Senator Ron Johnson
I highly recommend watching this video, it gives an insight into the lives of the victims involved, and there are many. Click on link below.
Senator Ron Johnson gives voice to people, whose lives were turned into hell, following vaccinations; it is my understanding that all three of the major vaccines are involved. Some of the people present at the hearing were volunteers for various vaccine trials, and although they were promised that in the event of complications, their medical expenses would be covered, none of the sufferers received a dime, so far. It all makes sense now, by denying a link between the horrific health problems of volunteers and the vaccines they received, Big Pharma protects their profit margins.
Senator Johnson also showed some very interesting statistic, in the form of charts, as shown below.
The above graph shows that the highest frequency of deaths is on day two,
following vaccination, and from day 10 through day 60 we are looking at
daily averages. From day 10 through day 14 about 85 people die each day, and between day 15 and day 30 about 50 people die because of the vaccines.
The foregoing chart shows that the death tolls from the COVID-19 vaccines almost equals the number of deaths recorded, over the last 30 years, for all other vaccines combined. Also, deaths on days 0, 1 or 2, approach the 30-year record of all other vaccines injected.
The question begs, who has the moral authority to decide how many people to kill to save a few extras? Let us consider that the death tolls from the virus itself, is only so exaggerated high because hospitals and doctors, in general, refused to treat the illness as soon as it was identified. They sent the patients home, waiting to see if they could survive without treatment. How stupid and cruel is this, so called, treatment plan.
Naturally, when people finally were on Death's door when arriving at hospitals, and doctors refused to use effective off-label drugs like Ivermectin and others, many people died needlessly. By driving the number of deaths, artificially high thus creating panic among the people, which guaranteed a brisk future vaccine business for big Pharma.

The chart above spans a 25-year period, showing the safety profile for a few prescription drugs, and OTC medication. Finally, it shows that in just six months, the COVID-19 vaccines have killed many more. Moreover, in just six months the vaccines also managed to produce 384,270 recorded adverse reactions, some of which produced life-changing medical complications. In many cases, it turned perfectly healthy people into invalids. Aside from permanent health issues, it will also affect people financially, no doubt. It is not a far reach to assume that the count of adverse reactions is understated, given the reluctance to accept responsibility by all interested parties. These folks spend a great deal of effort to pin the cause for these reactions on anything and everything they can think of, no matter how ridiculous.
Authorities are claiming they are following Science, to excuse their flawed self-serving decisions. This is not Science, this appears to be the deliberate maiming and killing of innocent people.
"The following study shows that real-life data support, with 95% confidence, twice as high a risk of death from the vaccination compared to COVID-19. When using drugs like Ivermectin for early treatment, the risk of death by vaccination ratio would be even higher, in my opinion."
From everything, I read and understand, we would actually be better off without these vaccines, if we were treating the illness immediately with existing, effective off-label drugs (Ivermectin, etc.), following diagnosis. We would keep people out of hospitals, where it is almost assured that they will experience lingering complications, and have a good chance to die.
Doctors, especially those working in hospitals and clinics, apply methods that are not very effective, over and over again; this fits perfectly the definition of insanity, does it not?