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Sunday, October 29, 2023


 What harm can AI do?  Let's start with the question, what can AI do?

  • AI can do many things, including putting words into the mouth of anyone, thus it can create false  (fake) videos, at will.  As a result, it can create serious harm for individuals, or companies.
  • It can and probably will create an atmosphere, whereby nobody believes anything.  This can and will shield Governments, and others from any fallout resulting from wrongdoing.
  • It can and most likely will result in more self-censorship.  What a boon for those in authority!

AI, apparently, uses large data sets and applies statistical methods for analysis, from which conclusions are drawn.   It learns from additional data inputs and repeats its algorithm quickly.  Memories flash back when the financial sector employed, high-priced mathematical experts to forecast the performance of hedge-funds, most, if not all, turned into complete failures, causing great monetary losses.

Reuters Graphics 

 Most, if not all hedge funds are managed, using the latest analytical tools available, now called AI, a new buss-word.  You will notice that these financial weapons lost money, most of the time.  AI will, likely, not be any better; the additional machine learning, will make very little difference, it is just a quicker update of data, that resulted in massive losses of money, in recent history.

"Yes, AI can be used to generate deepfakes, including creating entirely new digital images or videos that do not exist in reality. Deepfakes are produced by training artificial intelligence models, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), on large datasets of real images or videos."

 It is said, AI approaches human intelligence, this is not exactly reassuring, since human intelligence is responsible for many catastrophic failures, presently and historically.

Saturday, October 28, 2023


 There is growing evidence that many countries are moving towards a 'Totalitarian Form of Government'; sadly, the US is no exception, apparently.  The willing complicit media cannot help themselves from using inflammatory words like "Thousands Storm" as shown in the headline below.  They are indeed protecting the ruling class, they no longer function to hold Governments accountable, like in days gone by, instead they are now engaged in hiding the truth from the people.

The growing evidence is simply staggering, despite the concentrated efforts to hide the obvious, as much as possible through censorship, whenever possible.  The majority of Social and Corporate media are entirely complicit in this blackout effort, to hide or distort the truth.  What kind of democratic system is this, when elected members of Governments can risk the lives of the people, who elected them, by engaging in all out efforts to bring the world closer to extinction of all species, humans included?

In theory, these elected officials were placed into their positions to work for the benefit of the people residing in the country, who elected them, and not financially support foreign Governments, financially and militarily, at the expense of the Citizenry.  After all, it is the people's money they are squandering to finance their external insane adventures, money that could benefit their citizenry, for whom they have a fiduciary responsibility.

They claim, there is no money for

  • free universal healthcare (incl. dental and mental health care)
  • free higher education
  • free childcare for working people
  • free adult training for people affected by changing labor demands
  • Low cost improved 'Public Transportation' for people who cannot afford a car

 If there really is no money for the above outlined basic services, then how can they donate hundreds of Billions of Dollars to foreign countries for senseless wars, resulting in mass-killings of people on either side of manufactured conflicts?  So, if the citizenry is not benefiting, who is?

Some true democracies allow their people to vote on important issues, like joining or quitting the EU, for example.  When risking wars, including Nuclear war, the people have no say.  There is no referendum offered for acts like these.  Waiting four (4) years for an election, is hardly an efficient way to handle urgent critical issues like financing and/or entering foreign wars, including threats of Nuclear War, etc.  In a sane world this was less critical, however today, the input of the citizenry must be an absolute requirement.  We can no longer trust our lives with politicians who salivate at the thought of another war.  Obviously, they are afraid that a sane citizenry, who thinks logically, will reject their Psychotic plans, for what they are.

At present, apparently, we have too many emotional politicians, some of whom, may harbor a historical hate against a specific country, purely based on some bad or unjust treatments by past foreign Governments, against family members.  These characters now abuse their positions of power, to get even for wrongs experienced by previous generations of their families.  This is wrong!  This is not the reason why they were elected.  Their personal problems must not enter, when good judgement is required, for the good of the nation.  Where is the Christian principle, 'when somebody strikes your face, turn the other cheek'.  This is what we teach our children during Christian education at school.  Obviously, when adults only think of striking back, how can children trust in what we are teaching?

 Under the current rules of this so-called Democracy, people must obtain the permission of their civil servants, to demonstrate against them, it can be denied whenever not desirable for these public servants.  How screwy is that?  Is the citizenry the master of their own country or not?  These part-time on and off again temporary administrators represent a small minority at best and therefore must not be allowed to dictate to the majority.  If this minority becomes the tail that waggles the dog, then the democracy seized to exit.  Elections are held to appoint strictly civil servants and certainly not overlords, or masters.  If these politicians insist on a Master Servant relationship, they must realize that, in a true democracy, they can never be the master, for the majority must always rule.  Just because they were voted into office, it does not give them license to kill!

