The following was posted onto the website of President Trump, to his attention.
"Mr. President,
How can America be great again when your Government continues the lies of all the previous Governments, in recent memory?
My case in point is this LIE, repeated year after year. My letter from the Social Security Administration announcing my new benefit amount for 2018 starts with a big LIE! It says,
“Your Social Security benefits will increase by 2% in 2018 because of the rise in the cost of living.”
What it should have said is this.
“Your Social Security benefits will increase by 0.6% only in 2018, because we allotted 1.4% to the Medical Industrial Complex, granting them a $24.00 a month increase, in your case, which represents 21.8% over your last year’s monthly medical insurance premium.
We apologize that the 0.6% increase does not even come close to the 2.0% current inflation, i.e. cost of living increase. However, you must agree that screwing you is much less burdensome, and thus more cost effective for us, than had we done our job and hold the Medical Industrial Complex to cost increases not exceeding the official rate of inflation.”
Your Government, like the many before you, has elected to let the ongoing Medicare fraud continue, by allowing, and thus paying inflated medical charges, without any apparent opposition. How else can our Medicare cost keep going up at these rates? During your campaign you promised to tackle this problem, and save a lot of taxpayer money, in doing so. Where is the evidence?
For example, I made this year about three visits to the doctor’s office, all of which pretty much routine, like renewing prescription, discussing blood tests, and fighting an ongoing cold. In each case I was not seen by a doctor, as in days gone by, but by a Nurse Practitioner, or a PAC, Physician Assistant Certified. Adding to that the new E-Visits, which is more time saving yet, the cost of doing business is less yet. I am convinced, every one of these charges claimed from the Government forgot to mention that a lower, less expensive individual, or method, like E-Visits, did the job, and not a Medical Doctor. Had claims like these been honest, I would have seen a reduction in premium, and not an increase!
Now, Mr. President, how can America be great again, when, according to the Government, it is occupied by over 320 million idiots, by us the public? It is clear to me, this great America does not include us retired workhorses, who made America great, in years gone by. In fact, our Governments managed very well to keep us in constant fear about our earned and paid for Social Security benefits, by threatening payment cuts, at every opportunity. Shame, shame, and more shame!
I am looking to you to stop these fake facts, emanating from your Government now. You rightfully object to fake news; well, I object to fake facts, dressed in misleading statements by the Social Security Administration, or any other departments.
This 0.6 % increase, in real purchasing power, is an insult to everyone's intelligence, and clearly shows how little your Government thinks of us; we are indeed idiots for accepting this without rioting in the streets. America will never be great again, as long as our Government misuses our tax dollars to feed the already super rich, at our expense!"