power lines. The aging infrastructure combined with high winds from Hurricane Dora ultimately led to the fires spreading.
Electric denied claims in the lawsuit at the time, and has offered no admission of liability in the latest proposed settlement.“Achieving this resolution will allow all parties to move forward without the added challenges and divisiveness of the litigation process,” said Shelee Kimura, president and CEO of Hawaiian Electric. “It will allow all of us to work together more cohesively and effectively to support the people of Lahaina and Maui to create the future they want to see emerge from  this tragedy.”"

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"Israel is estimated to have 90 nuclear warheads, with fissile material stockpiles for about 200 weapons. Israel does not admit nor deny having nuclear weapons, and states that it will not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons in the Middle East."  Emphasis added.

 Whether or not Israel has Nuclear weapons is, in a way, a mute question because surely their main weapons of mass-destruction supplier will be more than happy to deliver them quickly, if they have not already.  From news analysis reports one learns that Pakistan may be willing to supply such weapons to members of the axis of resistance.

In any event, the use of Nuclear weapons in the Middle East makes little sense, unless one is also ready to perish as a result of the possible radiation fallout, delivered free of charge by air currents (wind).  For more info, follow the link below.  Then again, a madman may go for it.

"The Suicidal Fallout of a Nuclear Attack in the Middle East" 

"Israel is not known to have hydrogen bombs but only boosted fission weapons, which might have a yield in the tens of kilotons of TNT equivalent, he pointed out.

“In the unlikely eventuality that such a weapon is detonated in the centre of Gaza city, there are two possibilities: the weapon could be exploded at ground level or it could be exploded in the air, at an altitude where the resulting fireball will not come into contact with the ground. “"


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Monday, July 29, 2024

Reads like a Comedic law enforcement script synopsis? ... Please try not to laugh

"Trump Assassination Attempt: An Updated Timeline"


"Around two weeks after the failed attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life, new details are emerging about the shooting and the days leading up to it.

The perpetrator, Thomas Matthew Crooks, who authorities say acted alone, was fatally shot within seconds of opening fire.

According to FBI Director Christopher Wray, at least 700 FBI agents are involved in the investigation into the matter—the first attempted assassination of a U.S. president in more than four decades. Two other reviews into the Secret Service’s security failure are ongoing.

While these investigations are underway, a clearer image of the incident has come into focus—though many questions, including the shooter’s motives, remain unanswered.

New details were disclosed in testimonies to Congress in the week of July 22 by Mr. Wray, former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, and Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Col. Christopher Paris.

So far, more than 100 interviews have been conducted, and more than 1,000 pieces of evidence have been cataloged, according to Col. Paris.

Here’s a breakdown of what we know about the attempted assassination so far.

July 3

The Trump campaign announces a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

July 6

Mr. Crooks searches online for upcoming events being held by former President Trump and the Democratic National Committee, according to Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D-N.M.), who cites briefings from law enforcement officials.

Mr. Crooks searches on the internet for how far away Lee Harvey Oswald was from President John F. Kennedy when Oswald shot the president.

“That’s a search that’s obviously significant in terms of his state of mind,” Mr. Wray told the House Judiciary Committee.

Mr. Crooks registers for the Butler rally on July 6.

July 6

Mr. Crooks visits the site of the rally for the first time, a week before the shooting.

“I think, a week before, he spent roughly 20 minutes there,” Mr. Wray testified.

July 12

The day before the shooting, Mr. Crooks goes to a shooting range, where he practices with a rifle.
Mr. Wray said that investigators have not yet confirmed that the “AR-style” rifle was the same one he used in the shooting, but said that the current assessment is that “it probably is.”

July 13

Morning—Mr. Crooks Returns to Rally Site

On the morning of the rally, Mr. Crooks returns to the site of the rally and spends around 70 minutes there. It was the second of his three visits to the site, according to Mr. Wray.

1:30 p.m.—Crooks Buys Ammunition

Mr. Crooks purchases around 50 rounds of ammunition for the rifle he uses in the assassination attempt.

Mr. Wray said that the FBI has learned this purchase took place at around 1:30 p.m. ET, approximately 5 hours before the shooting.

