There is growing evidence that many countries are moving towards a 'Totalitarian Form of Government'; sadly, the US is no exception, apparently. The willing complicit media cannot help themselves from using inflammatory words like "Thousands Storm" as shown in the headline below. They are indeed protecting the ruling class, they no longer function to hold Governments accountable, like in days gone by, instead they are now engaged in hiding the truth from the people.
The growing evidence is simply staggering, despite the concentrated efforts to hide the obvious, as much as possible through censorship, whenever possible. The majority of Social and Corporate media are entirely complicit in this blackout effort, to hide or distort the truth. What kind of democratic system is this, when elected members of Governments can risk the lives of the people, who elected them, by engaging in all out efforts to bring the world closer to extinction of all species, humans included?
In theory, these elected officials were placed into their positions to work for the benefit of the people residing in the country, who elected them, and not financially support foreign Governments, financially and militarily, at the expense of the Citizenry. After all, it is the people's money they are squandering to finance their external insane adventures, money that could benefit their citizenry, for whom they have a fiduciary responsibility.
They claim, there is no money for
- free universal healthcare (incl. dental and mental health care)
- free higher education
- free childcare for working people
- free adult training for people affected by changing labor demands
- Low cost improved 'Public Transportation' for people who cannot afford a car
If there really is no money for the above outlined basic services, then how can they donate hundreds of Billions of Dollars to foreign countries for senseless wars, resulting in mass-killings of people on either side of manufactured conflicts? So, if the citizenry is not benefiting, who is?
Some true democracies allow their people to vote on important issues, like joining or quitting the EU, for example. When risking wars, including Nuclear war, the people have no say. There is no referendum offered for acts like these. Waiting four (4) years for an election, is hardly an efficient way to handle urgent critical issues like financing and/or entering foreign wars, including threats of Nuclear War, etc. In a sane world this was less critical, however today, the input of the citizenry must be an absolute requirement. We can no longer trust our lives with politicians who salivate at the thought of another war. Obviously, they are afraid that a sane citizenry, who thinks logically, will reject their Psychotic plans, for what they are.
At present, apparently, we have too many emotional politicians, some of whom, may harbor a historical hate against a specific country, purely based on some bad or unjust treatments by past foreign Governments, against family members. These characters now abuse their positions of power, to get even for wrongs experienced by previous generations of their families. This is wrong! This is not the reason why they were elected. Their personal problems must not enter, when good judgement is required, for the good of the nation. Where is the Christian principle, 'when somebody strikes your face, turn the other cheek'. This is what we teach our children during Christian education at school. Obviously, when adults only think of striking back, how can children trust in what we are teaching?
Under the current rules of this so-called Democracy, people must obtain the permission of their civil servants, to demonstrate against them, it can be denied whenever not desirable for these public servants. How screwy is that? Is the citizenry the master of their own country or not? These part-time on and off again temporary administrators represent a small minority at best and therefore must not be allowed to dictate to the majority. If this minority becomes the tail that waggles the dog, then the democracy seized to exit. Elections are held to appoint strictly civil servants and certainly not overlords, or masters. If these politicians insist on a Master Servant relationship, they must realize that, in a true democracy, they can never be the master, for the majority must always rule. Just because they were voted into office, it does not give them license to kill!