Thursday, October 26, 2023


 Picture this, it is early May in 1945; rumor had it that the American Army would enter Munich that day, moreover, General Eisenhower would be among them.  Two boys, age 10 and 12 1/2, arrive at the Landwehrstrasse (main road into Munich), where thousands of people lined the street on both sides, holding broomsticks with white bed-sheets or white pillow cases attached.  A young boy, teary-eyed, maybe 13 years of age, pulls a small Leiterwagen, filled with Anti-Tank weapons. He marches, in the middle of the street, ready to meet the oncoming US army.  A number of men tried to convince him that his action will result in many people being killed in retaliation, however, he wanted revenge for his father's dead during the war, so he moves on.  Finally, he was tied-up and removed from the street, along with his weapons.

After a while, the murmur of the crowds started to grow, "Eisenhower, is in the first Jeep", clearly visible for all to see.  When he finally passed near the two boys, their emotions hit the ceiling; finally, this stupid war was over!  Yes, my older brother and I were very much relieved.  Little did we know then, that this man was to become America's voice of reason, which is totally ignored these days, by people without true education, lack of experience and devoid of respect for human live, of any color and religion.  We all know wars are profitable for the MIC and some politicians, but hell for the masses around the world.  Unfortunately, it appears, the ruling class fit the definitions of  Hysterics and/or Psychopaths, failing that, they are morons at best.  Also, there are those, who for carrier reasons, will walk on dead bodies, who like Goethe's 'Dr. Faust', sold their soul to the Devil.

Eisenhower, America's voice of reason, ignored.

"Eisenhower Farewell Address (Best Quality) - 'Military Industrial Complex' WARNING"


 SCHMAROTZER: "He is a parasite on society."

  (Translation of Schmarotzer from the PASSWORD German–English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd)



Friday, October 20, 2023

Why Was It Necessary For God To Punish "His People" Again And Again, According To The Tora And Other Official Records?

 "Israel’s sin"

"The brief answer on the central question of this article is sin. The longer answer is found in the biblical historiography. There we read that the promise to the Israelites concerning the land was not unconditional, but depended on the obedience of the people to God’s law. Moses states it as follows in Deuteronomy 28: “If you are not careful to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that you may fear this glorious and awesome name, the Lord your God, then the Lord will bring on you and your offspring extraordinary afflictions […] And as the Lord took delight in doing you good and multiplying you, so the Lord will take delight in bringing ruin upon you and destroying you. And you shall be plucked off the land that you are entering to take possession of it. And the Lord will scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other” (Deuteronomy 28:58-64)."

"As early as in the time of the Judges, it went wrong. The people worshiped idols and committed all kinds of terrible sins. After a brief time of prosperity during the reign of David and Solomon, it worsened again under the successive kings of Israel and Judah."

"About the kingdom of Israel, the book of Kings has nothing positive to say. In 722 BC Samaria was conquered by the Assyrians and the ten tribes were lost up to the present day."

"The two tribes of Judah lasted 150 years longer and knew some good kings like Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah. But the majority of the people sinned grievously against their Lord and their neighbors, despite the continuous admonitions of the prophets. God punished them to bring them to conversion, but in vain. They stuck to their own ways."  Emphasis added.

Thou shalt not kill

"Thou shalt not kill You shall not murder or You shall not murder (NIV), is a moral imperative included as one of the Ten Commandments in the Torah."
According to the, obviously, self-serving reasoning (writings) by some Israelis, God told them again and again to kill the indigenous people and their animals of lands  they planned to annex (steal), and finally did.  Why would God command of them not to kill, and then order them to kill others?  Is God a Schizophrenic?  It appears, not everything in the Bible, holds water.  Why not use this lame excuse regarding Gaza now?  Well, this story will not hold water today; people are more sophisticated these days.  Maybe their new God (USA?) has given them, this time again, the permission to torture and kill, the enemy of old, Palestine (since 1967 of late)?

 Why is it that God allowed the many, many expulsions of his people in the course of history?  Was it that his people were following his basic commandments?  One can sincerely doubt that.  Was it that his people had little regard for other people's, lives and property?  Now, maybe the temperature is getting warm.  Are there any other peoples, in this world, in modern history, that experienced this level of mistrust, resulting in expulsions? Again, one can doubt that.  Even God's commandment about holding the Sabbath holy is cunningly (in their mind) circumvented.  For example, during the yearly Tucson Jewelry Show, Jewish Jewelry stalls are closed, for business, in observance of the Sabbath, When expressing  admiration for this practice, one soon learns that their high-value items are sold by the Infidels (Christians) during the Sabbath.  How hypocritical is that?   More importantly, they are not fooling God by this maneuver.  International agreements made are routinely ignored.  How can one trust people like that?

 Does "Thou shalt not kill' apply only between Jewish people, all others are a fair game?  Maybe this is a modern Israeli interpretation?