3:50 p.m.—Drone Flown

About two hours before the shooting, Mr. Crooks flies a drone to survey the rally site. He operates it about 200 yards from the stage where former President Trump plans to speak.

The drone, Mr. Wray said, afforded the gunman a “rearview mirror” of the scene behind him and a better assessment of the angle toward the podium.

The FBI has recovered the drone.

Mr. Crooks had legally purchased the rifle from his father.

5:10 p.m.—Sniper Notices Crooks

Approximately an hour before the shooting, Mr. Crooks is identified by a local law enforcement sniper, according to a report by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.).

This sniper is one of two posted inside the American Glass Research (AGR) building, the same building from which Mr. Crooks fires an hour later.

The sniper who notices Mr. Crooks doesn’t immediately report it.

In her testimony, former Secret Service Director Cheatle said that the rally was allowed to proceed because Mr. Crooks was deemed as suspicious but not as a threat.

5:14 p.m.—Mr. Crooks Photographed

Law enforcement officers take pictures of Mr. Crooks around 5:14 p.m., according to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.).

According to body camera footage taken in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, a Beaver County sniper caught images of Mr. Crooks arriving via bicycle.

Local officers notice Mr. Crooks has a rangefinder, a device used to calculate distances for firearms, a little less than an hour before shots are fired.

Mr. Crooks is not yet considered a threat by the Secret Service, and isn’t until moments before the shooting.

5:38 p.m.—Crooks Reported to Command

The local law enforcement sniper who had initially noticed Mr. Crooks at 5:10 p.m. reports it in to command roughly 28 minutes later, at 5:38 p.m., according to Mr. Johnson.

Col. Paris said local officers deem Mr. Crooks suspicious because he is “milling around that area in front of the AGR building” but not entering the rally venue.

At the time, the officer is asked to report it to the Butler emergency services command center, which is in charge of distributing communications.

Notably, according to Mr. Johnson’s report, communications were siloed by agency, limiting communication between local and state police and the Secret Service. This means that the local sniper is unable to immediately communicate it to the Secret Service.

Col. Paris said multiple people were identified as suspicious at the rally.

5:41 p.m.—Command Made Aware of Crooks

Three minutes later, the law enforcement command center in Butler is made aware of Mr. Crooks by the sniper who initially noticed him, Mr. Johnson’s report says.

5:49 p.m.—Pictures of Crooks Distributed

Nine minutes after he makes the initial report to the command center, the sniper sends photos of Mr. Crooks to command, which are then distributed.

Around 5:51 p.m.—Secret Service Alerted

Pennsylvania State Police alerts the Secret Service to a man with a rangefinder at around the same time, Col. Paris told lawmakers on July 23.

Snipers stationed in a building overlooking the roof of the nearby AGR building leave their post to look for Mr. Crooks around the same time, Col. Paris said.

Mr. Crooks could have and should have been apprehended around this timeCol. Paris says at the hearing.

“I would say Mr. Crooks could have been encountered and intercepted. That would have been the ideal,” Col. Paris said.

Ms. Cheatle said in her testimony that rangefinders, which can offer a zoomed-in image to users, aren’t prohibited items and carrying one wasn’t enough on its own to label Mr. Crooks a threat.

5:55—Command Confirms Receipt of Photos

The Butler command center confirms receipt of the photos of Mr. Crooks from the sniper and says the sniper’s concerns are relayed to other security groups.

6:02 p.m. —Trump Takes the Stage

Former President Trump takes the stage to his usual intro, with “God Bless the USA” playing in the background.

6:06 p.m.—Agents Told of Issue

Around four minutes after former President Trump takes the stage, Secret Service agents are alerted to “an issue being worked at the 3 o’clock of the president,” according to Ms. Cheatle.

Sometime Before 6:09 p.m.—Crooks Climbs on Roof

Mr. Crooks has taken a position on the roof sometime before 6:09 p.m., at which point video verifies that he had scaled the building.

Mr. Crooks “climbed onto the roof using some mechanical equipment on the ground and vertical piping on the side of the AGR building,” Mr. Wray said.

 The FBI discovered later that Mr. Crooks had previously purchased a ladder, though Mr. Wray said that the FBI does not believe that he used this ladder to scale the building, as no ladder was found at the scene of the incident.

