This update will mainly focus on the Statistics/Graphs, since most of the previous commentary still apply, at present.
Indeed, it is about time for Leaders to lead by example. After a long campaign, by many (myself included) Trump was recently seen wearing a face mask. Apparently, we are making small progress in the public relations department. However, Trump, apparently, is still afraid to demand the wearing of the very basic Personal Protection Equipment, the Mask. The actions by the US are still to fragmented to be effective.
It seems reelection worries trump (pun intended) public health concerns, to this very day. Let's not piss off anybody before the election, appears to be the order of the day.
Indeed, it is about time for Leaders to lead by example. After a long campaign, by many (myself included) Trump was recently seen wearing a face mask. Apparently, we are making small progress in the public relations department. However, Trump, apparently, is still afraid to demand the wearing of the very basic Personal Protection Equipment, the Mask. The actions by the US are still to fragmented to be effective.
It seems reelection worries trump (pun intended) public health concerns, to this very day. Let's not piss off anybody before the election, appears to be the order of the day.
Photo by WSJ
Do as I say but don't do what I do, says it all.
Considering that the U.S. is setting new records of daily new infections, it is of paramount importance that those politicians in the driver seat, summon their courage, and make the wearing of masks in public places, including public transport, mandatory. Police inspections must be part of this effort; people that flaunt this law must be fined, on the spot. All media must be required to broadcast daily this requirement and the consequence for non-compliance, as a public service.
Moreover, the media, as part of the effort, must show the public with graphics, how to wear the mask correctly; too many apparently have no idea as to the proper mask application. Those found with improper application shall also be fined; most, if not all, of these violators are just testing how far they can go, before proper enforcement is practiced.
When one compares the U.S.'s new explosion of infections with the proper control of other countries, it becomes clear that the lack of clear universal directions/requirements are the ruin of the country's health and economy. It almost appears that the U.S. leaders and the public at large have no social empathy for their fellow human beings.
We hear silly arguments like, "forcing me to wear a mask is violating my Constitutional Rights", or "there is no law that says that I must wear a mask", or worse yet, I am a free citizen of this country and nobody can require me to wear a mask.
How about, no citizen has the right to endanger the health and well-being of others?
In this Post revision, we no longer see the graphs in any particular order, to avoid cut and paste actions.
Click the Charts to enlarge them.
All the data shown in the above Histogram, as always, is normalized, thus comparisons are legitimate; this is not the case with the following Daily Infections charts, here we look at individual trends of each country's ability to reduce their daily infection numbers.
Without a doubt, the foregoing graph reflects an out-of-control situation. It is the result of, lack of direction, and considerate compliance with logical necessary behavior. It appears, the wearing of masks has now become a political rather than a health consideration. Similar is true about the drug hydroxychloroquine. Other countries use it to save lives, Doctors and Nurses use it for prevention, and Trump likes it, and thus it got killed by the obedient big name doctors, in compliance with the wishes of the 'Big Pharma Drug Lords', who can afford to buy medical opinions. No doubt, political alignments also played a major role, for canceling this drug's testing, and, apparently, bought medical advice against it's use.
As of 7/26/2020
Canada remains erratic, of late, it is hoped their infection reductions will become steady again, although, currently, they are heading in the wrong direction.
As of 7/26/2020
The U.K. appears to be heading in the wrong direction, at present; they had such a good run.
As of 7/26/2020
Russia's daily new infections are about 6,000 at present, however, their downward trend is very strong, and without any significant hesitation.
Please do read the Comment Section, vital information can be found; remember, this is a dynamic situation, and new knowledge is gained frequently.
The above analyses were aided by the use of
Statgraphics' Centurion 18 Statistical analysis software.