A Jewish friend of mine, who still lives in Israel, told me some years ago, "God is using the Palestinians to punish Israel for their sins, they persist to commit."

How did this imported problem for Palestinians start?  Who were these early Zionists that garnered the British support for stealing the land of the Palestinians?

"As an organized nationalist movement, Zionism is generally considered to have been founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897." 
"From 1897 to 1948, the primary goal of the Zionist Movement was to establish the basis for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and thereafter to consolidate it. In a unique variation of the principle of self-determination,"
 "In the Old Testament, it is stated that “I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the desert to the Euphrates River. I will give into your hands the people who live in the land, and you will drive them out before you” (Exodus, 23:31). Thus, as per the verse, the land is promised to Abraham and his descendants. Yet Arabs have countered Jewish
views of the Biblical promise, arguing that if these lands were given to Abraham, then Arabs should have the same claims for the land as they are Abraham’s sons too."
Emphasis added.
In common law, when one fails to reside on one's property for a number of years, the property is lost, especially when another occupied it, during this time without challenge.  The Israelis were scattered throughout the Gentile nations.  That is, the Jews were absent from the land about 2000 years.
"After the death of Jesus, the Jews were scattered among the gentile nations (see 2 Nephi 25:15; Luke 21:24; D&C 45:18–21, 24). The scattering of the Jews is likened in scripture to a sifting, a divorce, and the sale of a man to pay his debts (see Amos 9:8–9; Isaiah 50:1)."
 "The Norman Conquest prompted the arrival of Jews to England for the first time. William I needed to borrow large sums of money to consolidate his position as the King of England and he turned to Jewish merchants from Rouen, Normandy to provide him with this much-needed income. Lending money with interest or ‘usury’ was forbidden to Christians and considered a sin. As a result, the English king paved the way for Jewish individuals to migrate and settle across the Channel. Jews and Christians now lived alongside each other in settlements across the country."
 The undercurrents favoring a Jewish homeland, can be summed up as follows:
  • Most European nations considered Jews in their lands a nuisance at best.
  • The Jewish financing powers, sought after by many, played a key role.
  • Jewish money was instrumental in buying special favors from those in power.
 For example, the 'Habsburger' ruling-class, to finance their wars, repeatedly borrowed money from Jewish financial sources, and so did others throughout Europe.
 "Upon the outbreak of World War I, political Zionism reasserted itself, and its leadership passed to Russian Jews living in England. Two such Zionists, Chaim Weizmann and Nahum Sokolow, were instrumental in obtaining the Balfour Declaration from Great Britain (November 2, 1917), which promised British support for the creation of a Jewish national home in Palestine. The declaration was included in Britain’s League of Nations mandate over Palestine (1922)."
An Israeli Journalist and his family, living in Israel, is now in hiding, fearing for their lives because he expressed his feelings also for the innocent children of Palestine.
 How is it possible for some nations to support such a regime?  The world is, apparently, under the impression that this kind of conduct, by the Nazis during WWII, would never find acceptance by the nations of the world.  Apparently, Israel is getting a free ride, thanks to Western Support, however, surely the wrath of God is yet to come.

Added 10/21/2023
This is very instructive!
Who is Noam Chomsky? 
 A photograph of Noam Chomsky
"Avram Noam Chomsky is an American professor and public intellectual known for his work in linguistics, political activism, and social criticism. Sometimes called "the father of modern linguistics", Chomsky is also a major figure in analytic philosophy and one of the founders of the field of cognitive science. Wikipedia
Born: December 7, 1928 (age 94 years), East Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Academic advisor: Zellig Harris


Wednesday, October 11, 2023


 Robert F. Kennedy J.'s mantra, shown below, sounds real heartwarming, and then he spoils it all by telling Americans the truth, that, apparently, he too is a warmonger.

"Declare your independence! Together we will end the forever wars, clean up our government, increase wealth for all, and tell Americans the truth."  Emphasis added.

"This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy is unambiguous so that the enemies of Israel will think long and hard before attempting aggression of any kind."

 He did not call for an end to all hostilities, nor did he offer any peace plans.  Worse, he did not mention the sad loss of lives on both sides, all his focus appears to be "... provide Israel  with whatever it needs to defend itself" (weapons of mass-destruction no doubt).

Apparently, many Israeli voices cry-out that this attack was allowed by their Government.  Perhaps, it helps to facilitate the execution of a larger plan.  "Netanyahu: "We Will Turn Gaza Into A Deserted Island" See link below, for source.  Memories of Lahaina come to mind.

It is a historical fact, Israel has a long history of annexing other peoples lands in order to grow in size.  See chart below.  Is it too far to imagine that the ongoing illegal expansions (per UN resolutions) of Israeli Settlements call for more land?  Is clearing land with bombs more efficient that using Bulldozers for this purpose?

Palestine during the Maccabean period.

Thank you Dr. John Day, for bringing these stories to my attention.