6:09 p.m.—Onlookers Notice Gunman on Roof

About two minutes before the first shot rings out, onlookers outside the rally are captured on video pointing out the shooter while yelling to law enforcement.

“Look, they’re all pointing,” one says.

“Yeah, someone’s on top of the roof,” another says.

The video zooms in on the shooter: “Yeah, he’s right there, you see him? He’s laying down; you see him?”

“Officer!” one shouts.

“He’s on the roof!” one woman says, sounding exasperated. “Right here, right on the roof.”

6:10 p.m.—Counter Snipers Notified

Approximately 90 seconds before the shooting, Secret Service snipers are notified about Mr. Crooks’s position on the roof.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) mentioned this during a July 24 hearing, citing briefings from law enforcement officials.

6:11 p.m.—Suspicious Person Deemed a Threat

Mr. Crooks is deemed a threat after being labeled “suspicious” up to this point, Ms. Cheatle told lawmakers on July 22.
In her testimony, Ms. Cheatle reported that Mr. Crooks was only deemed a threat “seconds before the gunfire started.”

Seconds Before Shooting—Officer Sees Gunman

Moments before the shooting, a police officer with Butler Township notices Mr. Crooks and attempts to approach him by climbing onto the roof.

As the officer grabs onto the roof’s ledge to get on the roof, the shooter turns and aims his gun at the officer.

The officer lets go of the ledge, retreats, and reports the threat via radio.

6:11:18 p.m.—Trump Speaks

Former President Trump is on stage discussing illegal immigration.

6:11:31—Trump Turns Head

Former President Trump turns his head, glancing at a chart of immigration data displayed on jumbotrons set up on either side of the stage.


"Former President Donald Trump points to a chart showing immigration data moments before he was shot. (Evan Vucci/AP Photo)"

6:11:32 p.m.—Shots Fired

The first shots are heard on camera right after former President Trump turns his head.

After the first shot rings out, the former president whips his hand to his ear, appears to notice blood, and quickly drops to the ground.

In later comments on the incident, former President Trump said he “knew something was wrong” almost immediately, particularly when he saw the blood.

According to Mr. Wray and Col. Paris, eight shell casings were recovered, indicating that Mr. Crooks fired as many rounds.

Ms. Cheatle reported that the countersniper who neutralized Mr. Crooks fired a single shot.

6:11:36 p.m.—Agents Rush On Stage

Several Secret Service agents rush on to the stage, swarming former President Trump, who was still crouched behind the podium.

Some of the agents’ comments are picked up by the microphone.

“What’re we doing, what’re we doing?” one female agent says. “Where are we going?”

6:12:32 p.m.—Trump Rises

For nearly a full minute, former President Trump remained prone on the stage, his body covered by Secret Service agents.

Two Secret Service personnel carrying military grade rifles take to the stage, scanning the crowd as Secret Service agents determine their next move.

Several agents shout, “Shooter down.”

“Shooter down, are we good to move?” a female agent asks.

“Shooter’s down,” a male agent replies. “We’re good to move.”

At this point, former President Trump begins to slowly stand up, still largely covered by agents. His shirt and hair are disheveled, and streaks of blood run down the right side of his face.

As he stands up, agents continue to shield his body.

6:12:47 p.m.—‘Fight, Fight, Fight!’

As former President Trump stands up, he agents, “Let me get my shoes.”

Moments later, he says, “Wait, wait, wait.”

The former president then raises his fist to the crowd and is seen saying the words, “Fight, fight, fight!”

6:12:55 p.m. —Trump Escorted Out

With most of his body still shielded by agents, former President Trump is carefully escorted off stage as he continues to pump his fist for the crowd.

He is taken by agents to a nearby vehicle, which pulls away.

Former President Trump is taken to Butler Memorial Hospital to receive medical attention, while several patients in the ER pray.

Corey Comperatore, a 50-year-old firefighter is killed during the shooting as he shields his wife and daughter from gunfire. Two other men are seriously wounded, including 74-year-old James Copenhaver, of Moon Township, and 57-year-old David Dutch, of New Kensington."


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